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New Grad Nurse in a Small City


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Would you be able to change to second shift, or does it go by seniority? Are they union?


I would have to wait for an opening on day shift and apply to it, I think. There's no union here. I'm a bit afraid to switch to days though. Nights are usually less busy (I say usually because when the crazy stuff happens, it happens at night), I get paid more for it, and I've seen some of the day charge nurses, and they scare me! T_T Having a charge nurse that I feel comfortable going to for any problem is super important.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I always start a journal with the best of intentions to update it properly, and then it always falls by the wayside. *sigh*


I went home for Christmas. It was nice seeing my family, and having some Chipotle! I missed it so much! lol. My mom has a new puppy that we named "Winnie". So, Winnie and Bear. Bear is terrified of Winnie lol. I hope Bear gets used to her. Winnie is so adorable!! I still love Bear the most though. haha.



This is Winnie. She's so playful too. Keeps on trying to run after Bear to play. But Bear runs away. =(

It makes me feel kinda sad that I won't get to see the puppy grow up.


I worked Christmas eve. And one of my charge nurses, (let's call her R), said to me, "Hey, S (my other charge nurse that wasn't on duty) is in the ER! We're probably going to admit her here and you're going to get her."


I freaked. That's the worst thing ever. Having to be the nurse to your own charge nurse. I was so nervous. Luckily it went ok, and the rest of my co-workers just kept on teasing her about how we were going to turn her every 2 hours to prevent bed sores, and put sequential compression devices on her to prevent blood clots. HAHA. But I was thinking, "Do I do a complete physical assessment?? Or will she find it unnecessary?? What do I do???"


So I decided at first to play it safe and just do a complete physical assessment, but when I got to listening to her bowel sounds, she said, "Don't worry, it's there" in a very dismissive tone, so I decided that the rest wasn't necessary.


Last week I went home on time after each of my shifts! I feel really proud about that. I think I might be getting the hang of this. *crosses fingers* I told my charge nurse, R, on Thursday when I was about to leave, " 'Older sis', I've gone home at 7:30 every day this week!"


And she said, "Good girl!"


That made me happy. R was the one that had to talk to me before about management not liking it that I was doing too much overtime to finish my charting, so it's important to me that R notices that I'm improving.

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Last week, I had a patient with a condom catheter that he kept on trying to take off (he was a bit confused), and he finally managed to take it off, and I tried to put it back on, and that was a disaster lol. I couldn't get it to go back on, adn then I started getting embarrassed because his wife, daughter, and sister were in the room, and I started getting flustered because I was thinking, "God I don't know how to put on a condom!" hahahah Especially with a tiny little flaccid penis.


So I just googled it and I came accross this nursing forum that I use a lot, and someone said this, "I don't find they work very well anyway, and half the time trying to find that ol penis is like hunting for a button on a fur coat." hahaha so true.

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I'm still having a few problems making friends. I do have one female friend, but our work schedules are usually the opposite of each other. It's the only female friend that I hang with outside of work and our friendship feels so fragile at the moment. Other than that, it's the guys that work with me at nights, but over the last couple of years, I have become more and more bitter/jaded about having male friends. It's nice because they're the ones that ask me to hang out, and invite me to group events and really put effort into being friendly with me, and that's why it's so easy to have male friends. But I'm at a point where I don't really trust them anymore. I think they start out with good intentions and just genuinely want to be friends, but after awhile it's like that's not enough anymore. They need to get into your pants too. *sigh*

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i can't remember - do you still have a long distance boyfriend?


have you tried meetup groups? i met lots of female friends in dance and yoga classes too.


I do, annie. I think in the past it was a problem because I never talked about him. I don't really like talking about my relationships. I find it a little embarrassing and awkward lol. But now I try to talk about it more, so that there's a constant reminder for them that I'm not available.


I've looked for meetup groups here. It's a very small city, so there aren't any. =(

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yeah, that's the problem with small cities. at least with big cities, there is something to do. i think if you put in a year or two of good work here, you can try to move back to your hometown, or a bigger city at least.


My mom keeps on telling me to move back after a year, but I'm not sure about that. I've been here for nearly 6 months, and a lot of times, I still don't know what I'm doing. What I do like about my unit is that the charge nurses are all very helpful. I never feel embarrassed about asking them what to do if I'm unsure about something. So moving to another place really scares me because I'm not sure if this is the norm or if nurses at other hospitals are expected to be more independent.

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I went over to my co-workers housewarming party over the weekend. There was this person I hadn't met yet, and he had long hair and at first I was thinking, "Girl or boy?" It was hard to tell, but I was intrigued. Then I introduced himself to me, and I thought, "Yes, a boy!"


He was beautiful. Seriously seriously beautiful. He was talking to me and then I was thinking that I needed to tell him that I had a boyfriend when I could find a chance where it wouldn't be completely awkward that I mentioned it, and so I did, and my heart broke a little. haha. Then I found out he is sort of related to me, and I felt disappointed and relieved at the same time. *sigh* Super weird.

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Lol what?!?!? Related??


Yeah! DX

Well, not really. We're not blood related. He told me his last name and I was like O.o and I thought that maybe he was the son of my relative, but turns out he's the nephew through marriage. Still weird. He addresses me as "little cousin" now. Best c-block ever... >_>

I considered addressing him as "older brother" but that is just too much for me.


Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Someone just blocked me on facebook for the stupidest thing. She posted a video that was full of incorrect things, so I corrected it, and she blocked me. And this wasn't some person on facebook that I didn't know very well. This is someone who has been a family friend since I was a child. I'm a little upset about it. It's crazy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I swear the older I get the more of a Disney boner I get. Too bad L won't watch them with me


Me too! And I think a lot of men don't know how to appreciate things. -.- I think that'd be a dealbreaker for me though. "What?? You won't watch disney movies with me??? We're over!" hahahaha

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