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Why is it at night that I feel like I'm moving on and I'm getting better but then once morning comes around all I can do is think about him. Then it's like I take 2 steps back and cry again. When will this pain stop and why only when I wake up. I want him back but I know he was or never will be good for me.

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Mornings are always worse, at least it was for me. In my case she sometimes worked third, but when I woke up she was always there next to me. Once she was gone that obviously stopped. As everyone has mentioned before its one of those things that take time. I also believe throughout the day you think about getting over it so much and then when you go to sleep you subconscious takes over which still misses him, so when you wake up it's fresh all over again. I cant tell you how many times I went to bed never wanting to hear from my ex again and when I woke up I missed her like crazy. it's annoying for sure, but you'll get there eventually.

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I would stay up til 3, 4, even 5 in the morning, cuz i couldn't stand to go to bed alone. (I'd probably be on here! )

But i would feel better....like maybe i was moving on....by the time i went to bed.


I'd wake up and be soooooo depressed. I wouldn't want to get out of bed. I am self-employed....so many times i just didn't!


I figured i was waking up to another day of emptiness....another day of being alone...just another day of tears.....eh.


I thought i was the only one who found themselves in this situation....now i see it is common!


Chin, up...it's going on 3 years for me and this summer i have finally laughed! I'm going kayaking this afternoon and hiking. Unfortunately it's with a 'friend' and not a bf....even tho he would like it to be! HA! Not feelin' it! But a few days ago the 'friend' and i were in the car in the eve. together, and my cell rang. Ex bf. eh....didn't answer cuz i didn't want to hurt the guy. But i didn't even get all nervous/ upset/ excited. I just thought, 'eh, wonder what he wants...."

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No one ever warned me that love could be so painful. I miss him so so so much. Sigh. I hate crying


"Love" isn't painful. Bad boyfriends are painful. This guy wasn't "the one" for you -- the right guy WON'T make you suffer this way!!


Don't make the mistake of confusing what you're going through now with love..... don't settle for guys who make you cry, ever. You deserve better!

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Still have the sadness & tears here.

Been 4 mos. (had a ltr)- feeling so broken still. I TRY getting up in the mornings w/out the tears. It usually works for a little while, BUT sometime thru the day it WILL arrive.

usually by lunchtime.. like today, i had a 'trigger' by something i read (certain amt of months and how 'he loved her').

I know i'll feel 'broken & tears' again before i goto bed tonight.

It just happens and i will- as i 'realize' my 'loss' again..with my thoughts and have my little meltdown.

It's NOT easy.. when it's someone you came to love!.. So hard to let go-


You know that saying.. 'Hardest part of Love is letting go'

But... One day at a time.

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Mornings are definitely the worst times for me. Like the previous poster said, there hasn't been one morning where I haven't thought of him. However the pain does get easier. For me at least, it took 3 solid months before I could stop crying in the morning. The tears still hit me, but it's not related to the morning and I can now wake up and feel peaceful. This just started happening over the last few weeks.

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i think i've read somewhere that seratonin levels are lowest in the morning, which is probably why you feel so bad. i read that 4 AM is statistically the hour when the most suicides occur.


it sometimes helps me to know some of my moods are hormonally-induced, because that helps me regain perspective.

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It is always worst in the mornings, I make it a policy now to never act on my feelings either first thing in the morning or last thing at night. I usually find I no longer want to send that text message or email if I wait until during the day.... lol. Once you are up and moving and busy you will find you feel less upset, I think like Annie said, you need to get the serotonin and other good hormones pumping and you start feeling better.

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Mornings tend to be the worst, I think, because in the evening, we've spent the whole day working and/or socializing, keeping busy. We fall asleep, and then wake up alone, suddenly remembering what we've lost, and the pain is really acute. Once we get going again, working, socializing, keeping busy, we get distracted and it feels as though things are better. There's that awful thing that happens, too, when we wake up feeling OK and then...BOOM!...it hits us that the person is gone -- we remember what sleep had allowed us to blissfully forget.


The trick is to have something to get out of bed for. Work, of course, is a biggie, but for those who don't work or work later in the day, there needs to be something else -- like exercise, social activities, a particular routine. Once you get out of bed and get moving, it gets easier. The important thing is to not indulge too much in that early-morning sadness, or it will hold you down all day.

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i think i've read somewhere that seratonin levels are lowest in the morning, which is probably why you feel so bad. i read that 4 AM is statistically the hour when the most suicides occur.


it sometimes helps me to know some of my moods are hormonally-induced, because that helps me regain perspective.


Whoa....you know...I've awakened before at around 3:30-4:00 feeling like CRAP -- a number of times, actually. I'll have to read up on this because I would say there's definitely something to it.


My worst moods ARE hormonally-induced, especially now that I'm in my early 40's. I have terrible PMS -- to the point where I feel like I'm going to lose it. It only lasts for a few days, and I generally know when it's coming and can *prepare* for it (as much as it is possible to prepare -- LOL!)

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The mornings were always the worst times for me also in the beginning.


Throughout the day I would recite reasons why we were not a good match and I would remember all the bad things he did. It was almost like I would spend the day convincing myself why the breakup was a blessing in disguise. I would go to bed feeling so empowered and then I would wake up in the morning and start the cycle all over again! Doh lol

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Added to the flood of memories and emotions that pour in when you wake up and re-enter the real world. Mornings always worse , at least for me. When I suffer in drawn out evenings ruminating I try and tire myself out on the exercise bike or go for a walk. Seems to help me get to sleep

i think i've read somewhere that seratonin levels are lowest in the morning, which is probably why you feel so bad. i read that 4 AM is statistically the hour when the most suicides occur.


it sometimes helps me to know some of my moods are hormonally-induced, because that helps me regain perspective.

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My worst moods ARE hormonally-induced, especially now that I'm in my early 40's. I have terrible PMS -- to the point where I feel like I'm going to lose it. It only lasts for a few days, and I generally know when it's coming and can *prepare* for it (as much as it is possible to prepare -- LOL!)


This is off-topic, but a doctor once prescribed me Evening Primrose Oil supplements for severe PMS -- and I was completely cured. It contains an Omega fatty acid that regulates hormones.

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im looking at all the posts saying how it'll take 2-3 months to years to get over a person. and i can't help but think i really am not willing to spend that much time on a person...


That's a VERY good attitude! I cried every day....i mean every day for 4 months! I would cry as i drove to work lots of times! I do massage and hair, and i had to concentrate then on my customers.


I met someone (didn't work out at all....only saw him for a few weeks....txted for 6 months tho) that got my mind off of the ex. Now i met a 'friend'. Who is only a friend, but helps to have someone to get out and DO things with!


So all and all, it's been 3 years since he met someone, and he's on to another woman after her already. So karma.


I don't think i will ever meet someone i loved as much as him, and maybe that's a good thing. I had made him my life.

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