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I messed up a strange online dating situation


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Not sure if this is the right forum but here goes.

A girl (Kate) and I were dating after meeting online but we stayed friends. But things have gotten pretty sour! Ill explain.

I started using the same site I met Kate on and started talking to a girl named Kirsty. We got onwell, she gave me her number and we were ttexting. We were getting on well until she told me she was Kate's best friend and she said we couldnt talk anymore (which I fully understood). I was completely oblivious...how was I supposed to know? I told Kirsty that we need to tell Kate but she insisted on it as she knew her best.

Kate sends me a very angry text a few days later and demands that I delete her number. Looking back I should have told her instead of Kirsty, so I know I messed up there. Maybe im in the wrong but what do you think?

How can I remedy this weird situation so that my friendship with Kate is still intact? Its been a few days since we spoke, ill try ringing her?

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Its not that I want to date Kate again...we both want to stay friends and I'm happier with that. I just want us to be friends again and I want to make it up to her. Hopefully if we don't speak for a bit and let the dust settle we'll be fine?

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Yes, maybe.


I went on a date with a guy and I was thinking about giving another shot with him, since I didn't really liked him, but then he "winked" to my sister online, 2 days after I met him, so, sorry I never went out with him again, and he doesn't even know why!

But why would you want to be friends with someone you met online anyways?

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IMO you didn't do anything wrong. You and Kate decided to be friends that means your single so it's pretty obvious at some point you would look for someone else to date. Unfortunately it was her friend but you did the right thing by deciding to tell her.

Even though it's hard letting go of friends maybe it's for the best. I hate to say it but it sounds abit like jealousy on her part at the end of the day you are free to chat to whoever you like.

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I agree that you didn't do anything wrong, but I can see why she found it awkward. In any event, sounds like the best approach for now is treating this as water under the bridge. She may not be particularly available for a friendship with you right now.

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I feel it was wrong that her friend told her not me. Its not like I was trying to hide it from her, Kirsty insisted on it as she knows her much better. That's where I probably went wrong. I was in the right if I wanted to look for someone else but how was I supposed to know Kirsty was Kates friend?

I'm on a mini vacation and haven't spoke to her for a few days, maybe that'll help blow things over.

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