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A question to bi-sexual women out there?

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hello to you all


i am not against bi-sexual women and lesbian relationship, i would like to know why some women prefer lesbians, rather than men, is it because of bad experiences with men or is it because lesbians are really loyal and great partners, and how long does these relationship last? please reply anyone? please?

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Hi, I'll answer your question the best that I can. I have never been in a lesbian relationship, but I'm in the process of getting my heart broken by a lesbian that I'm crazy about. I recently acknowledged my attraction to women and it's far more intense than any attraction that I've had for a man.


I'm attracted to women more than men because women are just more sensual and sexy without even trying. I mean, think of all of the reasons why you like a woman and there you have your answer. Women talk about things and overtalk about things. There's a special bond between women that is different in a man-woman relationship, even in women friendships. Women care about pleasing their partners and are care-takers in their relationships. Women are interested in each other and other people and are more giving than men. Women are cultured to spend time on their relationships and to care about their partners.


It's hard to explain attraction and what makes someone attracted to someone, but not someone else. I think that a lot of men are offended by lesbians because they don't desire or want to be in a relationship with a man. It threatens the status quo and men think because they have the package that means a woman wants them- Not so!


This is what I came up with for now. Maybe someone else who has been in a lesbian relationship can elaborate more.

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Well, I'm bi, but I've never been in a relationship with another woman, the statistics sort of conspire against you, also most gay/bi girls are still mostly in the closet(me being an example) and don't act so freely on their attraction for someone of the same sex than on someone of the opossite.

I realised I felt attracted to girls not so long ago, and not because I found myself staring at clivage or cheking them out, but because met someone smart, sensitive, funny, and only slightly crazy and I enjoyed her company so much, she would do or say things so wicked or/and cute that made me want to kiss her and the fact that she was a woman was only incidental, it had all to do with her personality and very little to do with the gender.

After much confusion and consideration I came to the conclusion that it's too hard to find someone who understand you and your neurosis, that is similar enough to share interests with you and different enough to bring something new to your day, to simply dismiss half the possibilities because of their sex.

But on the physical side of attraction, I'm really curious to touch or be touched by another girl 'cause there'd be less hurry and much more tenderness, the seduction is far more subtle, it takes more that a short skirt to get a woman interested.

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you are so right, i guess i am being so demanding, sorry to you all guys out there, and thank you JonnyG for the reply.






Women care about pleasing their partners and are care-takers in their relationships. Women are interested in each other and other people and are more giving than men. Women are cultured to spend time on their relationships and to care about their partners.


i completely agree with you, but there are also men doing these things; care-takers in a relantionship, more giving, spends time for the relationship and care about their partners (these are rare species of men), how long will this female bond last? is it for companionship or a partnership for life? i am so sorry if these questions are offending to you?






because met someone smart, sensitive, funny, and only slightly crazy and I enjoyed her company so much, she would do or say things so wicked or/and cute that made me want to kiss her and the fact that she was a woman was only incidental, it had all to do with her personality and very little to do with the gender.


these is so true, but would you still consider having a guy in your life, incase you broke up with a lesbian, or would you look for another lesbian again?


I came to the conclusion that it's too hard to find someone who understand you and your neurosis, that is similar enough to share interests with you and different enough to bring something new to your day, to simply dismiss half the possibilities because of their sex.


i know exactly how you feel and it is really frustrating, i guess everyone really wants to have that good connection, but would still consider being married with a guy

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I think that since there are no laws or marriage licenses in same-sex relationships there's a lot of gray areas. It sort of depends on the partners involved as to how long the relationship lasts. If I were in a relationship right now with another woman I would want it to last for as long as we were good for each other. I'm not sure if I would get married if it were legal. It would depend on many things.

