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New Grad Nurse in a Small City


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what are you afraid about? is your workplace not really ok with that, expecting nurses to work while sick?


I guess because I don't think I have a legit illness. I have sinus pain and my body aches and I'm exhausted. But I can't say I've got a terrible cold or anything like that. =/

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i see what you mean. how many sick days do you get (in case you need to save them for when you legitimately get a terrible cold)?


though i think in times like these, when your body is this stressed, your immune system is compromised, and this pretty much sounds like the start of an illness.

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i see what you mean. how many sick days do you get (in case you need to save them for when you legitimately get a terrible cold)?


though i think in times like these, when your body is this stressed, your immune system is compromised, and this pretty much sounds like the start of an illness.


I'm not sure how many. I've only called in sick once before though and I've been here for 6 months now.


Actually, now that I think about it, as long as you have "paid day off" time accumulated, then you can call in sick, I believe.. Because they use that for vacation time and to pay for sick time off as well. So I'd lose 12 hours of vacation time. It's Sunday night though. I can easily pick up another shift this week to still get full time hours.

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I did it! I gathered up some courage and called in sick. And it was easy lol.


I seriously had such a difficult patient last night. My hands are chapped and raw from washing my hands so much going in and out of his room.



It looks like some disease lol


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I don't know if this is a normal thing in life to go through, but sometimes my parents really disappoint me. They're supposed to be the adults, and supposed to be way more mature than I am, so when I see them acting like idiots, it's disappointing and frustrating. Especially on facebook. So many times I've thought about defriending my mom on facebook because 90% of the time, her posts piss me off, but then I'd never get updates or see pictures of the dogs. =( But I don't want to see another post about how fat you are, or your fake subtle posts about how lonely you are, or "woe is me I'm so overwhelmed with work" (you're your own boss, you don't have to be that busy!!!! grrr), and your vague posts about being alone. If you want people to know that you're separated, then just post it on facebook. It's annoying.

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There's a guy at work that seems to get a little too fresh with me and I'm not sure what to do about that. If I worked anywhere else I'd probably just tell him to knock it off and risk him being pissed off about it, but I don't feel comfortable doing that at a hospital because I never know when i'll need his help with something. And he really is the most helpful co-worker that I have- always asking me if I need help with anything, and I appreciate that.


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  • 1 month later...

I don't know if I've just been in a funk lately, but I am so sick of my job. I hate patients. They're gross and dirty, they're so ungrateful, and they never say please or thank you.


400 lb patient, I just wiped crap out of your gigantic ass crack, and probably pulled a back muscle doing so. There's no reason for you to be yelling at me right now.


Or the ones that are anxious over every little single thing. You're an adult. Learn some coping skills. I don't have time for your anxiety right now. My patient is dying in the next room. URGGHH. If you can press the call light then you're fine!


Lots of horrible thoughts like that go through my head, and they make me feel bad, because that's not the type of nurse that I want to be, but it is so difficult to deal with sometimes.


Sometimes people ask me if I like being a nurse and I say, "I'd love being a nurse if it weren't for the patients." And only nurses really understand what that means.

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  • 1 month later...

Gosh, it's bern awhile since I've posted here.


I've been feeling better about work. I think that they're trying to make some positive changes on this unit and it makes it a better place to work. I've been going home at decent times in the morning.


But tonight we are so shortstaffed. I'm taking a break not because I have time to take one (because I really don't), but I need one. What a crazy night. At least it's my last shift so I can spend all morning charting... >_>


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One of my patients fell today and she wasn't wearing our non skid socks, so I'll be blamed for it. *sigh*


A fall incident is a huge deal and requires a bit of paperwork.


I feel like crying. I want to call in sick tonight. =(


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  • 4 months later...

My sister and my mom visited me here the first week of September. We went to disneyworld. That was nice. My sister and I both got sick though. Bleh.


Then I went back to California with them and I was there for a week. I arrived back in Florida today.


Yesterday I was thinking, what if I just don't go back? I get super depressed when I come back here because I miss having family so much.


We've also learned today that one or my cousins committed suicide.


I was driving back to my apartment from the airport and getting all depressed and crying because I already miss my family. Then I'd think about my cousin and feel pathetic about it.


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Can you find work back in your home city?


I can. I'm not sure what to do. I feel very guilty about leaving just after a year. It's expensive for a hospital to train a new grad nurse, so I feel loyal to them right now. Leaving right after one year will make it look like I used them just to get experience.

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I can. I'm not sure what to do. I feel very guilty about leaving just after a year. It's expensive for a hospital to train a new grad nurse, so I feel loyal to them right now. Leaving right after one year will make it look like I used them just to get experience.


well... you did! and that's ok. and you are really homesick. I would try to apply for jobs closer to home. see what happens. I think it would suck, but you could just tell them the truth, that you have a job offer closer to home, and your family is having some issues and you'd like to be closer to them in that time. I think they would probably understand. it's just the way things go.

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It's not that uncommon for people to decide the place they've moved to just isn't working out as well as they hoped, especially when there isn't any family around. If you feel that overall you'd be better living near your loved ones then take the chance. I think just being honest and explaining your reasons is fine, no one can fault you. It isn't like you don't appreciate having the job and the experience, but it's life, things happen. If you think you'd be happier back home then it's better to look for something closer. I'm sure even the hospital would appreciate you being honest and telling them you like working there, but you feel that overall you'd be happier if you went back. Who knows you might even be happier at work if you could be close to your family and friends, thus making your work life more enjoyable too.

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Right now I'm not sure what to do. I was thinking of waiting to move back until my boyfriend got back here and that was originally supposed to be around October. Then that got pushed back to January, and now because of immigration issues, it might not be until next September. I just found out about the immigration thing yesterday. So now I'm even just thinking of moving to Australia for a year, because I'm tired of my relationship being put on hold like this. =/

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally asked my stepdad if he was still up for helping me move and he said of course, but that he needed me to know that he wants to bring his girlfriend because he doesn't want to leave her by herself for 4-5 days, so I could decide if that was within my comfort level.


It isn't, unfortunately. I'm not upset that he has a new girlfriend. I think he deserves to be happy. But the thought of meeting her makes me feel really angry/upset and I'm not sure where that's coming from. Especially a 5 day road trip with this woman? No thank you. UGH. And my mom would not take that well at all. So that option is out, I guess.

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