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girlfriend moving out but wants to stay together


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so here is the short version of the story. me and my girlfriend who started dating about 4 months ago we have spent everyday together and she pretty much moved in within the first month now wants to move back to her parents house. we both said that we moved in way to fast and that this might fix the problem in our relationship. but i just hate to see her go. i dont know of the sucess of a relationship after one has moved out. we both want to be together bust as she put it the spark went way to fast. is it worth saving.....

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I think you guys just move in together way to fast. It takes MONTHS if not years to really know someone. I think it was great that she moved out quickly realizing that you guys aren't ready to be together that often. Take it as a good thing, I don't think it means she is breaking up with you.


Some couples don't understand how important it is for each other to have their own space, and to do their own things. It keeps the realtionship from getting boring and you won't get on each others nerves. Now if you both are already talking/texting/seeding each other non-stop I can guess you won't stop just because I said so haha, but trust me I've seen it so many times. Having your own life (and she having her own life) will help the relationship stay fresh. And please do not move in together until you are together for a long time (me personally I would wait for over a year but that is just me).

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