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Stupid triggers

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On my journey to get over my ex, I feel like I'm doing pretty good so far. Distracting myself with school, and friends, and essentially working on myself.


But throughout the day ill start missing him like no tomorrow. As if all my hard work to not think about him is gone to waste. It's not when I'm alone in public , but when I'm alone at home. That's when I feel sad. Especially when I go to take a nap I feel especially lonely.


It's strange when I'm in public all I want to be is alone but when I'm alone at home I want to be around people

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Stupid sad song came on while I'm doing my homework. This is so ridiculous. I keep thinking about how much I miss him. Why can't my brain realize that I'm wasting so much time on this one guy. I can't help but wonder what he's up to. Around this time we'd be on Skype talking about nonsense. Or right around now he's be going to eat dinner while I try to finish up my homework.


Just ranting

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Just remember. Why did we end in the first place?


He does not love you the same way as he did before. He may still care but he will NOT kiss you again, he will NOT hold you again, he will NOT look at you the same way........


It is not your fault. You will grow from this and find someone who will be so much better for you and will make you the happiest girl in the world.


You have learned from your mistakes. And you are a stronger, wiser person than before. The one you find will be the most handsome, down to earth guy. Who knows how to appreciate, and love a girl. You won't ever lose yourself to someone ever again. And that my friend is what you have to realize.

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Just made a revelation.


I just miss the intimacy we used to have. Having someone to call at night, someone to cuddle and watch movies with, someone's hand to hold when we're going somewhere. I think I miss that than the actual person.


I don't know if that's supposed to make me feel better or not

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Just made a revelation.


I just miss the intimacy we used to have. Having someone to call at night, someone to cuddle and watch movies with, someone's hand to hold when we're going somewhere. I think I miss that than the actual person.


I don't know if that's supposed to make me feel better or not


Same boat sweety. I miss all the things that came with her and the relationship..not necessarily her. I think it's a good thing. It means we fell for love and not just the other human in particular, which means it will happen again! Just give it time.

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I know the feeling all too well. Look on the bright side, you don't have to see them nearly everyday. Trust me that helps,I'm not so lucky, I work with my ex. As a result, a year has gone by and I'm still struggling, I wish I could move on as quickly as she did. I still think about the times we had but now I'm wondering if they were even real.


I miss kissing her forehead or hugging her from behind just because I knew she loved it. I miss that look in her eye when we see each other at work. I have it in my head that it's over but occasionally the music that I played in my car, triggers memories of us together. Know what? I even sold the car to get rid of the memories in it.


We'd spend nights by a lookout just talking, playing around,kissing. I'd just hold her in my arms and we talked about the future. Just go for a drive after work,relax sometimes. I want that back so much it's ridiculous. The hardest part is accepting that she doesn't care anymore, that she's happier with someone else.


I guess I turned out to be below the expectation she had of me. Whatever it is, I'm still struggling because as a result of the breakup I was pretty much expelled from our social circle at work. I stopped trying to fit in since, it's a no win situation. For awhile I was good but on the eve of the year, I started waking up feeling nauseous, sometimes not even feeling like getting out of bed. You'll be better because you don't have to see him everyday.............

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