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New Grad Nurse in a Small City


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I do post on allnurses sometimes. That helps.


My first day on my own, I had a full load, and one of them was an admission, which involves tons of paperwork, and nurses hate getting admissions because it just takes so much time. When I found out that I had a full load with an admission, I told the charge nurse that I didn't feel comfortable with that, that I had never had 5 patients on my own before, and she told me it would be fine.


Bleh. I didn't finish passing my 9 o'clock meds till midnight =/ Then one of my patients started getting confused, and while I was in another patient's room, he got up, ripped out his IV and started ambulating in the hallway. The charge nurse came to look for me and when she found me she said, "Oh here you are." Then in a stern/scolding voice, "Your patient got confused and was walking down the hallway and ripped out his IV. Did you know that he was confused? It was endorsed to us that he has episodes of confusion!"


It wasn't endorsed to me! So I went to go check on him, and there was blood everywhere so I cleaned him up, and I asked another nurse to start another IV for him because I knew I wouldn't be able to do it with how stressed out I was. And the charge nurse was obviously annoyed. What the hell? I've never been on nights before! I didn't know that it's not unusual for patients to become confused in the middle of the night. And I have 5 patients. I can't watch every single one of them at the same time. UGH. I went to the med room and cried a little bit after that. lol.


Then it was another patient getting out of bed saying she needed to go home and I had to keep reminding her that she was in the hospital. Every 2 hours she did this. UGH.

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I know. =/


I had him again the next day, and he was just a handful. I have never gotten angry with a patient before. Not ever. This guy completely tested my patience lol. At 5 o'clock he gets up saying that he's going home and his wife will come to pick him up at 7. I tried to explain to him that he needs to wait for the doctor to discharge him. He refuses and starts brushing his teeth and says he's going to shave and I tell him he can't shave because I gave him a blood thinner last night. Then he starts walking down the hallway, and I tell him that he can't be walking down the hallway and that he needs to wait in his room, and he said to me, "Wow you're a little..."


He didn't finish his sentence, but I was a little offended after that.


Then he wanted to leave and I told him he's have to sign that he was leaving "against medical advice" and he was going to, but the charge nurse convinced him to wait for the doctor, but he was so antsy the whole time and complaining about how we were making money off of him staying there (Like I want him to be there because I'm making money off of it???).


I've never had a patient upset at me so this was a first for me.

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There is always going to be that one patient that tests you and you will have many many patients that will be forever grateful for what you do.


Jesse (the sick boyfriend) can be a handful when he's in the hospital. One time he was really out of control but I don't blame that entirely on him, his BUN was elevated and he was toxic so it clearly affected his behavior but sometimes in his normal state he can be a bit testy. I think it's okay for the nurses to be firm with patients that act out. You are there to do a job, a very stressful job at that.


I admire nurses, love what you guys do for the sick. Bless your heart.

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I just don't get why anyone thinks it's a good idea to be rude to their nurse! That's the last person I'd want to be rude to while I was sick in the hospital! lol


I only did 2 shifts last week because I got called off for my 3rd shift. That worries me a bit. I can't afford to be called off a lot. =/

This morning I got called around 10 and they asked me to come in tonight, so I got ready and I was already leaving the house and they called me off again! Grrr.

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I've been thinking about getting a pet, because I love pets, and living alone is lonely! But the idea of getting a dog just doesn't feel right, because I miss my own little dog too much, and because dogs require more time and attention than I feel capable of right now. =/


Then I decided that I'd get a cat, until I started thinking about the logistics of it, like, where would the litter box go? I hate seeing litter boxes in bathrooms. I think it's gross, especially since I've got such a tiny bathroom. =/ And I don't have a laundry room. So that's pretty much out. =(

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I just don't get why anyone thinks it's a good idea to be rude to their nurse! That's the last person I'd want to be rude to while I was sick in the hospital! lol


I only did 2 shifts last week because I got called off for my 3rd shift. That worries me a bit. I can't afford to be called off a lot. =/

This morning I got called around 10 and they asked me to come in tonight, so I got ready and I was already leaving the house and they called me off again! Grrr.


So theoretically they could call you off several days during the week and then you don't get paid? May I ask, how do you get a set shift?

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So theoretically they could call you off several days during the week and then you don't get paid? May I ask, how do you get a set shift?


Well, I already have my schedule for this week. And they could ask me to come in and days that I'm not scheduled, or they could call me off on days that I'm scheduled. I'm on call right now, so I get on call pay, which is just a couple of bucks per hour, just for the inconvenience of having to be on call (can't travel more than 15 minutes from the hospital, and having to be available if they call).


This is a snowbird city, so it's supposed to pick up and get really busy, so I hope I don't keep on getting called off. =/ If they continue to call me off, I'll have to talk to the manager and maybe ask them if they can cross-train me for another unit as well, so that I can transfer to another unit if they need another person instead of being called off.

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I've been thinking about getting a pet, because I love pets, and living alone is lonely! But the idea of getting a dog just doesn't feel right, because I miss my own little dog too much, and because dogs require more time and attention than I feel capable of right now. =/


Then I decided that I'd get a cat, until I started thinking about the logistics of it, like, where would the litter box go? I hate seeing litter boxes in bathrooms. I think it's gross, especially since I've got such a tiny bathroom. =/ And I don't have a laundry room. So that's pretty much out. =(


What about a litter box like this?


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It's the one we've ordered for Jasper and Luna. I had one like it before when Jasper was a kitten and it was pretty nice. Stops them from slinging litter every were and you can have it in any room and it not be obviously a litter box

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What about a litter box like this?


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It's the one we've ordered for Jasper and Luna. I had one like it before when Jasper was a kitten and it was pretty nice. Stops them from slinging litter every were and you can have it in any room and it not be obviously a litter box


Does it ever smell? If I change the litter daily, will it smell? I hate the cat litter smell. =/


I don't know why, but I tend to judge people on how clean their bathroom is! I feel like it should be the cleanest room in the house lol. So when I go to people's houses and I have to use their bathroom and it's dirty and gross and it smells like cat waste... Just yuck.

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lol, i agree. i tend to have a messy bedroom but yeah, i try to keep my bathroom clean! ewww. i just cleaned a lot there tonight, but my bedroom is still bad.


i used to have the Littermaid 900, a self-cleaning cat box. there was just about no smell.


i would get an older cat if you get a cat - i think kittens need too much attention too.

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I finally got around to setting up a retirement plan with my employer. It took me awhile because I wanted to see a financial adviser from work first because I don't know anything about this stuff. I feel like an idiot savant sometimes lol. I have a lot of knowledge about people--medically, culturally, and psychologically--but for everything else, I don't know anything! My mom is like this too. She's a very successful nurse, she's great at her job, makes tons of money and is the breadwinner, but she's so dependent on my stepdad for everything else in life. Actually now that I've thought about it more, all the women in my family are like that.


This is part of why my mom worries so much about me living on my own. She can't really comprehend how a woman could take care of herself on her own. I do understand though. There's been a couple of times where I've really wished there was a man around here to do certain things that I don't want/know how to do. Like getting rid of the wasp nest on my window ledge. DX There were two separate nests at different windows. I got rid of the smaller one, and then chickened out with the bigger one. Definitely a man's job. >_> Screw feminism. lol


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I've been having some wrist pain for awhile, and yesterday it got so bad that I had a hard time carrying something. I finally got around to getting a bandage for myself to wrap it. I was at the store and I bought some compression stockings and a bandage wrap. I felt like an old person lol. My wrist feels so much better now though.

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