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psych disease? no. you know the answer is no. it's a microbial and auto-immune disease. that's been pretty well established in recent studies.


I know that, but the prevalence of psych disorders like depression and anxiety are very high in people with IBS, so I can see why they would think that.

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I know that, but the prevalence of psych disorders like depression and anxiety are very high in people with IBS, so I can see why they would think that.


well, yes! they are upset over having so many stomach problems! lol.


there have been some studies linking microbes to anxiety and depression as well. it's interesting stuff...

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well, yes! they are upset over having so many stomach problems! lol.


there have been some studies linking microbes to anxiety and depression as well. it's interesting stuff...


I'll have to look that up. It does sound interesting.


I've just had this weird aching abdominal pain for years, and when I went to see a doctor about it, they did a US, and it showed multiple gallstones. The doctor referred me to a surgeon, and the surgeon felt that that wasn't the cause of my pain, so they did another US, and found some ruptured and complex ovarian cysts, and told me that was the cause, and my doctor suggested I go on hormonal birth control. Screw that.


But I also have other symptoms (that are too gross to talk about), that have made me start to wonder if it's mild IBS, or some other GI disorder.

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Here's one (not the original research article though). There are lots of neurotransmitters in the gut, so it makes sense that bacteria may be playing a role there as well.


I'd try to get a referral to a good GI specialist in your area. I seriously doubt you are imagining stomach pains. What's up with the gallstones now? Are they still there? And what about the ovarian cyst?

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Here's one (not the original research article though). There are lots of neurotransmitters in the gut, so it makes sense that bacteria may be playing a role there as well.


I'd try to get a referral to a good GI specialist in your area. I seriously doubt you are imagining stomach pains. What's up with the gallstones now? Are they still there? And what about the ovarian cyst?


I don't know! I turned 26 two weeks after I discovered these things. =/

Once I get insurance I'm going to see a doctor right away.

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I started orienting on the telemetry unit last week. Patient load there is supposed to be 5, but I barely managed 3 patients on my own, and went home an hour late each day because I hadn't finished my charting. On Friday, I actually felt like I had a good day. I was doing everything that I needed to do. Admitted and discharged some patients. Felt like I was getting the bigger picture of patient care, so I started feeling a little better about everything. Then I had to stay till 8 finishing up my charting, and I quickly felt discouraged again.


The only thing that keeps me from feeling too discouraged is that all my patients like me. On Friday, my preceptor and I introduced ourselves to our patients at start of shift, and this one lady really started off on the wrong foot with my preceptor, because later when I went back in by myself, I explained to her that I was a new nurse, and that my preceptor was training me, and that he was a very experienced nurse (my basic speech that I go through with all patients), and that the 2 of us would take very good care of her today. And she said, "Oh ok. Well, I'm glad you're my nurse two, because I just do not like that man."


And throughout the rest of the day, she just kept on complaining about my preceptor, and then telling me how sweet I was lol. I kept on trying to tell her that he was a very good nurse and very experienced, but she was just not having it.

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Thanks OG. =)


I'm actually feeling a lot better this week. I think moving me to telemetry was a good move. Telemetry and med/surg are more task based because you have a higher patient load. Tasks are easy. ICU, on the other hand, requires a lot of knowledge of the pathophysiology of the disease of your patient and a lot of critical thinking to know what to do. It can really be overwhelming. So, I feel less lost in telemetry.


I managed 4 patients yesterday. They even called my preceptor off, so I was on my own for half of the day, and I did ok! Though they called her off because we only had 2 patients left, and I discharged one shortly after she left. So I really just had one stable patient to take care of.

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Today they informed me that they'll just keep me in Telemetry and that my orientation will end this week and I'll start on my own next week. What????

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Apparently my preceptors have said that I'm doing well. I talked to another girl who finished her orientation a couple of weeks ago, and she said they've been cutting a lot of new grads' orientations short. She also said that she cried every shift after she was on her own and that this was the first day she hadn't cried.


