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How to be the life of the party???


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I'm very shy and I find it very hard to make friends much less talk to new people. How do I start conversations, be the life of the party, and gain friends? Don't tell me to pick up a book. I would like advice from real people with different points of view and not one author. How should I approach cute guys who don't show an interest in me? I'm not trying to get a date but it would be really cool just to get to know them as friends.

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Depending on your age... if your in HS or anything, just do some random funny things - be a party person, enjoy life. I know I used to be like this when I was like... G8-ish, but I came around, I knew lots of people but was shy, but then I started interacting with people, talking about common interests and arguments. Eventually become friends and sometimes you will depend on them or they will depend on you. Then just have patience, keep it going with people and you'll see yourself being "THE PARTY" in a few months.


Oh and one very important thing - BE YOURSELF/Have fun

Just talk with the cute guys you like, start off by saying things like "hey how are ya?" and then develop from there.


Friendships and Relationships don't just pop outta nowhere, they develop through time.

Good Luck

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Well let me start by saying that initially you should not aspire to "be the life of the party", but improving your social skills is definitely a good start.


Different people have different personalities, people that have the type of outgoing personality that is "life of parties" does not practice this, it is just who they are.


Put yourself in the situation where you are captivating everyones attention, and you say something stupid? For somoene shy this might be devastating to their self image, but for an extrovert, well, they would just laugh it off, and carry on with other shenanigans.


First of all, start by reading your newpaper, and I have found also reading Autobiography's of famous people is a very good conversation starter. It tells the listener a lot about you. That you are aware of what is going on in the wold, and that you are an interesting intellectual person, better than everyone just reading the soap opera mags.


Next, practice witty remarks and comments (NOT sarcastic) on your close friends and family, to get used to using them, and see the reactions of people. If you are comfortable using them, then start using it with strangers. (By this im not reffering to pickuplines, just interesting things to say, that could spark interest, and conversation)


Hope this helps?

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Depending on your age... if your in HS or anything, just do some random funny things - be a party person, enjoy life. I know I used to be like this when I was like... G8-ish, but I came around, I knew lots of people but was shy, but then I started interacting with people, talking about common interests and arguments. Eventually become friends and sometimes you will depend on them or they will depend on you. Then just have patience, keep it going with people and you'll see yourself being "THE PARTY" in a few months.


Oh and one very important thing - BE YOURSELF/Have fun

Just talk with the cute guys you like, start off by saying things like "hey how are ya?" and then develop from there.


Friendships and Relationships don't just pop outta nowhere, they develop through time.

Good Luck


Hah it would've been easier if I was in high school but I'm in college. How do you find common interests of people you've just met? I've tried asking cute guys " how are you" and introducing myself. But after we introduce ourselves and ask about majors the convo ends. ](*,) I go to univ too so when I meet new people at parties I won't see them for a few months. So, how would I keep things going beyond the party? Or would it be hopeless to try?

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Depending on your age... if your in HS or anything, just do some random funny things - be a party person, enjoy life. I know I used to be like this when I was like... G8-ish, but I came around, I knew lots of people but was shy, but then I started interacting with people, talking about common interests and arguments. Eventually become friends and sometimes you will depend on them or they will depend on you. Then just have patience, keep it going with people and you'll see yourself being "THE PARTY" in a few months.


Oh and one very important thing - BE YOURSELF/Have fun

Just talk with the cute guys you like, start off by saying things like "hey how are ya?" and then develop from there.


Friendships and Relationships don't just pop outta nowhere, they develop through time.

Good Luck


Hah it would've been easier if I was in high school but I'm in college. How do you find common interests of people you've just met? I've tried asking cute guys " how are you" and introducing myself. But after we introduce ourselves and ask about majors the convo ends. ](*,)


Oh then just like... fake something ask the guy if he could help you with some... equation or assignment. While your doing that, just keep the convo going by asking him interests and... what hes pursuing (career-wise) and just... go along with the flow, ask him if hes upto anything and... well you get my point

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uiversities have all sorts of activity groups yuo can join based on your interests....the best way to make friends is to join one or two...it's easy to have conversations and make friends with people you share a common interest with.


If you are at a party, and you meet someone you thik you may want to get to know better outside of the "party" atmosphere...ask if they would want to get together sometime....and exchange phone numbers.


You don't have to be the "life of the party" to make friends...you jsut have to start by assiociating with people who have like interests.

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uiversities have all sorts of activity groups yuo can join based on your interests....the best way to make friends is to join one or two...it's easy to have conversations and make friends with people you share a common interest with.


If you are at a party, and you meet someone you thik you may want to get to know better outside of the "party" atmosphere...ask if they would want to get together sometime....and exchange phone numbers.


You don't have to be the "life of the party" to make friends...you jsut have to start by assiociating with people who have like interests.


I'm a PhD student and doctoral students NEVER associate with undergrads.

Maybe because of the maturity level and to prevent TA/ student problems.

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