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Classes together good??


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I was wondering if having alot of classes together when dating is a good or bad thing...Im not dating yet but it is prob gonna happen...lol

This semester i have 3 classes with her...but next semester i only have one...so is that a good or bad thing?

I was thinking good so that it wouldnt ditract me to much but at the same time i have her in one of my classes...with that she is the type of person who hangs out with her friends ALOT she has 2 really close friends

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i took 2 classes with my bf when we first started dating and it was actually alot of fun. then we took 2 classes the second semester but by then i think it was really a bit too much and we started getting competitive and getting on eachothers nerves!! so it can be fun but dont overdo it!

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I don't think it really makes a difference. I think there are good and bad sides of mostly everything. I think it could be just like having a friend in the class.


Some good things are that you will be able to see each other in class. You can help each other with homework, or do projects together. If one of you has to miss school, you can get the homework and stuff from each other. Its also nice to have friends in your classes.


Some bad things are that you could get distracted and talk during class. If you break up, or get into an argument, you will still have to see each other everyday.


I don't really think its any different than having a really good friend in class. As long as you think it will be ok, then I don't see how it could be bad.

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