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Can it be done?


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Hey again,


If you've read my other recent posts, pretty much to summarize it:

-She gave me some pretty good signs that she "liked" me

-I asked her out, but she sais she had a bf (I didn't believe it at first, but I learned she likely does, maybe not from our school though)

-She has some sort of "rep" that may make her a little hesitant

-Ever since I asked her out, I've been myself, but she's been a little less open to me - it may be that I don't get as many chances to talk to her, but there may be something to it....


I want to talk to her, but it seems like something changed overnight. She doesn't talk to me as much as she used to when I figured she liked me and some other little things, like I've been starting all the convo's between us lately. I want to talk to her (maybe use IM if not in person..???), but I don't want their to be any uneasiness on her part for w/e reason.


Any ideas to talk to her and have both sides feel comfortable? I've been trying to, but I'm not convinced it's been working. The fire is out; whatever feelings she may have had for me are starting to go down unless I do something (can't ask her out - she has a bf as of right now).

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That sucks. I know that girls tell me all the time that I have pretty blue eyes, and that I'm baby cute. I know that in the last year, I've liked 5 girls, 2 treated me different and gave me funny looks, 1 I can't tell (we never talked unless I approached her), 1 I'm going to find out in the next week, and 1 never found out. So good luck, cuz I've had no luck at least becoming friends (Sure, one of the funny looks and the to be found out are older than me so I never had a chance) when they found out.


So basically, I'm doing bad when they find out. Just don't worry about it, and move on. Next time don't tell anyone you like this girl, hint it with the person, and also hint that you don't like them. Make them wonder.

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Thanks Bling. I think she actually was spreading the word. You see, I told a few friends, and they didn't tell anyone. One of these friends heard the girl talking about it and then I even heard people talking. I think the "mind games" you speak of can work...


Any more advice is appreciated (anyone)...

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99 views and one reply, geez (my other one doesn't count).


Let's see if I can "re-phrase" this and make it easier to understand:


There's this girl I like. At first, she was always there, we talked a lot, etc. The signs looked pretty good so I asked her out only to find out she is seeing someone (doesn't seem to be all that big though). Ever since that moment, something changed. She isn't as open - I'll try to talk to her Monday but something definitely happened "overnight" - I used to get these detailed answers from her, now she gives "one-word" answers (or just real short answers). The opening post on this thread also has some info as well if u want to refer to it. Could I be a threat to her relationship and not know it ? Could she have lost interest in me just like "that"? I dunno what it is...


ANY help is appreciated. Thanks.

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I think that she likes you its just that you startled her by asking her out.. Some girls can't tell if you like them or not.. She probably thought you didn't like her and then when you asked her out she became very nervous and very shy that you feel the same way she might feel.. she might hav also used the boyfriend in a diff area excuss just to get herself some time to think.. I would expect her to come back to you in a few days or a week.. So just give her time to think and stuff and ask her out again in a week..



Hope to have been help



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I think that she likes you its just that you startled her by asking her out.. Some girls can't tell if you like them or not.. She probably thought you didn't like her and then when you asked her out she became very nervous and very shy that you feel the same way she might feel.. she might hav also used the boyfriend in a diff area excuss just to get herself some time to think.. I would expect her to come back to you in a few days or a week.. So just give her time to think and stuff and ask her out again in a week..



Hope to have been help




Thanks Holy Torture. I think u may be right that me asking out kinda caught her by surprise. The only problem is if she really has a bf...then what?

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My opinion is that yep she sounds like she likes you...but just keep in mind also that some girls (like me unfortunately...it's become a habit that I need to break) flirt just for the sake of it. You probably did catch her by surprise when you asked her...but don't give up. If she doesn't have a boyf it was just a reflex action and she'll come round. If she does (you really need to find this out for sure), kinda hard to say but you have to back off I'd say. It could ruin any chance you have with her if that relationship doesn't work out. But don't back off completely...be genuine and friendly around her and act like nothing has changed. She'll come around. Good Luck!



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