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I have a cutting problem.....


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I have a cutting problem and i dont kno how to stop i've become addicted to it and i want to stop cuz now i cut and i burn myself and it can get really bad. I've told some of my friends about me cutting but it just seems that tell to understand and some have freaked out and have been mad at me which doesnt help. I started cutting last year in 8th grade and i was cutting a lot...i had a total of over 60 cuts on my shoudlers and my wraist. Its just really cutting isnt me but yet i still do it but back to what i was saying.... my friends that i told started to worry about me more and more after about a month so my parents found out and they talked to me about it and thats when i stopped for about 5 months. But then start of this school year (9th) i started up again cuz i was feeling really depressed and that cutting was my only way to solve it. my friends caught me with the cuts once already this year but yet i keep on cutting its like i dont feel like they care. not some of my cuts have gotten worse (as in a little bit deeper) and now recently i started to burn myself. i just dont kno what to do anymore cuz i want to stop but i dont kno how and i dont wanna get help but maybe thats cuz i think that they're goin to be judgemental of me. its just so hard and i've become addicted and i rele do wanna stop.


so can anyone please give me some advice?



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when you get the urge to cut, you can try to think about who your hurting. Also the stuff that you use to cut and burn you can get rid of. I know that it's hard to stop. But Ive been there. It's not fun. I know how it feels to not want help but at some point and time if you don't stop you more than likely are going to need medical attention. What reason is it that you cut? Think about it. Is it really worth it. Can you honestly say that hurting yourself makes things any better?? Well if you cant stop or need somebody to talk to feel free to im me.


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hey thanx for that advice....i've talked to ppl but it doesnt help a whole lot sometimes it makes me wanna cut more and i dont wanna do that. and i think sometimes it get worse cuz it feels like the ppl i talk to about cutting dont understand cutting so they dont kno really what im goin through.

so basically i need someone that i can talk to that understands cutting

idk.....i just wanna stop but i cant....and the thing is i cant really get rid of the tool i use for cutting. and when i burn myself i definitly cant get rid of what i use for that.....i just gotta stop and i really do want to stop


I still need a lot of help!!!



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well chicksport,

I do cut so I do understand. But if you don't at least calm it down some, you might end up in the ICU like me. Be careful and just think about how much you don't want to cut when you get the urge. I know your less likely to think when you cut, but some part in you has to.

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thanx for the imput but i just dont kno what to do any more. First of all i dont even know where to start now. i want to cut so bad but i made a promise with one of my friends that all so cuts and she wants to stop to so we made a promise not to cut and if one of us did the other would be allowed to cut once......i rite now i feel the need to cut but i dont want to cut so that she can cuz i kno that she wants to stop to. and i cant lie to her about cuz that wouldnt be rite and that would be breakin the other part of my promise with her. i just dont kno what to do! i guess im just starting to freak myself out over this and im probably being paranoid over this but im scared and i just i need someone that i can really talk to.

Please HELP ME!!



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forget about my last post.....i gave in and i did cut. i guess im just not strong enough cause i keep on cutting and now im cutting deeper and deeper and more often. i use to be able to go a week with out cutting but now its become almost every other day almost but not quite. i rele do was to stop it just that i dont kno how. A lot of my friends are mad at me because im cutting, one actually started lecturing me and giving me an evil look. others tell me that its stupid and that im stupid.....i just i dont kno what to do anymore.....please someone help me....help me understand that i can stop......i dont want to do this to myself anymore cause i kno that its not worth it.....cause recently i've been trying to cut through the vein to end it all but luckily it hasnt worked.....i dont want to cut that deep i dont want to accidently cut to deep one time and end up killing myself


please help



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hi, well i'm not expert, but i just know if you want to stop and you give it your all, it is possible. it was possible for me. you have to understand that cutting is doing you no good. it feels like it, i know, but it's not. you can really hurt yourself. if you cut too deep, like around you wrists, near a vein, you can kill yourself or lose the ability to function that part of your body. you have to realize you have the power within you to deal with things in less harmful ways. i know you can and i believe in you, you just have to believe in yourself. life is sometimes a series of struggles, but it makies us stronger in the end, ready to take on life full force in the future. you've got it in you i know it. you can do it. and i promise i'll support you no matter what, anyway i can. check this site out, please, it really helped me. msg me anytime. you have to realize you are not doomed in life. you have to realize there is still hope left and you deserve life just as much as anyone else..you're gonna get through this! if you ever feel like you've hurt yourself, DO NOT hesitate to call 911 or call 1-800-SUICIDE. we're all here for you and are so glad you made it through that epsiode. if you ever feel an uncontrollable need to cut, please stay away from your wrists and don't cut deep! you're gonna be ok i promise, and you CAN stop this.

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youve done the right thing by teeling someone. and your parents know. thats good. unfortunateky it was forced on u im thinking and that doesn't help things. i suggest that you see a counsellor. if your school has one talk to them if not then seek one else where. they can help you gat over the addiction. they can be really helpfull. also they are confidential and dont tell ur parents ne thing unless its urgeant.

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