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hair pulling disorder


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hey guys.

so i have this disorder called trichotillomannia. when i get nervous, i pick at my hair and i actually pull it out. i have some spots on my head where my hair is really thin and you can see my scalp. i do a pretty good job of doing it in spots that arent noticeable but still, you can kind of tell if you look. i just wanted to bring this topic to the forum because i know its actually fairly common but kept very secretive because its very embarrassing. ive only told one person in my life, but i felt like i could talk about it here on this website. does anyone out there also have this disorder? have a friend/family member that does? its really embarrassing and a huge source of stress in my life- and when i get stressed i do it more. a vicious cycle. maybe talking about it will help. just wanted to put it out there and raise some awareness of this disorder

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I have this disorder as well, and am pretty sure it's rooted in biological causes. I have conducted a lot of research on it (even contacted a professor (Dr. Christenson) who is currently on the forefront of research on the subject right now) and although there's no definitely cause confirmed yet, I believe that it is due to a chemical imbalance in the brain (probably related to serotonin levels, which is often correlated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, or OCDs.) In any case, I don't have any bald spots, although my hair is *very* thin and it is getting quite bad..


check out this support group website, I am in it as well -- link removed


it's Brenda C's Trich page, if that doesn't work. There's lots of resources on the 'net if you google it. I couldn't believe this existed, when I found out about it! I thought I was a freak by nature for the longest time, but then when I found out that there's actually a name for this disorder, it really helped..people who know I have it always just say 'why don't you just stop?" it's hard to understand I know..unless you have it. It is possible to stop although I haevn't been able to yet..


The only people I've told about it are my mom & sister. A couple of other people know I pull although they don't know the reasons behind it (just assume that it's due to stress, which makes it worse but isn't the ultimate reason.)


If you or anyone else who has trich wants to contact me, feel free to pm..I don't want to post my e-mail address on here.


Thanks for posting this. It helps to know there's others out there with the same thing.

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Hi ctgirl82,


I knew a girl who had that condition as well. Unfortunately I don't remember alot about it because it was years ago (she used to baysit my brother and I when we were little), but I remember her talking about it once when I asked her why her hair was so short (she said she kept her hair really short because it made it harder to pull the hair out). I hadn't heard of any other cases of it until reading your post.


Don't feel embarrassed to talk about it, if its a big stress in your life its probobly good to talk. Is there any kind of treatment available, other than conventional therapy?


Fell free to talk about it here. Take care,


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Also, most people I know who have it, most just try to deal with it themselves from advice off of books or websites (check link removed for some resources if you want to read up on it there's a few books out there..) But there are some doctors that specialize in it as well, and some medications out there although they are sketchy and I don't believe there's enough evidence for me to trust them. There are side effects as well..


Behavioural therapy is a popular option. I personally just try to deal with it. I was able to stop for about 2 months a few years ago, but haevn't been giving enough attention to it lately to really try. Some ways I deal with it are wearing a shower cap/baseball cap so I don't pull, always having something in my hands (like a shoe string or silly putty), and keepign myself in public places when I'm really sterssed like a public library because I don't pull in front of other people.


hope that helped,



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Also, most people I know who have it, most just try to deal with it themselves from advice off of books or websites (check link removed for some resources if you want to read up on it there's a few books out there..) But there are some doctors that specialize in it as well, and some medications out there although they are sketchy and I don't believe there's enough evidence for me to trust them. There are side effects as well..


Behavioural therapy is a popular option. I personally just try to deal with it. I was able to stop for about 2 months a few years ago, but haevn't been giving enough attention to it lately to really try. Some ways I deal with it are wearing a shower cap/baseball cap so I don't pull, always having something in my hands (like a shoe string or silly putty), and keepign myself in public places when I'm really sterssed like a public library because I don't pull in front of other people.


hope that helped,



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I thought that I was the only one who did that. I used to pull my hair a lot, especially during Jr. year in high school, the most stressful year. I stopped doing that. But, I remember nights where I would stay up staying until 3 o' clcok in the morning, and would have to get up at 6:30 for my 7:00 class. Boy were those years hell. I remember my hair easily my hair would fall out too. But, I don't think that it's done any permanant damage to my scalp or anything.


I think that hair pulling has a lot to do with stress. Eventually, you will learn to let go of this habit. Meanwhile, hang in there. Hope you're not too stressed out! Take care...