So I'm officially switching to night shift next week. Yay?

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Greywolf, I want to suggest something for you to help you with the long hours on your feet. Crocs!! I order them online on their website and they come straight to your door. I have a fused ankle and it is the only comfortable shoe for me. I order them for my mother-in-law because she has arthritis in her knees and they are the only comfortable shoes for her. Very important to take care of your feet! ....:snowman: chi

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Greywolf, I want to suggest something for you to help you with the long hours on your feet. Crocs!! I order them online on their website and they come straight to your door. I have a fused ankle and it is the only comfortable shoe for me. I order them for my mother-in-law because she has arthritis in her knees and they are the only comfortable shoes for her. Very important to take care of your feet! ....:snowman: chi


I'll have to look into that because I'm not sure if we're allowed to wear crocs. =/

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So, I'm starting nights tomorrow. I'm still a little uncertain about how to switch over to nights. I went to bed at 3 AM last night in an attempt to try to train my body to be awake at night, but I woke up at 8 am. UGH. I also need to start bringing "lunch" to work because the cafeteria won't be open.

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I work nights sometimes. Definitely taken advantage of that coffee machine but don't drink any past 4am or else you won't be able to sleep when you get home. When you get home, allow yourself to sleep 7-8 hours.


I am actually working an overnight shift tonight. The first overnights are always the roughest but I promise you, it gets better!


And agree on the comfortable shoes bit! I don't wear Crocs but I do have comfortable shoes.

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I've become really paranoid and anxious since I've moved here. I don't know if it's because I live by myself or what, but it started out like this:


After a few weeks of moving here, I discovered an insect in my trash can that I couldn't really identify, but it freaked me out and so I searched online and learned it was possibly a german cockroach. I'm generally not afraid of bugs, except roaches. I can't stand them. Just thinking about them makes me feel nauseated. Seeing pictures of them puts me into full anxiety. So naturally, I freaked out.


I bought tons of cockroach bait things and cockroach spray, but I've never seen one since then and I've been here for nearly 3 months now. I don't know what that means. I'm seriously hoping it means that somehow it made it's way into my house and that there are no others here. But now I have so much anxiety about bugs. If I see any bug, I treat it like an infestation and spray bug spray everywhere. I'm probably only killing myself. =( But I do see way more bugs in the house than where I used to live, and I'm hoping that Florida just has more bugs and not that I'm a disgusting person and can't keep bugs out of my house. =/


And I'm not scared of bugs! I'm perfectly fine with bugs that are outside of my house. Inside the house reminds me of squalor and makes me ashamed of myself for possibly being unclean and gross. So discovering that I have a fungus gnat infestation today was something that I really don't need. I read that it comes from overwatering plants, but if anything, my plants get underwatered. So I saw all these gnats and just thought, "oh my god, I can't cope with this! What am I going to do???"


Seriously, I don't know. I've killed a ton and they are still everywhere. I'm considering throwing all my plants out.

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It's so bad right now that even opening containers that I can't seen inside stresses me out. I even had a dream about this last night. Someone opened a container near my face and I freaked out in my dream because I'm worried that there's a bug inside the container. Reaching into the washing machine tends to stress me out too. What the hell??? It's not normal. =/

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Was it a Palmetto Bug?


Those are the ones that fly, right? It wasn't that. It was smaller. If it was a Palmetto (assuming those are the ones that fly), I would have recognized it right away.


Normally I would google it to see, but I don't want to see a picture. =/

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Yep, those are the ones that fly.


In the same way with spiders. I can't even lol at a picture of one or touch the screen if I scroll past a picture of one.


Yeah. I seriously don't know how I survived living in the Philippines! But my fear of roaches has only gotten worse over the years. After I saw that bug in the trash can, I had such a hard time sleeping for a week after that because I kept on getting this mental image of a giant cockroach crawling on me. DX Which has happened to me before by the way! Though it was a normal sized cockroach (if you can call a tropical roach normal-sized!).

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