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im bi and i am open with it bc it is who i am and i can't change it


i see your point there, but let me tell about something i've been going out with this girl and i know she's not bi-sexual by heart, i've never treated this girl poorly, i gave everything she wanted, except this... she wants to get married soon, i told her i wasn't ready yet, things got cold after that, got small fights but i assume it's workable, last june we broke up, after 3 months she's living with a lesbian.


i mean woman are great lovers, i'm glad that no jerk would disrespect her, but i am so hurt i dont know why, my question now is why she had a sudden change of heart (turned into bi-sexual) it is so painful for me to see her with a new person in her life.


i'm sorry if i am telling you this, i really need all your point of view for me to understand things






If I were in a relationship right now with another woman I would want it to last for as long as we were good for each other


you really made me cry with this one, i dont know if i could still win my exgf back, i can't move on, i still love this girl, what should i do?

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Sorry, didn't mean to break your heart. Thanks for sharing your story. I know that this might sound harsh and I don't mean for it to, but you need to move on. As hard as that sounds. It's irrational to try to "win" back your gf. She is with someone else now, whether it is a woman or another man. It sounds like she has moved on with her life and it would be really disrespectful for you to try to impose on her relationship with someone else and she may resent you for it in the long run. I


t's hard to know how long she will be in this relationship with a lesbian and I don't recommend sitting and waiting around, hoping that they will break up soon because you could end up waiting the rest of your life. But, I actually did read that most first and usually second lesbian relationships faze out more quickly than subsequent ones. It's because lesbians learn from their early relationships and are more careful not to make the same mistakes in later relationships. It's true of any relationship, really. She could actually be claiming that she is a lesbian now and not have any interest in being with a man again. It happens all of the time. So even if they did break up, there's no guarantee that she would want to be with you. She may try to look for another woman.


I think the best things for you to do are to maybe seek counseling to try to grieve your loss and move on with your life. Try to go out and meet other people, date other girls, take up a new skill or a new class. You have got to move on. I don't see any way around it.


I am in the same boat you are, sort of. This woman that I have a crush on pretty much gave me the brush off two weeks ago. I have known her for 1.5 yrs and thought things were progressing towards a relationship. I thought that I was straight or claimed I was for my whole life, even though I have been attracted to other women, just never acted on my feelings. So this was the first time that I acknowledged my feelings for someone of the same sex. I am also in the process of trying to move on. I am in love with this woman and I would do just about anything to be with her, but from the way that she's acted towards me I'm thinking it's best that I move on. So I am trying to do other things in my life like meet new people, spend more time with other friends, giving people advice on this forum, exercising. I know that if I occupy my time and my thoughts with other things that sooner or later she will go away. Hopefully sooner rather than later!


I hope that helped you a little.

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Well Ryan,


I guess sexuality isn't something we have a choice about. I prefer women because they are more interesting to me, sexier (because of their minds i think), physically attractive, and i just seem to be attracted to them, i don't know why. I still like men, and can definitely identify a 'sexy' guy, or a guy i admire (although they are few and far between). I think men are two dimensional (no offence to any men out there) and women are so much more intricate, and this interests me. I find i can manipulate a guy, get him around my little finger, but not so with women and this appeals to me.


There are many theories as to why people become gay, the hormonal one being just one of them, but i think the one that appeals to me the most is that there is something inside the human brain which dicates who we are attracted to. This and the pheremones theory helps explain the phenomena of attraction to me.



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i am still in the process of moving on, it seems like i'm just faking it for the most part of moving on, i pretend that i don't love her anymore but my heart tells me i still loved her, this is really hard






i know exactly what your saying, its attractive when a person is confident, and its easy to manipulate a guy because you know their weaknesses, but manipulating a girl is different its complicated, i feel really bad to hear those things, but you sure did give me something to bare in mind.

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I know Ryan. After i posted that message, i reflected on what i said and i think a better way for me to describe my relationships with guys is that they are more straightforward, and i really like this, but i have found, in the past, that i was able to manipulate guys. I also considered the possibility that i might not have met a guy that poses a challenge to me yet, or one that i cannot manipulate. This is a real possibility, so i think there could be guys out there that would be suitable for me, but all those things i mentioned about women are too prominant for me to ignore.

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