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really bad. someone help


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well i have this really bad problem...I REALLY LIKE THIS BOY and i mean Really bad! sometimes he has given me signals which makes me think that he likes me back, like smiling at me, and making converstions with me. but today every1 has told him that i fancy him, and he has told everyone he hasnt got an interest in me,he keeps telling me and other people no.and in a lesson i usually sit by him, he moved... can someone please help me because i am so confused. i dont no whether he likes me or not, or maybe i should just get a new crush? but i really like him PLEASE SUM1 GIVE ME SUM ADVICE!

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Approaching him and simply asking him will proably make him nervous and answer no just to get away.


Try loseing intrest, play hard to get and dont sit next to him. When he makes conversation dont be rude but dont try to engange the conversation unless he engages you. If you start to fade away like you are getting a new crush he will come on stronger if he likes you, and if he dosn't he wont.

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I agree with psipro. Those signs are not like 'sure' signs that he likes you though, they are good, but not sure b/c any guy can be friendly to girls... But honestly, if you ask him, he may feel kinda cornered and do what psipro said, say no...or make up an excuse...even if he does like you. He may have even been cornered when your friends told him that you liked him, so maybe he was trying to hide that he felt the same way....that's just a guess...but be a friend and good luck.

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I definitly don't want you to feel bad, but is it possible that you misread the signs of him liking you? You said that he smiled and made conversation, but these can be friend-like modes of communication as well. Unless he is very immature........ when faced with the question of whether or not he likes you by both yourself and friends, he would have said yes if he did.


Sometimes things can be overanalyzed too much. I suggest maintaing a healthy distance from him as he is obviously feeling a little uncomfortable (hence moving). Be courteous and polite, but don't ask him whether or not he likes you anymore and advise everyone else to drop it as well.

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I definitly don't want you to feel bad, but is it possible that you misread the signs of him liking you? You said that he smiled and made conversation, but these can be friend-like modes of communication as well. Unless he is very immature........ when faced with the question of whether or not he likes you by both yourself and friends, he would have said yes if he did.


Sometimes things can be overanalyzed too much. I suggest maintaing a healthy distance from him as he is obviously feeling a little uncomfortable (hence moving). Be courteous and polite, but don't ask him whether or not he likes you anymore and advise everyone else to drop it as well.


I am in complete agreement with PrincessLinzay. When you have a crush on someone your mind goes into to a state that looks for signals and signs that they are meant to be together. I think I read somewhere that the mind does this because it is an instinctive reaction that is deep inside us. Just look at it this way: If humans never thought that the other person liked us, then it would significantly reduce birth rates. Let me ask you this question: Would you ask someone out on a date if you absolutely knew that he or she had no interest in you?


Here is a funny story about my mis-interpreted signals.

There is this 28 year old woman that lives 3 houses down from me. Her two daughters are almost the same age as my three children. Well …I noticed that from the day we meet she would pop in on average of 2 times a week in the evening. I thought to myself no other parents drop by. I thought that maybe she liked me because she kept showing up and it didn't help that her daughter told me that her mom liked me too. Well… I was wrong the reason she came over a lot is because I am a single male parent. She wasn't coming over to check me out she was coming over to check on her daughters. I have to say there is no way in hell I would let my 7 year old daughter play in a house with a man supervising.


Good luck.

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