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Feeling defeated :(

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I'm a senior in highschool and I'm a straight A student and my marks are very very important to me. I only have 2 courses to take this semester, chemistry and advanced functions.


I try really hard to get at least a high 80 in each class but it's grade 12 and the material has gotten a lot harder. I like to say I have great work ethics. Yes I may procrastinate...hmmm okay maybe not that great work ethics.


I understand that I need a balance between social life and student life. Well what I'm getting at is that I've been behind in my classes. It's very hard to focus in class. My mind just can't focus on what the teacher is saying. I know that if I ask questions and focus I will get the material. But it's like my mind won't shut off. I think too much about other things. And it's like I can't control it.


I'm behind in class at the moment. Even when I get home from school I'm so tired and I don't know why. I've been trying to sleep lately. Have I been over working my brain? I don't know what to do. I need help on either time management, how to do homework effectively. Idk just anything. I'm desperate right now.

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Take a deep breath, and try to refocus on proper perspective. Have you decided on where you will be going to college yet? Generally, that's the purpose of getting good grades in high school. To get into a good college and/or receive scholarships. Once that is decided, there should be less pressure on grades.


If you are getting pressure from other places (parents, peers, etc), you need to realize that you are becoming an adult, and that you should begin looking inside your heart for direction. Don't get caught in the trap of living your life to please other people. If you do, you will be prone to being manipulated and unhappy throughout your adulthood.

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