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We started dating again in April, I told her that i wouldn't want to start again ...if she was going to dump me again. Her issue is this, that i didn't tell my parent about her. All the other time I did tell them. My parent don't like her at all. They have never met her. She has broken my heart numberous times and they have seen me cry. She want to be a part of my family life...and I wish i could make her part of it, but my parent want nothing to do with her. Let go back a few weeks......she is a single mom with a 13 year old son, she has her own business, goes to school in the weekend, and takes tennis class. I see her mostly on the weekend since i work till 7pm most of the week and must get to work at 8am. She got ill, got mirgane headache and let it continue for three weeks before she went to the doctor. She was able to still do her thing...yet didn't have time to talk to me everynight, our sex life got worse. Her son now is with us every weekend and hence our sex life which was great. Was i wrong for expressing my frustation for wanting sex ...wanting bonding....our talks...being alone just together. She broke up with me this weekend. I feel like crying. I feel like dying...i feel like killing myself

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Hey man. let me tell you something. I was in institution early this month for attempted suicide. It did not bring her back in my life, and to be honest, i wonder now how i let soemeone have that much control on me. Long story short, i am glad i am still here, even though i still d'ont see a point, but i realized i had a lot off friends and people that wanted me around and my familly, so i realized it would hurt them very much. So, before you go down my road, d'ont do it, it's not worth it.

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