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Books to build confidence/self esteem?


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Can anyone recommend any books on building confidence/self esteem? I recently broke up with a long term girlfriend and this has knocked my confidence, although it has never been high anyway. Over the last 6 months or so, she didn't show much interest in me and so I feel pretty deflated right now.


Thanks guys!

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I'm not sure what types of things might help. I know a book that helped me get a more positive outlook on life, but I'm a weirdo so... LOL! Anyway it's called "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke. It's a compilation of letters that Rilke (a famous poet) wrote to a young writer who would send him poems to be critiqued. Rilke says a lot of things that are designed to change one's outlook. It's pretty deep, but it's not a hard read and most people get through it in a matter of a few hours. Check it out. You can find it online actually!

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