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New Grad Nurse in a Small City


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Hope everyone in the phillipenes is ok. I'm sorry to hear about it


Where does your friend live? Wen are they getting married?


I recently met a "legit" wife and wife. They were legally married and everything. I was just so happy that I wanted to hug them! But they were strangers so I didn't.

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Hope everyone in the phillipenes is ok. I'm sorry to hear about it


Where does your friend live? Wen are they getting married?


I recently met a "legit" wife and wife. They were legally married and everything. I was just so happy that I wanted to hug them! But they were strangers so I didn't.


In California, in November! I'm so excited for them! They've been together for so long. She told me it's kind of last minute because they don't want the military to change their mind about allowing gay marriage before they get married (her girlfriend is in the navy).

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Awww! when is the wedding?


November 12, she said. It's just going to be a small one in a courthouse. I asked her if she was going to tell her parents and she said: "I'm not planning on telling my parents, cuz I don't think that's something they would want to be part of. But if they find out it's whatever."




I dunno though... I think she might not be giving her parents enough credit.

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Is she out to her parents?


No, but it's not really a secret either. Either her parents are completely clueless or they've chosen to ignore it, because honestly, it's pretty obvious. I'm pretty sure her mom knows.


But sometimes my friend can be a bit unreasonable about this. I remember her telling me one time, "I wish my parents would just tell me that they know and stop acting like they have no idea!"

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Her Mom is white and her Dad is Samoan. I think that even if her mom disapproved, she wouldn't say anything. As for her Dad, I'm not sure. Samoans have a different view of homosexuality compared to westerners, so it's hard to say. But her family is the same religion as mine, and it's not very accepting. =/

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Some student nurses were at the hospital this morning for their clinicals. I stayed a bit longer so that I could teach them while I passed meds.


I love teaching. I really really do. That's the only thing that makes me regret being a night nurse. I wanna teach students during the day! =/

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I'm so angry with myself. I have one day off today and then I'm back at work, and I spent the day sleeping! I had wanted to get up at least by 3, but I slept till 10! I know that I work nights and it shouldn't be a big deal. I am on a day sleeping schedule after all, but I miss the sun! I like getting up when the sun is still out. When I wake up when the sun has already set, I feel cranky and tired, and I know I won't get anything done today.


That's another thing. I wanted to go grocery shopping today. So now I'm upset with myself because I can only do that now if I'm desperate enough to go grocery shopping at Walmart. But if I don't go, it means I won't get anything productive done today which is already causing my self-esteem to just plummet. My self-esteem is really dependent on how productive I am, which is awful considering how lazy I am. =/


And then I wonder if I should be drinking coffee or not when it's this late. But there's really no choice. Without it, I'd probably never poop. I need to see a doctor. Bleh. Also, I am considering cutting fiber out of my diet.

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Tonight was pretty awful. I did fine, except that one of my patient's IVs wasn't working properly, so I decided to start a new one for him. I tried twice and failed on both attempts. He never once told me he was upset! I asked him if I could try again and he said "sure", so I tried again, and I didn't even get any hint that he was upset with me.


Then I asked the charge nurse to start an IV for him, and as soon as she walks in, he starts complaining about how he's never had a nurse that couldn't get an IV on him, and that I stuck him 4-5 times in one place, and 4-5 times in another place! What the hell? That's a serious accusation. I could get written up for that.


Then I walked out to get something for the charge nurse and while I was gone he told her that I was completely unprofessional and never told him anything that was going on.


I was so upset about that. I can understand if he thinks that I'm incompetent for not getting the IV, but unprofessional? It ruined my whole night. I was upset for the rest of the night. And you know what I did after he accused me of being unprofessional and accused me of something that could get me in serious trouble?? I went in there and treated him like any other patient who had never been rude to me, even though I was mad. HOW'S THAT FOR UNPROFESSIONAL??


Then the phlebotomist came in early morning and he told the phlebotomist that I had stuck him 10 times in one place, and then 10 times in another. So now I'm wondering if my charge nurse wrote me up. =/

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damn, soon to be 50 times!!


i'm sorry you're dealing with all of this.


I know, right? And accusing me of sticking him more than twice is accusing me of malpractice, or something. We were taught all these different torts in school that I can't remember now. >_>

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I'm sorry. Some patients can be such poop heads. Just keep your chin up hon, you aren't going to make everyone happy all the time. Some people are just naturally cranky, maybe even more so when they are in the hospital.


I'm sure for the handful of disgruntled patients, there are plenty more that appreciate your care.

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My sister called me yesterday to tell me that my stepdad has moved out of the house and my parents are splitting up. I feel awful about it. I thought that moving out would help them because I know they argued a lot about my sister and me. But instead I've moved out at the worst possible time.


My mom is financially independent, but she's dependent on my stepdad for nearly everything else. He's like her personal assistant. =/ She doesn't even know how to access her bank accounts. If anyone had asked my opinion, I would have told her that hiring a personal assistant would have probably made her marriage a bit happier, but it's none of my business. They also owned businesses together and they'd fight about that all the time too.


My sister said that my mom has been asking her to move back in. UGH. I feel so awful being over and not being able to do anything. My mom will not do well at all living alone. And my stepdad contacts me more than my mom does to ask me how I'm doing and he never said a word! What the hell.


So I was feeling pretty bad about that, then I went to get my mail, and my stepdad sends me my mail that I still get at home (well, their home), and in the packet there was a letter for me from my stepdad that basically said that he knew I was thankful for the stuff my mom did for me to help me move, but that it was hard to be really thankful if I didn't know exactly what to be thankful for, and that he wanted me to know how much my mom was willing to do for me. And then he listed all the expenses that she made to help me move over here, which totaled about $9500.


I got so upset. I'm still upset. I understand his point, but on the other hand, I know how much of an ass he is about this stuff. He says something is between my mom and me, and then he turns around and gives my mom crap for doing it. Like with my car, my mom helped me get a new car, and I made sure I talked to him first to make sure it was ok and that he wouldn't be upset about my mom helping me get a new car, and he said it was fine, and that he's learned that my mom is going to help us out regardless of how he feels and that he won't resent it. Yeah right. After this, I'm sure he's giving her crap about the car too.


And the thing is, my mom would spend even more money on my sister and I if we didn't refuse it. My mom insisted that I get a new car. My mom insisted on getting me furniture for my apartment here in Florida. You have to argue with her to so that she'll actually spend less on you, but he treats us like we're happy to take advantage of her all the time. It's so frustrating. And then they fight because he's mad that she spends so much money on us.

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I think he sent it you out of of spite, likely thinking that you are going to tell your mom.


Don't feel bad because he made a jerk move. Your mom did for you what i would do for any of my grown children.


I don't think so. He can be a douche, but not that much of a douche. They just have completely different values on how to raise their children. My stepdad believes that people need to struggle to become responsible successful adults, while my mom believes that she should do everything she can to help us be successful.

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Sorry to hear that news, greywolf.


And sorry to hear he sent you that. Seems to me like something that is between him and your mother - and I think he should have kept you out of it. You don't control your mom. And if he has an issue with how she does things (which you say they have very different values, so that makes sense it would be a point of contention) it is something he needed to work out with her. Not you. Nothing you can do about any of that - and only serves to make you be put in a position where you are made to feel responsible for your mothers choices.


It sounds to me like your mom, though independent in many ways, really isn't in others. I watched my own mom go through something a little similar when my dad passed - seeing her have to really learn to be alone (or try to ). Not pretty! But that is your moms journey.


And you are on yours. Hope your job is getting a little easier to get up to this week. You should be proud of what you are doing. It's awesome.

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