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Moments of weakness.

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Hello, it's been a few weeks since the break up and I feel like I've been making great progress! I've been following advice given to me from you all and I haven't cried in a long time. We go to the same school and will see each other once in awhile and I'm able to talk to him cheerfully.


I don't know why but only recently have I been thinking about my ex a lot. More than usual. He's always in the back of my mind, everything always reminds me if memories we had. And it really saddens me. I know it's probably just a phase and maybe it'll pass. But I really miss him. I'm trying really hard to distract myself or even forcefully push it out of my mind. I have the sudden urge to message him but my common sense won't allow me to.


What do you guys do when this happens?

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Exercise, read, cook, martial arts, yoga, movies, homework, try to learn piano, read stuff online (cracked, fmylife, the editing room, ena, scientific journals)


I can relate to thinking about an ex all the time and not being able to stop. Find something to focus on. If you can't, learn a new skill. It might not push them completely out of your head, but it should help.


Glad you're making progress.

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For me, I found picking up an activity or hobby for the sake of getting my mind of my ex, actually made me think of her. I found that doing what I always do (read, write and work) actually keeps her out of my mind and the jealousy away.


Keep up the good work.

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It's good to know that you're being strong and mature through your break up.

But learn that it's perfectly fine to lean back sometimes, to let our emotions rule over our mind and as soy said, you know it's just a phase. It'll pass away, too.

Don't try too hard to avoid it, accept it as a part of life and growing up, and be graceful in your conduct about it. Sure you'd miss him for a while and watching him everyday at school is going to make you remember the memories all the more, all the time, but not everyone need to know it, right?

In the meanwhile, try hanging out with your friends more often, do things that you like, leaner something new and exciting, and the best - try to do something exciting and adventurous that you thought you would never had enough guts to do. Not only it will release your heart and mind of the fear that grasped you for long, it will also help you find insurmountable confidence in self, that you can the divert to get over your ex's thoughts completely.


(P.S.: In case you still need help, know that we all are here.)

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