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HELP!! Does he like me or am I making it up??


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Ok so, basically there is this guy - he's very sweet and utterly gorgeous.


I don't really know him too well but we do know each other through many mutual friends. We have an interest for the same sport - we aggressive rollerblade. There's hardly any girls in this sport and I am one of the few (i've been doing it since '98 but stopped doing it regularily when my ex and I broke up and he left back to his country). My ex actually used to rollerblade with this guy but they have no contact anymore - not that I know of as my ex lives far away.


When I knew the guy he was very young - so obviously no interest. I'd often see him and other mutual friends because we rollerblade in the same places.


When I went to see a contest last summer this guy was competing and won 3rd place. BOOM - I felt an immidiate attraction to this guy. He got bigger and was all grown up. Very handsome guy. So I went up to him and congratulated him and left with my friends to the afterparty. At the afterparty I saw him walk up to a girl and ask if she liked the music (he seemed very open and was dancing a lot and very cheerful). When I like a guy, I litteraly freeze and get very shy. I didn't dare go up to him. He came up to me and 2 of my friends and started dancing with my 2 friends while I stood in the middle. I thought it was sweet. He seems like a genuienly really nice guy. My friend with whom I've been rollerblading for years with, knows him and thinks he's a very sweet guy as well (not romantic wise).


So basically months passed as I didn't rollerblade much anymore and the thought of him faded away.


Then some months ago I was sitting with my rollerblades outdoors in the evening - ready to rollerblade in the park. From a far distance I saw him biking. We looked at eachother and he gave a huge smile and waved at me and I smiled back at him while he biked away.


Then about over a week ago I went to the main park to rollerblade. I sat down to get ready to put my rollerblades on. To my surprise he was there in the middle of the park getting up a concrete bank. We exchanged eyesight while it seemed he stood for a moment trying to figure out if it was me that was sitting there while he looked very surprised for a moment. Then as he realised it was me he gave a huge smile, waved several times and gave a thumbs up. I ofcourse greeted him back from a distance. He kept rollerblading and I started to rollerblade. As he stood alone at the far end of the parc where I was anyways going to go to start my run, I immidiately cassualy looked at him and said,''long time...'' He replied with a very strong tone, ''Yeah REALLLY long time...'' So I tried to communicate with him a bit about casual stuff about the sport and my small knee injury...and he told me in a friendly tone to take it easy...then I said something I can't rememeber but it was a dead end reply as I felt very nervous around him..When we spoke he wasn't looking at me but looking straight forward...So I started my run...

I caught him looking at me occasionally but myself I could hardly stop looking at him (trying to be as descreet as possible to not seem like a creep). He might of just been looking at me rollerblade out of sheer rollerblade interest. Then as I preceeded a few tricks by this concrete box him and his 2 friends sat right in front of it for a bit while I was the only one rollerblading this box - so ofcourse he was looking at me rollerblade. I kept hitting my shin and even if I had shin protection it hurt a bit and I clearly showed it as I was in a bit of pain. He was the only guy looking at me with these very sympathetic eyes as he looked at me before another run - that litterally made my heart melt.... So anyhow, he leaves earlier but doesn't say good bye except for his friends. I didn't take it personal at all as I'm used to that many guy rollerbladers won't always say good bye in this huge parc... The same night I add him and his friend whom I got to talk to a bit after he left the parc, on facebook.


Then a few days later, I'm sitting in front of the harbour swimming pool by the harbour reading my book while waiting for my friend in a very crowded area. By chance I'm looking at the direction he's walking with a girl as I start rolling a ciggarette. I see him and instantly look down on my book. From side eye sight I can tell he's jerking a bit to see if it's really me sitting there... I'm 95 percent sure it was him...As he was walking with a girl I don't know, I froze a bit and was a bit too shy. I just felt awkward esp. coz he was with a girl.




Then yesterday, my 2 friends and I were sitting at the contrete box of a small rollerblade parc. We were soon to leave but were just chatting. Then this guy shows up alone as he's walking up the steps. As he's walking up the steps he keeps looking at me, then the ground - he does this SEVERAL times while walking in my direction - almost as if he was ashamed of something, it left me very baffled and confused. Meanwhile I gave him a big smile and a hello. He said hi back but not his usual huge hello. Then he put his water bottle right next to this guy friend who also rollerblades and whom he also knows but didn't say hello and with whom I was talking to and my girl friend. The strange thing was that he put his water bottle on the concrete box really careful as if he didn't want to disturb us. The guy friend used to have a crush on me but now we are just friends. Anyways, so this guy friend leaves and its just me and my girlfriend. As soon as he leaves, this guy that I like, finally stops rollerblading as he was non stop rollerblading while the other guy is there. He comes up to us to get his water. I grab the oppertunity to talk to him again. I comment on the way he was rollerblading very hardcore and non stop (in a good way)... he says that there's a competition the next day. This leads to a conversation and he sits down. We talk about everything from my friend getting married whom he knows to other mutual friends that used to rollerblade but have stopped. I feel much more at ease this time as my friend is right next to me and it's a very casual conversation with no flirthing what so ever. This time he's looking at me while talking. Before packing my things up he tells me that I should come more often out to rollerblade - I tell him that most of my friends have quit and that's why I haven't been rollerblading too much. That's the last conversation. While he was doing a trick up a huge concrete bank and lands on the ground I look straight at him - he looks straight back at me and hold the stare for a few seconds... Maybe coz I was looking straight at him which I normally don't do. As I'm putting my hoodie on and ready to go I can see from a distance that he's looking at me...

Anyhow, as we leave I tell him to have a nice rollerblading session. He firmly says thanks but not his usual friendly way.


Anyhow. I usually never write these kind of things online but this has been occupying my mind a lot lately and I keep thinking if there's any way this guy actually likes me or if he's just a friendly guy who thinks I should rollerblade more often as there aren't many girls rollerblading anymore. I've had pleny of other guys tell me I should rollerblade more often so I didn't take his comment anymore than sports friendship.


The other thing is that I was terribly sad when my ex and I broke up about 3 1/2 years ago. After that I wanted nothing to do with rollerblading. I was so hurt. I thought that we were going to build a future together and the relationship was very serious. I said to myself, never another rollerblader again in my life! Even our mutual friends had nothing to do with our relationship, I disconnected from them all to start a new chapter in my life. Slowly I've returned to rollerblading as I love this sport and has been a HUGE part of my life.


Would really appreciate the help - does this guy have any interest, is he just friendly, and am I just dreaming, hoping that he likes me and looking too much into things?



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I'm no rollerblader, however, people are just people. It's really hard to say if there is something there or not. You would have nothing to loose if you asked him if he wanted to go with you to get an ice cream or something. If he accepts, then that would give you an opportunity to talk to him outside of the rollerblading environment. That could lead to repeat opportunities to talk while not rollerblading and be more casual and relaxed to just talk and see if there is anything there.


Just a thought - good luck.

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