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Something to keep me motivated


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I've been getting the urge to unblock my ex on Facebook lately. Not to contact him, just to do a bit of stalking. I'm not going do it, probably, just in case it upsets me. I'm finding the more time goes by the less I want to test how 'over him' I am. I still think about him daily but it's mainly thinking his name without any other thoughts or emotions behind it. occasionally I think what if I'd stood up for myself here or not let him get away with that, but it's less and less often and it's without the maybe it could of worked out bit. I guess when you've thought about someone so often it becomes a habit, one that's hard to break. I'm sure it will fade as more and more as time goes by and hopefully I get a distraction. But I am pretty happy single, I'm happy to wait for my next cuddly guy to come along.


Also I've been feeling a bit light headed and more squeamish lately. I've taken iron tablets twice now with a gap in between and I did feel much better those days. I'm going to buy some of my own tablets and start incorporating more iron into my diet when I move out. Luckily I love broccoli! Plus I don't wear a brace anymore so I can eat as much as I want without having to check in a mirror after.

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Gahh! How are you supposed to get someone out of your head! I accidently clicked on the radio when I went out for a walk at lunch and his full name was mentioned within seconds. I thought about him a lot more than I normally do, it's like the universe is trying to tell me to stop ignoring him. Well universe you clearly don't know how stubborn I am and if I can ignore him I can ignore you.


I'm going go-karting with work tonight.

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So I'm all moved out.... Well 98%. I'm also tucked up in bed and I think the only one in the house. I'm going to settle down and watch some TV. It's been a loooong day. I need to buy some stuff tomorrow then I'm off for a walk with the social group.


I still need to sort out my room, I'm not sure where I'm going to put everything. I definitely need to sell some more stuff. I think I'm going to sell the build-a-bear my ex bought me. If I sell it next month hopefully someone will want to give it to there child for Christmas. I want to buy some more pictures for my walls as well, make it look more homely.


My sister K bought me a leaving present some nice smelling candles that spelt home if I could find my matches I'd light one now.

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I would if I had any milk! Fortunately I have bread for toast.


I've just worked out it costs me approx. £7.50 a week to keep my hair blonde!!! I think I may go back to brown next week. I normally only go blonde for the summer any way so now would be a good time to switch back and start letting my hair recover.


Omg how cute ->

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I had a good day today a few accidents but hey that's everyday life for me. I ripped the button off of my walking trousers luckily a belt hid it until I was able to fix it, serves my right for thinking I was skinned enough to pull them up with out undoing it. I also lit a candle under the smoke alarm... Yeah... I panicked and though what if someone sees me with a towel on my head then I realised I could use it to fan the alarm. guess what the biggest towel I bought with me is my sweat towel, haha.


I really enjoyed my walk two of the guys I link were there, really lifted me out of my I'm lonely funk. Back to work got to get up a bit earlier from now on, boo.

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I had cereal for breakfast this morning.


I was so tired yesterday, I was a bit better today mainly because the afternoon was quite busy so it went quicker. I'm not sleeping properly still getting used to the bed and everything.


I bought a chair today if I can set that up I won't have to eat on my bed, I badly need some bookshelves to but if I buy them then I'll need to borrow my Dad's screwdrivers and possibly my Dad.


I'm going to try tidying my room a bit more tonight. Then get an early night.


I'm feeling happy at the moment, I hope everyone else is too.

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Confession: I unblocked my ex and looked at his profile. I was feeling good after I ate my dinner and It popped into my head again as it has been doing more and more over the last month. It seem like ignoring it was making it stronger not weaker, so since I was feeling happy, I though now is a better time. Since if I don't like what I see, it will just bring me down a bit not make my really sad. So yeah, I couldn't see much as most of his profile is private but looks like he's single, happy and has put back on all the weight he lost whilst he was with me (that last one made me a bit happy). I don't feel bad about doing it actually, I'm busy all day tomorrow so I'll won't have to worry about re-blocking him until the 48 hours are up and I'm genuinely happy that he looks happy. I still don't have any urge to contact him. Since we broke up I've had a slight urge for him to contact me, but I can't really act on that so it doesn't bother me. Least now the urge has gone...until next time.


