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Filling out the fall


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What does it take to get that rush? A beer or two will just get you drunk, a puff of pot will get you high, and possibly make your life pass by. So what does it take to fill out the fall? A joy ride or two beneath a bridge going as fast like two crazy kids! Then we flip into a ditch and life is ended just that quick!


What about sex for the first time, is it true love or just a lie? whatever it is you feel that rush but sooner or later you dont feel much. You may feel like you've filled the fall but you only got caught up in the moment of it all. Romance or not it now is gone and you are left wondering what went wrong?


So how do you stop falling with the rest of the world? That question is yours and you can only answer---why ask me thats obsurd!



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I find my rush from hip/hop Urban style dancing, I'm not your average dancer, i would consider myself (from people's comments) Advanced dancer, I like how the crowd reacts when i Float/Glide accross the dance floor, the Move similar to Ushers *signature move* "U-turn" but mines a little more stylish-


Any ways it gives me a RUSH when i hear the ladies screams, "GO WHITE BOY" than they find out my real name is Sail....I'm starting to think my parents named me not b/c there were hippies. (joking) but because i always danced when i was younger. IDK, something iv 'e always advanced on, and will never stop learning, hands down a positive rush for me.

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