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You need to grow the **** up and understand your emotions and process them. Getting revenge is idiotic and immature. You don't slap a 5 year old for making a mistake, you explain what happened and ask him not to do it again, and reaffirm your affections for them. Why is this concept hard to apply as an adult? If you want any sort respect for yourself or from them later in time then being a good person and taking the high road is much more memorable than being a crazy vindictive ex. This will also have much larger applications for any social relationship you form.


incredibly disrespectful and demeaning comment toward someone making admirable strides in her recovery from deep heart ache-- especially when the OP was not talking about undertaking any harmful action against the ex. she simply articulated a TINY BIT of anger, which is one natural stage of healing. many people, dumpees and dumpers, hope that "karma" will balance what feels "unfair" in any failed relationship. and her tone was jokey anyway.


in light of your advice, please remember that the "high road" can be taken in most social interactions, not just breakups.

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incredibly disrespectful and demeaning comment toward someone making admirable strides in her recovery from deep heart ache-- especially when the OP was not talking about undertaking any harmful action against the ex. she simply articulated a TINY BIT of anger, which is one natural stage of healing. many people, dumpees and dumpers, hope that "karma" will balance what feels "unfair" in any failed relationship. and her tone was jokey anyway.


in light of your advice, please remember that the "high road" can be taken in most social interactions, not just breakups.


You're right. I'd like to apologize for being rather condescending. That is something I need to work on and stop projecting onto others. Regardless though, I hope she finds peace and works on herself instead of being preoccupied with the ex as much.

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Thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself. Im posting my emotions on a break up board, I won't ever act on them obviously, if I were to, I would never post on here, I would simply do it. And I think I will stop dwelling eventually but it's been a month and we were together constantly for three years. So perhaps it will take a tad longer than a month. Either way, thanks for the apology and well wishes


I appreciate the confidence in my progress you all! It's so encouraging to hear that I will get over this stage, because historically this has been the longest and hardest stage for me to get over. Especially in our case because I did so much for him. It's kinda like discovering a talent, making him successful, just to watch them leave you for another manager when they are rich and famous after you did all the work haha. But either way, deep down beyond the anger and "vindictiveness" I am his friend, so I would want to see him happy in the long run.


It's my birthday today, haha I would hope he would at least say happy bday...I thought he would but I'm starting to suspect he won't =\ oh well, if he doesn't, it's the last straw. Just makes it all the easier to move on. Honestly, it's not like I'll fall head over heels in love with him from wishing me a happy birthday. Guys are dumb =p thanks you guys, you all are the best break up friends ever!

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thanks you guys, you all are the best break up friends ever!





Happy birthday Brokenheart.


Try and have a good one ... and assume that you aren't going to hear from your ex, as is generally the case, that way you won't be too disappointed if you don't hear from him. Easier said that done, though, I know.

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Aww thanks! I'm an old lonely fart, single and still hot though! Might as well start my collection of cats now


And yeah I think I've prepared myself for that...50% there at least. He's such a jerk sometimes, that I don't have any expectations, i won't even be surprised to be honest. Oh well..when the smoke clears, at least I can walk away leaving him with good memories of being a great caring gf, and all he will leave me with is memories of being cold and uncaring. Eventually his guilt and remorse will eat at him. Always try to leave someone's life a little better than it was, in my opinion

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Aww thanks! I'm an old lonely fart, single and still hot though! Might as well start my collection of cats now


I have 4 cats .... I wonder what that says about me LOL!!! Mind you I have 3 children so I'm not sure if I fall into the category of lonely old cat woman just yet!


Yep let him get on with his thoughts whilst keeping your dignity intact.

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