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married woman in love with another woman

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Hi, I relate to a lot of you posting here. I am a married, in my late thirties and I am very attracted to, strongly like, and maybe even love another married woman. She doesn't know, or at least I don't think she knows, but there have been lots of nonverbal things that have gone on. Unnecessary touching, I have caught her looking at me, and looking at parts of me that most straight women wouldn't look at. There have also been subtle texting flirts. I can't read her though. I can't tell if she gets scared away if it gets to obvious or maybe she isn't 100 percent sure of my feelings. I will mention that my husband is actually okay with me having a full on relationship with a woman and he knows about my attraction. I have the go ahead from him. That is not the issue. It may be an issue for her though. I am going crazy and wish I had the courage to tell her or just kiss her, but I just can't. I need a little more sign from her that it would be okay. I don't know if she is straight, bisexual or even maybe in the closet lesbian. I don't know if she was bisexual or lesbian if she would ever act on it, or if it would be okay with her husband. She is a total tomboy, but I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything. Having these feelings and being around her have brought me so much joy and passion. I have also come home crying, feeling so disappointed thinking I have been fooling myself believing anything is going on, or might come of it. There are days where I think there has to be something more from they way we interacted. I don't want to lose her in my life altogether, but it's killing me at the same time. I have never felt so much desire in my life!

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