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Dilemma with balancing school and work


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So I work at a shoppers pharmacy and I'm in grade 12. I'm a pharmacy assistant and I'm more of a back up/substitute where they call me when they need someone. I found that perfectly find because I've been focusing on school! I'm a part time student so I only have chemistry and advanced functions to focus on. Granted they are very challenging and I'm using my 2 spares and extra time wisely. For example always making notes and such.


Today my boss texted me asking if I could work Thursdays regularly 5-9. But the thing is, is that I have after school band every Thursday until 4:30! School ends at 2:30 for me and band starts at 2:40 so I have no time to eat or do homework before hand or after even if I wanted to.


I don't know if I should take the regular shifts or continue to take random shifts every once inawhile. But I always feel obligated to take shifts he gives to me last minute ( like the day of).


I don't know if I should include this, but last year I worked every Wednesday and I remember always being stressed balancing work and school even though it's only once a week with the occasional extra shift. My work habits have changed significantly and this time I only have 2 courses opposed to 4 last year.


I don't know when I would even be able to eat, and if I could handle the work load. I should be focusing on school shouldn't i....please help!!!!!!!

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You are young and in high school. This phase of your life only comes and goes once in your lifetime. Enjoy it to the fullest because once you graduate there is no going back.


In addition, the pharmacy job sounds good but you will have the rest of your life to work. The latter is mandatory for most of his on this planet. So why rush into a job?


Either way, it sounds like a good problem to have on this board.


Good luck with your studies.

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It is totally ok to decline, if you feel like working Thursdays would be too much.


Big hugs to you for working hard and taking your studies seriously. Do you ever have some free time to relax and spend with your friends? It's awesome that you work so hard - but it's not worth it if it means you being stressed. That's usually the cue to cut back on something.

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I've been working there for a year now! Yes, I have been making time for myself as well! I've recently gone through a break up, and I'm using this opportunity to focus on doing what I love to do, for instance, reading, working out, and making arts and crafts. Some people think I have too much time on my hands. but I manage to keep up in school and indulge in hobbies, so I don't really cares. I've also made a lot of new friends and I'm making time to keep in touch with close friends and family.


Right now I think I'm at a perfect balance of school, me time, and friends/ family. I'm afraid work will only disrupt the fragile balance I have. I don't know if it's relevant but the break up has really teared me down and I'm slowly but surely healing, and the very peaceful lifestyle I have right now is helping a lot.


Work has never been a high priority but I understand money is very important especially when I go to university.


My marks have always been the focus of my life, everything revolves around school. I don't know if that's the best mindset. So basically you believe I shouldn't accept the regular shifts?


Sorry for the rambling, I just want to get as much information out there so everyone can give the most informative advice.

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Tell your boss that you don't get out of band until 4:30. Your boss might allow you to start at 5:30 in that case. Or you pack a lunch that day - eat an apple on your way to band or a granola bar and after band eat a sandwich you have with you = at work or before you get in the car. If you don't want the shift, don't take it. But it can be done if you want to either by telling your boss your sched. and your boss adjusting or by you hustling or both. And out at 9 - you can still unwind a little with family before bed.


I know work is not a high priority, but if you are reliable at work now, it only looks good for you when you try to apply for a job you REALLY want in the summer, in college, etc, or it just gives you a good work ethic. Maybe your boss wants you to work one regular shift per week and that's understandable.

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One thing you need to learn in life for when you get older is balance, when you don't have it you constantly feel stressed. You can discuss picking up an extra shift or two with your boss, but I think its pretty unfair of them to expect you to work regularly. Explain that there are times where you might be able to do additional work, but school at this point should be your priority. You can work the rest of your life and in highschool your expenses are pretty limited, your grades, however, will stick with you for a longtime and so I suggest trying to make them as high as possible.

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Update: I talked to my boss, telling him that school is a priority and I won't be able to work regularly but I can take random shifts depending on my workload at that time. Since all my tests are done by Thursday I'm able to work next week. He totally understood, and told me not to stress!

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