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So I've been dumped, seems like my ex is "seeing someone" 5 weeks out of our break up after a 3 yr relationship. I think he developed feelings for her during our relationship which led to our split but whatever. Either way, I have my moments of bitter sadness knowing we will never be again but somedays I am better. Today i think is one of those hard days. Waxes and wakes. Either we agreed to remain friends but we all know how that plays out so I indirectly cut it off without formally telling him. Its not like he really tries to contact me anyway. Aside from a bday txt from him a week back, we have had no contact until last night.


Tragically there has been a horrible death in my family. I guess he must have seen it on my facebook(hey...at least hes still checking my facebook, i did mean something to the jerk that stole my heart and met someone else) and thought it was an immediate family member. So he panicked and was worried and texted and called me to find out if it was an immediate member. I told him what happened, he said sorry and was kinda rushed to hang up(understandably) but before he hung up I stopped him and asked him how's he been doing(ugh mistake, I know). He answered we made a tad bit of small talk, he made no mention of his new gf(which I'm not even sure is true) and I wasn't going to ask anyway. He didnt even ask me how i was. i know, no Expectations and hes obviously tryig to move on or has moved on. Either way, I said I was gonna let him go I had to sleep etc and we hung up. He said "ill talk to you later" a few times, which the stupidly in love part of me wants to believe and gets excited hah, but more realistically i guess thats just an expression people use. Ugh today I just feel sad. Idk if it's cuz I'm feeling very lonely today or because I talked to him and fed my addiction again. Prolly both. But I felt like letting him know and worry that someone extremely close to me had died seemed cruel and I figured I would let him offer his condolences. We talked for 5 mins total. Nothing in depth or relationshipy, very superficial. It's killing me today though. It's bad enough getting over a break up. But getting over a break up while knowing they are happy with someone else is even worse. I almost wish I hadn't talked to him though cuz I'm more sad today. I'm sure ill feel better or back to how I was feeling at least soon, just the after effects of coming off my ex contacting me feeding the addiction high. I hate that people can steal your heart.

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It would appear you "caused" the contact. How could someone who knew you for 3 years be confused about whether or not it was an immediate family member? And as soon as he found out it wasn't, he wanted off the phone.


There is no point in talking "relationshippy" because it is over and he is with someone else.


It is time to let go --- and look to the future.

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