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Things at job are getting worse...

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Hey, so...long story short, I've been doing the same thing for the past 7-8 years, and it's really taken a toll on me and my personal life. I'm in school, on track to graduate with honors, but I'm extremely burnt out.


I work overnights (10pm-6am) all week...it's really put a strain on past relationships, and more importantly me. I barely have a social life because of my hours, it's causing me a lot of stress, I've went to management about switching me over to days for the past two years, and nothing.


This is really taken a mental toll on me, and I feel I'm going to have to quit, but I don't have anything set up yet.


What do I do? I really want to hang it up and focus on school, and getting back to having a clearer mind, this place has really made me into something I do not like.

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How many years do you have left in school? Do you need the money? Can you get a student loan if needed?


If I were you, I would quit. Or at least ask to be put to part time (1 or 2 nights per week). I can't imagine working nights, then going to school during the day. You need to cut yourself some slack! If you can get by doing it part time (or not at all), then do so.

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You're only human and we all get tired sometimes, however; I wouldn't encourage you to quit your job without having something else lined up unless you have a nice savings because jobs are scarce these days so think about before you do it.


Nothing in life comes easy and/so your hard work with pay off before long.


You're working, you're in school, and you're focused so just look at it from the bright side because before you know it -- You will have a great and blessed life and you will be able to enjoy your reward.


I would go part-time if I were you.



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Yeah, I understand sticking with it...but I have been. When's enough, enough?


This job gives no raises, no chance of advancement, and I feel grossly under appreciated.


I'm at a point where I believe I'd be happier, healthier, and have a better life without this place. I'm 27 years old, and the work/life balance is way out of wack, and it's become unbearable.

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Wow, I can actually feel your pain through your words...Bless you!!!


You sound very sad and/so if you have enough money saved up then I'd go for it, however; post your resume and create profiles on CAREERBUILDER, MONSTER, and w/a lot of TEMP AGENCIES to ensure that you'll have work and a cash flow.



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  • 2 weeks later...

An update...


I'm still having a hard time getting another job. My current job is continuing to give me the run around about switching me to part time ( I have school coming up, and found out I have a couple more classes to take than expected).


I'm feeling kind of trapped, and want to escape. Has anyone had a similar issue? If so, how did you go about it?

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