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Hi Mahlina,


Trich isn't a habit, and it's not due to stress. (Well it can be a trigger for some people but not necessarily.) I pull even when I'm not stressed out; people do it when they're bored/sleepy, etc. It's just an intense feeling that you can't control, regardless of what you're doing. Also, children as young as 4/5 have this disorder when they're not stressed out. It's a lot more complicated than it sounds..I think it's ultimately due to a chemical imbalance, but I think it can be solved with a lot of effort. I've been pulling since I was 12 and haevn't been able to stop yet..some people for their whole life..it's really quite frustrating.

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I must admit I am surprised, to see so many people who suffer from this problem. I had it when I was about 9 or 10 years old, until I was about 12 or 13. It was when I realised that my problem actually had a name that I was able to stop myself.


I don't recall being stressed, but my childhood was fairly lonely, but never unhappy. I used to do it when I was bored, hungry or just sitting around reading. I'm not really sure what stopped me doing it. Perhaps I just grew out of it. All I can say is now, I cannot bear to pull a hair from my head, the feeling of it makes me almost sick.


So perhaps this may give hope to some of you...


Good luck.



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wow, i am so happy to see that so many other people out there know what im talking about and understand it. its a really tough thing to deal with- constantly worrying about how your hair looks, fear of going to the hairdresser, cleaning up all the hair on the floor so your roommates dont see. its really very shameful and i hate it and i wish i could stop. i do it ALOT when im studying by myself or driving by myself. being around other people really helps me and so does being relaxed/having fun. i dont remember why i started. i think i was around 9 and my family had just moved and i guess it was really stressful for me. so now ive been doing it for 13 years- i cant believe its been that long.

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  • 5 months later...

i also have this disorder. i am baffled to find that so many people have it. i have been trying to deal with it for more than 7 years now. i also have moderate ocd, although it does not interfere with my life the way my trich does . i am actually wondering if anyone has overcome this disorder without using medication? i really don't want to go to my doctor about it, i have never told a single person about it, and my whole life i have been trying to fight it but nothing is working yet.

so if anyone has some self-help tips on dealing with this i would really appreciate hearing them. thanks!

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Hmm... I know this is a very old topic already, but I also realize that PEOPLE tell me to stop plucking my chin's beard out. I always wonder why i do it, but it's somewhat stimulating. Like a previous poster mentioned, it's something you do even when you're not stressed (but it is a habit that when you ARE stressed, you'll tend to do it more). I couldn't quite stop that habit, and since it is not such a big deal, i chose not to care about it until i read your post.


I've always thought that there's a hand (left or right) that you'll use more often to pluck hair out. In my case, it is a stimulation for the hand rather than for the head. Perhaps it's some kind of addiction just like those who "can't stop cutting"

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  • 8 months later...

Wow I knew that other people had this disorder but I didn't know so many. I remember I first started pulling when I was in 1st grade but it didn't get bad until I was in 5th grade when my brother died. Does anyone else pull out hair other than on their heads? I started with my eyebrows and eyelashes then went to hair on my head. I stopped pulling out the hair on my head a quite a few years ago but I still pull upper lashes and eyebrows. Actually I found that my one brother that is still alive also has somewhat the same problem as me. Plus my mom knew someone she worked with that did this also. I am just wondering if anyone has stopped pulling all together and could give help to stop indefinitely?

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It's weird to see that this is an actual clinical disorder.


I've been pulling my hair for a few years now. It's rarely been really bad, although my hair has been getting noticeably thin lately. It may or may not be related - I've generally pulled hair more from the side of my head, like around my ears and my sideburns (when I still grew sideburns). I also sometimes pull at my eyebrows and eyelashes.


I've always had some psychological problems, and I haven't been able to figure out what they are. I've been thinking most recently that it's related to depression and/or insomnia.

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I dont know much at all about this disorder or condition. I am not sure what to call it. Seems to fit in the OCD category from what i have read in magazine articles before. I remember a girl from 5th grade that started doing that, and we could see her bald spots, and kids being kids we would tease her about it. I feel certain that seeing a doctor or counselor and discussing it would be a start .I can see how it might be something that people dont want to discuss out of fear of being labeled crazy or weird. I wish i knew some advice or tips to give on the topic, but i dont. The post caught my eye as i was scanning through the categories and posts, because it made me remember the girl from 5th grade. Hope all of you find the sources that you need to get the information, tips, or help that you desire.

