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Do or Die: It ends tomorrow


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Well guys it happened. Just to update everyone. I ended up going to a party on Halloween night and met a girl whom Ive seen around campus multiple times. We danced, had fun and I ended up getting lucky that night. I had such an awesome time the next day on impulse I messaged my ex-gf on Facebook simply because I didnt want to waste anymore time wondering about her. I was feeling great and confident. It was just what I needed. So anyway heres what I messaged her:


"Hey. I know we haven't spoken in a while but I wanted to talk to you on the phone to see how you've been. Only problem is that I don't have your number and cant remember the last 4 digits. But anyway, let me know what you think.




I kept it super casual because at the time, I didnt even care if she would reply. I simply did just want to talk to her just to ask hows life? Anyway, she saw the message a few minutes after I sent it but never replied. Its exactly been 24 hours since I message and still no reply. This morning, I was a little upset over it, but I reminisced about how much fun I had thursday night so I ended up genuinely saying f her. The only thing I honestly regret is just even dating her. Sure, I learned alot from this relationship in general and grew up allot. But I seriously feel like a cold woman like that doesn't deserve anything nice. Ok, we didnt work out and you dumped me. Grow the F up. You don't have be a snoot about it and torch our bridge. I should have taken the hints from my friend when they advised me that shes a little too reserved for me. But anyway folks, that's that. Who knows where the road will take me. But one thing is for sure, its definitely not with her. I know I can, will AND deserve better.

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You guys are broken up, and you are acting like she owes you something. She doesn't owe you anything. Once you are broken up, that's really all you need to know, that you are broken up. I hope that this will stop you from contacting her in the future. She doesn't wish to talk to you, and you can't FORCE someone to talk to you.


Good luck!

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