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Scared Out of My Mind - Nothing Works

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Hi everyone,


I need to reach out for some help.


For about a month and half I've been struggling with the concept of mortality. The fact that everybody is going to die someday. Not necessarily anytime soon - but someday. I suffer from constant anxiety about it - which includes nausea and vomiting. I've tried thinking about it rationally - I'm young and have got years and years ahead of me (hopefully). But I just can't do it.


I've been to a counselor, only twice so far, but I haven't felt better. I just. I don't find enjoyment in everyday activities anymore, I'm throwing up, I'm depressed, I can't get out of bed and I'm crying a lot.


Please help. Any suggestions would be amazing. What's the next step? Should I go to a psychiatrist? I'm afraid if I don't stop this I can't continue with my life like this. Seriously it feels like a weight crushing me and I consistently am getting worse, not better. The only time I feel okay is the first 30 seconds after I wake up and I live for that.


I've tried

- distracting myself with friends and hobbies

- going back to gym/eating healthy. But honestly I was doing this before it happened.

- going to a counselor

- figuring out where it's stemming from

- rationalizing (I have a long time left, we're all in this together, etc.)


Thanks for your time, I hope you can help.

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Its the peroccupaton with death that we are all going to finally kick the bucket and be stuck in a big black hole but that should act as an impetus for us to enjoy our lives. A friend of mine turned all melancholy recently as his uncle died and he was obsessed with the whole mortality of life. Our solution? Dragged him out and got him to talk about it but also made sure he kept up his hobbies and stayed in contact with friends. Knowing life is so short you should perhaps look at the angle that life is short, we could get a bang of a bus tomorrow ..

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Maybe if you had some understanding of what death really means, it would take the fear out of it.

I know no-one ever comes back to tell us but

I found Neale Walshes book ''at home with God'' really amazing. It is ''way out there' but makes sense of life and death for me -- WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS.

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Maybe if you had some understanding of what death really means, it would take the fear out of it.

I know no-one ever comes back to tell us but

I found Neale Walshes book ''at home with God'' really amazing. It is ''way out there' but makes sense of life and death for me -- WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS.


Thanks Chickydoodle!! I'll definitely check that out

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I was diagnosed with depression at 15 but have no history of anxiety. With the depression as well, I kind of.. didn't take any meds, had a couple of sessions and was okay. It didn't seem very intense or long winded. Psychiatrist I also think might be the next step! I just hope I can get in sooner rather than later.


It kind of came out of nowhere. Nothing in particular happened - the only big life change I can think of is I'm alone in the first time in forever. I've always had partners, a big house and a tight knit family but we're separated accross continents for the past couple of months and it's bugging me. I have a housemate but at the same time I spend a lot of nights alone. Lots of time to think and work myself up.


My triggers are everything as well! Started quickly and now it's just 24/7, like I can't shut my brain off.

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A housemate and a couple of workmates. I find it really hard to make and maintain close friends. I have a boyfriend who's overseas for a few months too... but he's still not back for awhile yet.


Perhaps you should look at expanding your horizons.


I dont know if the following is bad advice but what about working with death closely as in volunteering in a hospice or dealing with beareaved families, it may drive home that death is present but might hit a switch that you need to start living your own life...

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