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my biggest crush ever

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I have my biggest crush ever on a guy named James. At camp he is my biggest friend out of everybody. it leaked out that I like him and everybody teases us but he doesn't mind that I like him. Actually, he didn't even go through a period of avoiding me when he found out. he denies liking me, but he may just be doing it to avoid teasing. i always am running to his side, trying to be his partner in line, etc., but I never really noticed if he did it as well. I also never noticed if he stares back when I stare at him. Our teasers say he liked me, but I never believed them. Now my friend Desiree says he likes me too. I know we will keep in touch during the school year, and I hoped we could kinda like, date over the phone(we're both too young to date) What do you think?

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  • 6 months later...

I have a secret method you can use to find out if he like you. JUST ASK HIM


Very simple, isn't it? Ask him if he likes you and all will be well. I suppose you're rather young, so you really dont need a steady relationship yet. Just get to be friends with him, enjoy doing things together while you still like each other.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really think you have to ask him. It could be annoying.

Is it so important whether he loves you or not? I said "he loves" because it's obvious that he likes you. Otherwise you won't be still in friendship or something.


The most important thing is you are together!

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