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poem please read and reply


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I am in so much pain and my eyes are filled with tears,

I am trying to hold on and not let go of our shared years.


I am screaming inside even though you cannot hear my cry,

I am so tired of you asking me whats better the truth or a lie.


You tell me that you love me yet you leave me to be alone,

You tell me that you dont want to talk to me then call me on the phone.


I am so confused and in a way you have put me in a place,

A place where I am stuck and thinking the past I cannot erase.


Stop with all the games it is really killing me inside,

To think that you love me but have not been there when I have cried.


I want to pull you closer as you pull and push me away,

I want you to hold me just for one more day.


I want to stop this anger this pain filled inside of me,

I want to be free and be the person I want to be.


No more fighting I dont want to fight with you anymore,

It feels like im walking on eggshells for you to not walk out of the door.


You tell me stop acting like we are together,You dont want me around,

But then you come and see me cant you see it I am hitting the ground.


stop being mean to me and just let me live my life,

Dont tell me you dont want to be with me but oneday I will be your wife.


I am so confused and I know for sure that you are making me this way,

I think that you hate and love me please make up your mind today.



I wanted to post a quick poem and really vent my feelings at the moment I am so unhappy right now and just wanted to let a few thing's out the best I could read and reply if you can and let me know what you think thanks in advance

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i loved your poem and it reminds me of my poem called " All Alone " Sort of like that.... IT was really great and poetry is a real great thing to express your feelings with... so im guessing there is something wrong... IF you need help..always post and were there.. stay in there

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