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I don't know where to go from here! Plz help!


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I met this guy bout a month ago. We've talked on the phone many times. And he's called me about twice a week. I invited him over last week to meet my family and myself in person. He stayed for a good 3-4 hours.


However he hasn't called me since he came over. Does this mean he's uninterested? Or should I call him? I don't wanna be too pushy here and seem annoying. I'm wondering if it could be the slight age gap between us (5 years)


I really don't know what to do here. Any advice?

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What's the time gap since he met you in person, and now? (how long since you last heard from him?)


That would give an indication if he's avoiding you, or didn't have time yet. If it is a day or two, relax. If it is a week, and you used to talk more often than that, call him, and see what happens?

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