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How do I know if she's interested?


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Hi there,

Been on and off this site for a while now, just getting on with my life after a bad break up earlier in the year, and getting myself on the mend, and have been wanting to get back out there, get my life together (which I'm doing) and find someone, I strongly believe I belong with someone. Well now I have said that, theres a lady I like at work, and have been told after confiding in a mate at work, that he thinks she likes me, thing is she's one of my bosses, but have a feeling also that she could be interested in me, I only just got talking to her propperly the other day and have seen a mixture of signs, but am confused as to whether I'm barking up the wrong tree, I'm attracted to her in a big way, please will someone enlighten me to what signs, women give out to show they are attracted to a guy. This would help a great deal...





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im only 16, but just maybe this can help you out a little bit, When i notice that someone is flirting with guys....or when i do, they tend to laugh alot or the opposite become very quiet. Also they can keep strong eye contact, or they glance back and forth at you. It really depends on what type of person she is. Some girls who are really out-going would sometimes bend down infront of a guy if they were that desperate. Well thats all i can think of! good luck

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Thanks for your reply,

Only got to know this lady over the past few weeks, but just got talking to her the other day. When she looks at me it's quite minimal, she'll talk and not look at me, but have her hand on her face or fidget with something. I've looked up to see if she's looking and caught her looking away a few times. As for laughing she'll laugh at most things. It's just that now I really need to know I haven't got it all wrong...

More help and input would be greatfully appreciated!



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I would say that she likes you..cos what she's doing is very similar to what i do when I'm with the guy I like.. it's really hard for us shy gals to maintain eye contact - in fact I was totally in love with my crush for about 2 months before I knew the colour of jhis eyes cos I just don't look at him..lol!


On the other hand she could be shy in general with all guys - I know I am. How does she react to other guys?


Either way I think you've got nothing to lose by become more acquainted with her and maybe asking her for drink/coffee sometime? I am 99% sure she'd be very flattered and say yes!!


Good luck,


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Queen_midas thanks for your reply!!!

Well things have progressed a little bit, sorry I haven't replied straight away, been away. Anyway, I've done my research and there are a lot of signs she's throwing my way! The start of the week she caught me looking at her, then we communictated a little. Then on my last shift before my hols , she went out of her way, and came up to me, chatted, prolonged eye contact, the works! Her breathing was more rushed, she seemed a little flushed too. I turn and catch her looking too, sometimes it would be a long lingering glance. Beautiful! And then I'd catch her looking away! Then she'd get pretty close too, and just look at me... she even flirted too, without going into detail, she seemed pretty interested, but nothings been mentioned yet, we haven't even discussed anything. But I've been away, and hope she's been thinking of me, I have of her, loads. I just hope nothings changed, what do you think?


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If it's work and she's your boss you'll need to move carefully. If possible I will not date co-workers or classmates (for my case). If I learnt anything from the army it's professionalism. Draw the line between work and personal life, flirting may be fun, and getting together even better. If you want to go after her, do it at after work, not at work. It won't be long before people start gossiping about favouritism when you get that next promotion....


Anyway I know this is irrelevant, but it's just my 2 cents. Good luck!

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Well here's an update...

Been asking advice on here as to tell if a lady is interested or not, well last week i was getting really positive signs, then i went on my hols and then came back this week, the signs seemed few but thought there was still kind of something there with this woman at work, who turns out to be my boss, well friday night i asked her for a drink, and she said she'd think about it. What does that mean? She said that people would think there was favouritism and that she was my boss etc, but something tells me that means a solid no! And she's maybe just letting me down gently. Really wasn't sure what to expect here, when i did ask her. But said that we could still be professional at work. Like I said, she said she would think about it, but what about the signs from last week? Plus the occasional one this week?


Had I got it all wrong???



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  • 3 weeks later...
When i notice that someone is flirting with guys....or when i do, they tend to laugh alot or the opposite become very quiet. Also they can keep strong eye contact, or they glance back and forth at you. It really depends on what type of person she is.


Now I know this!!


I've been flirting with the girl I like and she's really quiet - she's just a quiet person. She does give some eye-contact and I dunno if she likes me or not. She sent strong signals at first, but they have died down over the past few weeks. But being real quiet is a sign of interest?


And Terrance...sorry about what happened. I think she was "stalling" for a reason at the time u asked her for a drink. Also, hitting on your boss can have very disasterous effects if things go bad in a relationship.

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I think it depends. If being quiet, she is concentrating on you, then it's good. If being quiet, she's just browsing around, look distracted, then not that well. If being quiet, that's probably a sign of shyness. Even the most shy girl will start talking when you hit the right note. You just have to get her to talk about her hobby, her life, her goal, her friends, her music. Basically everything about her. Just remember, girls like to talk about themselves, you just have to "pretend" you're one of her girlfriends. And the trick is you have to mix it with some romantic gesture, so she'll know you're for real. Hope it helped.

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