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Hey everyone, I'm new here and would appreciate some advice...


I was seeing this guy for a few months and was really starting

to fall for him When all of a sudden he started getting distant

and then stopped talking to me All together out of the blue...? (Its been a week)


Do i contact him and ask whats going on or just try move on, I'm very hurt

Because he was my best friend many months before and he seemed so

Interested in me then just nothing. I don't want to do anything

to push him away more.



Any advice would be great xx

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If he was your best friend then it's probably worth trying to talk to him. If he's your best friend, asking why there is a lack of contact is surely reasonable and not needy.

It's worth saving a friendship if not more. The same thing happened to me years ago, he cut me off and I waited for him. Finally we talked again and he explained he didn't want a girlfriend. It was painful but I got past it and we stayed friends. It's better to know what he's thinking than wait and wonder forever.

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Hey! I am seriously in the same boat as you. Honestly, the right thing to do in my opinion is to tell him how you feel. However, in my experience in the past, telling men how I felt didn't get me very far. Everytime a man stayed around was when I didn't pressure him and I didn't give him ultimatums. I think guys don't like it when they feel pressured about things which makes sense. Not a lot of people do.


If your intentions are trying to get him back. I would suggest giving him some time to think. And maybe call or text him and keep it a light conversation. The goal is to see him in person and have a good time with him without bringing up anything serious. That way he can feel comfortable around you again, because something made him slip away. Now maybe there is someone else in the picture. If that's the case, not bringing up anything still makes him want to see you again because everyone wants to hangout with people who they have a good time with.


Anyway, I think the best way to bring up serious conversations are when you guys had a good time together, and then say something like " I really enjoyed hanging out tonight and I love spending time with you", and that can lead into a more serious conversation. I learned from the past that bringing things up out of the blue in a negative way or tone, like "why didn't you talk to me for a week", can push people away because it makes them feel like you are keeping tabs on them.


Hope this helps!

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Thanks so much!


Im really not sure what to say to him to make him tell me whats going on (hes stubborn)

i know deep down he does not want me but i feel like

I need some sort of answer from him to move on

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