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For healthy habits and concerns, what really causes breakouts?


Poor diet ?

Products that you use?

Environmental factors ?







What if true are the foods you should avoid to reduce acne breakouts?


I saw a segment on Oprah once where a doctor/writer life coach gave pointers on how to have great and/or improve your skin by eating a special diet. How true is that. I know certain foods like soda and other no nos can have minimal effects. So I am wondering what foods that are most important to avoid or what kind of foods can you eat that will help you and me in the long run?

Why at an older age are we vunerable to breakouts still does it reduce when you go through menopause or something?

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all of these things are true...you just have to try a combination of things and find out what works for you im 19 ..and ablsolutly hate when i find a zit popping up ..it happens to the best of us tho! but just try a combination of things ...eating less fatty foods, trying new products, your dr. can put you on birth control or medication to regulate you hormones...don't feel like you are alone tho...in my experiences ived found that trying to cover them up tho had made it worse ..just let your skin breathe and treat it good! hope this helps!!!!!!!

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It was my chemical makeup. I had bad acne in jr high - tried everything; changing my diet, topical cream (both perscription and non-perscription), everything.


Nothing worked until my doctor perscribed acutane. I had no side effects.


Now it's 10 years later and i get the scatter pimple, which i take care of with a perscription of erythromycen - solugel.

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For healthy habits and concerns, what really causes breakouts?


Poor diet ?

Products that you use?

Environmental factors ?







What if true are the foods you should avoid to reduce acne breakouts?


I saw a segment on Oprah once where a doctor/writer life coach gave pointers on how to have great and/or improve your skin by eating a special diet. How true is that. I know certain foods like soda and other no nos can have minimal effects. So I am wondering what foods that are most important to avoid or what kind of foods can you eat that will help you and me in the long run?

Why at an older age are we vunerable to breakouts still does it reduce when you go through menopause or something?


Asian water based soups (like the type you get at Chinese restaraunts) and herbal teas are especially good, because they detoxify your body system.


In terms of food, avoid deep fried foods, because they're so oily, although Olive Oil is very good for your skin (hence why so many Italians have such nice skin).


And wash your face regularily.

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It was my chemical makeup. I had bad acne in jr high - tried everything; changing my diet, topical cream (both perscription and non-perscription), everything.


Nothing worked until my doctor perscribed acutane. I had no side effects.


Now it's 10 years later and i get the scatter pimple, which i take care of with a perscription of erythromycen - solugel.


I was on minocin mr and a cream to help my spots. But after 2 years, and the spots getting worse i was given acutane. Works a treat but does have side effects.


In terms of food/drink giving problems. I found that if i drank a lot of milk it seemed to increase spots.


General uncleaness won't help either.


Stress probably has its effects


Pro hormones make a mess aslo, well at least the PCT (post cycle therapy) does. My back is still recovering from using some



Drink lots of water, its great for the skin. Calcium pills for teeth/bone. Cod liver oil for the joints.

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