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Giving it a try..


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After a very nasty break up and finding Im stuck living with my ex since we both have signed the lease and cant get out from under it till May of 2005 I decided it was time he moved into the spare room. Since we were no longer in a relationship I saw no reason to share a room much less a bed. Now several weeks have passed after practicing NC and we have sat down and talked indepth about our feelings, or its more like I did most of the talking about feelings. We both decided to give it one more shot. I did not rush out and move his belongings back into my bedroom nor did I encourage him to sleep with me. I still harbor some issues like abandonment and trust worthiness. But now he is slowly starting to spend the night in my bed on weekends and days that we both find ourselves home like on holidays since I work nights. Most night during the week he sleeps in his own room. Will this arangement bring us closer and make us desire the other more if we only occasionally share a bed. Or will it mean that he will take me for granite and come May when our lease is up I find myself moving out. Im told that until he commits to me and desires to make a permanent relationship solid that this on again and off again love life will only harbor resentment and disrespect of him.

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