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This silence get us nowhere- gets us nowhere way too fast!!


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not a sound

not a murmur




just silence

no hearts beating




nobody near

nobody to hear



silence surrounds me

it consumes my heart

filling it with dread

i deserve to be dead


time moves on and takes me with it

kicking and screaming

it takes no notice

nobody can hear my screams


silent screams in the night

locked inside my head

pound my skull

trying to escape


i am tied

i am drawn

i need to escape

silence is all that greets me



everybody hears noise

i hear nothing

i cannot speak

cannot eat


this silence gets us notwhere way too fast!


tell me what you think

Catie xxx

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I don't like the last line that much. Because it's suddenly about "us" when previously it was about your own head trip. Unless I'm mistaken. I just seems out of place to me. I'm all about trippy last lines, but it's nice when they relate well with the rest of the poem. If you're talking about a particular person, maybe there should be a reference to that in the poem or something.


Also: everybody else can hear everything, but nobody can hear your screams, and you cannot speak. Maybe you could develop that a little more. And you say "nothing" a lot in the first three stanzas and then don't repeat it. I think maybe you should work on meshing the whole thing a little more when you edit it. I'm no poet, personally, and rarely read this stuff, so don't take my criticism too seriously.



Oh! Forgot the part I liked: the imagery of silence making noise is good. Silence shouldn't pound or scream, but it does in your poem, which helps to give it a deeper quality.

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its ok i wanted some constructive criticism any way and thanks for it

and it does have some hidden meaning in it cos slowly but surely im losing my hearing its a degeneration of my cochlea that i can do nothing to control. thats why i hear there is nothing.

o and i was bored so i made it up on the spot.

ok so wot do you think to this then?



no sweet sounds of your voice

nothing but blood pounding against my ears




i make no sounds

i make no noise




nobody can hear me

nobody can help me



so thats about all i can think of for now so just let me know what you think.

Catie xxx

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