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New Grad Nurse in a Small City


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Yeah, it's odd because my mom actually annoys me a lot with how she is. I struggle to respect her because she doesn't even know how to do simple things, yet I don't blame her because she grew up in a country and in a time where the best a poor woman (and her family was very poor) could expect to do was marry into a wealthy family. So she and all her sisters were very sheltered, and the sisters are all very dependent on their husbands for what they consider as men's tasks. And my mom was the youngest of the 12 siblings, so she is even more sheltered than the rest. My auntie still goes grocery shopping for her!


But in her career, I admire and respect her so much. I don't think i'll ever be as successful as she is.


My mom has asked my sister to move back in and has offered my sister a ton of money to work for her and do the things my stepdad used to do, but my sister doesn't feel comfortable with that. She offered my sister 30 bucks an hour to drive her to patients' houses in the middle of the night.

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Geez, I know it's off topic, but that really reminds me of an old exs of mine's mom. She was originally from the Philippines, and though she exposed me to the greatness that is halo halo, the ex was always being asked basically to do basic things for his mom. His father died around the same time my did - in our early teens - and being the only child, and a SON, she really pushed that role on him. It's understandable, but at the same time, I can't imagine putting up with that for too long (and certainly not now lol). What I liked about him is that he did help her a lot, but he wasn't big on enabling - and it took some guts for him to put those boundaries in that situation. I thought I got guilt to 'take care of my mother'!! Ohhh, and raised Catholic to boot ! haha. Just like I was.


I'll stop spamming up your journal now. It just really made me remember that; haven't thought of that in a long time!!

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It's ok lol. My mom is Filipina too.


What basically happened is that after the eldest sister graduated from high school, my grandpa wanted her to get married. My grandma said absolutely not, that they were going to send her to college and they argued about it, and of course my grandma won. So they worked very hard to send her to college. Then she was able to come to the United States on a work visa, and she sent money back home to pay for college education for some of her siblings, and sponsored my grandparents and several of her siblings to come to the US.

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I finally have time to do stuff! My week has been super busy. It's been so busy that I'm eating McDonald's for breakfast. UGH.


Overall, work was ok except for the other night. I started off with 3 patients, then got an admission when I was passing my 9 oclock meds, which put me behind. I didn't get to sit down until 12:42 and then for only 10 minutes. So I tried to do some charting. Then I was up again and super busy and I didn't get to sit down again until 3, and then they told me I had another admission coming, so I took a lunch break really quick and came back to admit the patient, and he then had 4 watery bowel movements within 2 hours, AND we were short on CNAs, and the CNA that I did have was new to the floor, didn't know where anything was, and it was just a mess (she was a great CNA though. Just new).


So I didn't get to leave until 9:15 yesterday morning because I had become so behind on charting. And then after my awful day, the day charge nurse saw me and asked, "You're still here?! HOw many patients did you have? What time did you leave yesterday?"


And all these other questions, just interrogating me, basically, and writing something down while she was asking me all these questions, like she was writing a report on me. And finally she said, "So what's your problem?? Why can't you leave on time?? You're going to get on trouble for overtime."


I answered that I had been very busy with my 2 admissions, but I really wanted to say, "I was sitting on my ass all night doing nothing. That's why I'm here late. Because I really want to be here." -.-

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I just called in sick. I hate calling in sick. I feel so stressed out about it.


If I had an office job I'd probably shower and get ready, have some coffee, and if I still felt like I couldn't go, then I'd call in. I can't do that for a hospital because they need to find someone to replace me so I have to make a decision right away.


And the only problem is that I didn't sleep all day. I don't know why I couldn't fall asleep but now I feel my stomach protesting the lack of sleep. So I told myself that if I didn't fall asleep by 3, I'd call in sick. And that is so hard for me to justify to myself because if it was an office job I'd still go. But I don't think it's safe for me to be taking care of patients right now with how tired I am.


So I called and the supervisor asked me what was wrong. Ugh. I felt like an idiot. I hope I never have to call in sick ever again. =(

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I know. It's just that my supervisor sounded a bit annoyed.


I just don't know what is an acceptable amount to call in sick. At my last job, you went to work unless you absolutely couldn't function. If your child was sick and had to stay home from school, then you brought your child to work.

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Yeah but for all she knew you had a stomach bug. Our employee nurse always tells us that if we are sick she'd rather us not come in a spread the stuff. Of course our supervisors always fuss if we do call in but hey, ho. I know for us we are only allowed 7 sicks days a year and as long as it's not like 3 every month our supervisors tend to be cool.

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My stepdad sent me a package of my mail that I receive that their house, which he does every so often. I received a Victoria's Secret catalog like I do every month, and this time it came with several coupons for the holiday season. And then inside the catalog is written, "I took the free tote coupon. It's pink. You wouldn't like it anyway. =) Thanks."


Even if I didn't recognize my sister's handwriting, I know that she's the only one who would ever write me a message like that lol. Take something from me without asking and then thank me for it lol. Made me miss her a lot.

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