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Hey kid, just hug her with both arms around her. Be gentle but firm. When you kiss, be soft and patient. Start simple, with what you know and ask her how she likes it. If her mouth opens, open yours but don't shove your tongue down her throat. While kissing, rub her arms, or gently stroke the side of her head and run your fingers thru her hair. Be sure to shut your eyes and give into the warmth. Open them every now and again to make sure she's good. By the way, your lucky to be where you are.

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Yes I Agree...Id Say dont worry about doing different things we all did at a point and usually doesnt happen...Just kiss her very soft..some girls dont like tongue...dont be too sloppy ...run your fingers through her hair just her neck and stroke her arms...Once u advance a bit start to bit her neck and kiss and lick it ...also feel her up...her boobs or vagina. but thats just a little extra....but yeah dont worry about it Just kiss her.

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Dont feel her up like metal head said. That may scare her off, just take things slow. Don't worry about it, be confident and you will be fine. I remember my first kiss, i was scared just like you. This may sound stupid but practise on something, a pillow or a poster. Dont feel her up, that is such a bad idea. hope it goes well xxx

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ya don't feel her up...... i personally just experienced my first make out experience a couple of days ago and it was nice...... unlike what the ther people saID........ Im really shy so he had to make the first moves..... like he opened him mouth, then i did too, and he just slowly started to use tongue....... i like that because i wasn't shy so i did it too... but i guess it depends on the girl.... if she's shy, you'll probably have to make the first move, if she's not, she probably will.......

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making out is when u start by just a kiss. open ur mouth slightly, and if she opens her mouth, then slowly slip a little of your tongue in. if she likes it, she'll meet your tongue. if she doesn't, she'll let u know. if she doesn't like it, slowly back off, until she lets u know that she is comfortable again. then next time u kiss, try again. she'll get to where she likes it.

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