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I have been doing some research on Trich since I have this disorder and I finally have a name for it. Apparently it is considered an ICD (Impulse Control Disorder) it is in the same category as compulsive gambling/drinking. The problem is researchers don't have a lot of information yet and won't know all there is to know for about 20 more years. But they do know that most people that have had it since they were 12/13 still have it at the age of 40 or older. These statistics are kind of hard to hear but at least we know we're not alone. One more quick piece of info is that depression doesn't seem to cause this disorder but more the disorder causes depresssion.

"Everyone likes having his or her hair played with/ brushed etc., and this is because when the hair shaft moves, this triggers a release of endorphins, and the same thing happens with trich. It is the endorphin release that is the reason for removing hair when under pressure or in stressful situations as it calms us down. Trich is very hard to get over for this simple reason. I mean, why would you stop doing something that calms you down in unpleasant situations? Also, pulling your hair out generally doesn't hurt, depending on the area."

At least we know what it is and why we do it? Now all we have to do is find a way to stop.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have had trich since i was in the 4th grade..

it all started when i was in class one day and it began with my simply twirling my hair then i realized i had a big pile of hair on the ground next to my chair...i ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and to my surprise i had a big bald spot on the top of my head. As soon as i noticed i had one i stoped until i entered 7th grade. Since 7th grade till now (out of high school)

i currently still pick out my hair. I hate that i do it, i just want so bad to be able to swim underwater with everyone else in the summer, or get my hair done in really cute styles... but NO! i have to have the wear the same hairstyle every single day! it sucks really really bad! i used to cry every night.

i used to not be open with my problem but now i could really care less who knows... i think thats only because i have a wonderful boyfriend who dosent care (i used to think no man would ever want me)... infact his ex girlfriend had the same problem. He has yet to se me woth my hair down though, and i intend to keep it that way until it is fully grown out. its funny because my hair down looks basically like a bad bad mullet with the eception of a couple bals spots in places... but from trying to cover it up for so long i have been able to do my hair in ways that are actually somewhat cute!.. also another thing that i do 9which i am sure many if not most of you do) is chew the roots of my hair even sometimes eating it.

have you guys ever done that?.. what about finding the "right" hairs...like example i only go for the wavy textured ones.. hmm. how about saying this "just one more and then ill stop" i do that all the time. Anyways its very bothersome to me..that i feel as if i have to try to perfect everything else about me so that the only thing wrong with me is my hair. I have been on paxil, prozac, and other medications but none have seem to work.. i dont know what to do anymore... i seriously need help!!


for some reason i think if i didnt have my hair problem i wouldnt be who i am today or have the wonderful friends that i have know.. so in a way i am thankful!



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I used to do this when I was a little boy. I grew up in a abusive household. My dad would be the crap out us boys both physically and mentally. I guess the stress was just to much on me as a kid. I only did it for a few months before my parents somehow were able to even take away my will to pull my hair out. Not sure how I stopped but I wish you luck. Take care.

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I'm sorry you have to go through that... I, myself, bite my nails when I'm stressed... But I bite it until I bleed. I only stop when it starts hurting and I see blood. Otherwise, I don't even know I'm doing it. I've done it since I was like 13, then I stopped doing it when I was 17, and now that I'm 18, it came back. But, I mean, I think the hair is tougher to deal with... I hope you overcome this. Good luck and best wishes.

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I don't pull my hair out and never have, but I'm interested in the disorder. A friend told me that when monkeys get really stressed out, they sit and rub their heads for hours, sometimes so much that their hair falls out. I've noticed that when I get stressed I reach up and twirl my hair a lot...or if I read or watch a movie and I get really anxious about the outcome, I'm likely to reach up for hair next to my scalp & comb my fingers through it nervously. It's almost like I can't help it--I only notice it afterwards, and I have to force myself put my hands down. Most people don't notice, but my ex would tease me about it. I never have the urge to pull it out, though, so I'm wondering if trich falls at the end of a continuum: head rubbing --> hair twirling/combing-->hair pulling...or if it's a separate, discrete disorder.