In other news when I went on my walk on Sunday two of the guys I like were there. R (I'll stick to the same theme everyone else does) was explaining the walk at the start and he had a massive grin on his face and wouldn't stop looking at me, other people actually looked at me wondering why he was looking at me. It was a bit awkward but also cute. I like the other guy a bit more than him but they both seem quite shy, so I'm not sure if anything will happen. I also like a third guy ( apparently I'm not picky but I've only seen him on one trip I know where I could find him once a week so if I really felt stalkerish I could go hang out with him for a bit, in a group.


Anyway I'm shattered, night!

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It took me half an hour at one point to find the pub last night, I was almost crying at one point I was so lost, but luckily I eventually found it and had a good time.


I'm still not sleeping, I'm going to take a sleeping tablet I think just to get me through tomorrow. My friend invited me out for a massage and dinner. She's never initiated something before so this made me really happy. Especially as I only have one other friend in the area and she never initiates anything, well she used to ask me if I wanted to go swimming but that was only because she was going anyway and wanted a lift.


I'm 85% one of the guys I like, A, isn't interested in me, which is fine really. I think he preferred it when I was really shy and wouldn't show my personality off. Now he's realised I'm a chatterbox he's not interested, haha.

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I just spent 2 hours talking to my housemate, his names Adam (I keep forgetting it so best to write it down, or he's going start getting offended He seems nice. I also deleted all my Facebook history with my ex before re-blocking him, it felt good to do it.


I only ate some noodles with soy sauce for my dinner (sorry Mum!), my stomach has been really dodgy I didn't really feel like eating anything but I knew I had to. I've also taken two Nytol so I will be sleeping tonight!


Getting up at 6:30 tomorrow to make sure I don't miss the train. Looking forward to tomorrow.

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I hate being lost. One night last year, I went to a party. Then on the way home, the only road I knew was closed off. I had a GPS but it wasn't working and I ended up driving around in circles many times in unlit bush communities. It was horrible.


Hey CC, I've been feeling lazy myself with my own cooking of late. I have a good bakery near me and bought a family sized vegetable and lentil pie which I can easily get 3 meals out of. Also, it's good having a quiche in the freezer for those times too.

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I hate quiche but maybe pizza wouldn't be a bad idea. It was mainly because my stomach was bad I knew eating would make it worse. It's been a bit better today but not great.


I went out for a Thai foot massage with my friend today. At first it really tickled but once I got used to it, it was quite nice apart from when she pressed to hard apparently I have a lot of tension. She said that was connected to my back pain and told me to sit with a hot water bottle under my heel to help. We got 15% off for next time so hopefully we'll go out again. we went out for dinner after as well and talked for three hours after. She's from Malaysia and I love how we can. Talk about our culture differences and sometimes how it makes us feel awkward completely freely. She's quite shy but with me she won't shut up, a couple of glasses of wine also helped. Everyone knows we're friends at work.


I spoke to my Mum on the way home she was very happy I called and I'm going to go over there on Sunday. I'm getting my hair dyed back to brown tomorrow, it's at my gym to so I can workout before hand.



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My sister keeps complaining about me coming home to my parents. I don't think three times in a week is too much especially as it was because I was in the area anyway.


I'm shattered, I slept ok at the weekend but I think that was because of the alcohol. I'm going to take another sleeping tablet tonight just to help me to get used to the area.


I actually felt like my room was mine last night with all my stuff on the shelves and the floor tidy. I've gotten rid of my last box as well.

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Just pulled out my 10 minute cookbook for inspiration, I knew I wasn't wasting my money when I bought it. I think I got it for just a couple of pounds too.


Work is getting frustrating I can't wait to start looking for new jobs. I also need to start studying Japanese again, I might try a bit tonight.

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