What do you guys think? Do any of you with trich also have other hair/head touching issues, or did you, prior to pulling?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am almost 20 years old and like I said in my first post...I remember I first started pulling when I was in 1st grade. Actually it happened much like you "KissMe_KillMe"...I was sitting at my desk at school and I started pulling a little on my eyebrows, realizing that many came out without any effort. But then I just started pulling harder and the next thing I knew I had gaps in my eyebrows. I did this for a while but probably not more than a year and I stopped for a while.


I thought that it was when I was in 5th grade, after my brother died, that it got bad. But now that I think about it, it actually got bad about 6months to a year or so b4 my brother died because I remember him knowing about it. When I talk about it getting bad I mean I didn't have eyebrows (I wasn't old enough to know how to pencil them in), I didn't have top eyelashes (didn't know how to use eyeliner yet either) and I had clumps of hair missing.


I can totally relate to you "KissMe_KillMe" about having to wear the same hairstyle and always ask if it looks ok. But now I only pull eyelashes and eyebrows but I still have to ask if my eyebrows still look ok...in 9th grade I learned how to pencil in eyebrows and use eyeliner so I would look "normal" and as most ppl know eyebrow pencil rubs off and/or washes off. I constantly carry around an eyebrow pencil and eyeliner in my purse just in case.


I've done basically every type of hair pulling and actually I am so used to it that I none of it hurts at all anymore. But I am happy to have stopped pulling the hair on my head which I think I quit somewhere between 8th and 9th grade. I don't mind the eyebrow thing much since I have perfected the penciling in so well even my hairstylist thought they were real until I told her otherwise. I stopped pulling my top eyelashes for about a month ago but I couldn't stay stopped so I am still doing that but all my bottom lashes are there (for some reason I can stop pulling those whenever I want).


I have never been on any medication and I went to a shrink once but that did no good either. Basically you have to wake up one day and just stop. I am working really hard on it but it just isn't that easy. I guess my advice for you "KissMe_KillMe" is not really anything all I can give you is hope...I stopped pulling the hair on my head so if one person can stop without drugs or therapy I would think anyone can.

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I know I just posted but I have a little more to say. I don't twirl my hair but sometimes it helps me to stop pulling for a while if my boyfriend runs his hands through my hair, while we're watching TV. I try and get him to do this on a daily basis. I guess that goes along with what researchers have said "Everyone likes having his or her hair played with/ brushed etc., and this is because when the hair shaft moves, this triggers a release of endorphins, and the same thing happens with trich. It is the endorphin release that is the reason for removing hair when under pressure or in stressful situations as it calms us down. Trich is very hard to get over for this simple reason. I mean, why would you stop doing something that calms you down in unpleasant situations?"

I have also tried to wear a rubber band around my wrist and every time I would start to pull I would snap it (I heard it has helped some people that cut) but that didn't really seem to work. I have also gotten one of those spin rings and tried to just sit there and spin it every time I wanted to pull but again that didn't seem to work.

Also I know what it is like to try and keep this secret. My parents told all my family without me knowing and told some of their friends - it's embarrassing you know. I have also cried many days and nights because of this. We don't ask to be this way and it just isn't that easy to stop. Myself I have only told 2 of my past girl friends, my ex-boyfriend when we were together (2 yr. relationship) and my now boyfriend. Some people think it is so weird or they just don't know what to say. But I feel as long as my family and my best friend (my boyfriend) know, I don't need anyone else to know.

One other interesting fact is that my brother that is 8 year older than me (the one that is alive) also has a hair pulling issue I am not going to say what but I used to do this also. So is this genetic??

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I've been doing it for the past few years...but even when I looked up the symptoms of the disorder, I don't think I am.


I mean...I can go days and weeks without pulling sometimes, and when I do, I never sit and pull out chunks of hair but a couple of strands...sometimes more, sometimes less.


It's not random hairs either, it's rough/damaged hairs...it started when I had stiched on my head, in my hair...I was pulling them out as they heel and my hair got all weird...Even now when the hair grows back, it grows back strange...Now I just pull out wavy/unruly hairs...


Do I count? :S

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I personally think there are different extremes to this ICD (Trich). You are just lucky to be on the low end. Me and many others, unfortunately, are on the high end. But then I guess, I wouldn't consider someone who plucks their eyebrows, to their ideal shape, to have this ICD. I pluck my eyebrows but the problem is I go too far with it (thank god for eyebrow definer/pencils).


So I guess you may or may not have this ICD. It mostly depends on if the pulling gets out of hand at times and/or you get pleasure out of doing it and/or it makes you feel better.

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