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Something to keep me motivated


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I finished a book I'd been reading for months.


My Mum is also really annoying me have you done this, what are you going to do about this, have you considered this, I think this would be better, oh it's fine if you can't do it. I can do it! I appreciate your advise but can I just have it when I need it or ask for it, most of the things your talking about have nothing to do with you and you have no idea what to do yourself, so why try giving me advise or asking what I'm doing all the time! I really am starting to wish I was moving out this weekend just to get away from her. She can tell I'm getting annoyed npby the constant questions but she's still carrying on.

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I've really cheered myself up this morning. I watched two episodes of one piece. Played Pokemon for an hour (trying to catch a ledgendary still haven't managed it). Then I washed up and made some French onion soup.


If you tell me which game and which legendary you're trying to catch I'm sure my son could help you he's beat every game there is. He has every legendary.

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I just looked at the first page of this journal. I've actually moved further than I thought. Speaking of my ex though, I had to authorise my computer for iTunes and I noticed my ex was on my authorise list, wonder if hell notice I took him off.


I just painted my nails again I actually revised today got my exam on Thursday, it's the last one!


I'm looking forward to Tuesday, wonder how it will turn out.

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I'm starting to get mood swings, happy for a few hours then sad for a few. Sigh, I wish my periods would go back to normal i.e I still haven't had one despite being off birth control since June/July. It's funny wishing for something that causes you pain.


I'm getting nervous about moving out, I suddenly feel like everyone's happiness over it, is forcing me to go through with something I don't want too. I know logically my feelings don't make sense. Maybe I'm just stressed.


I might make a doctors appointment I'm still feeling light-headed and sluggish. My reactions are slow too, I'm not sure if it's affecting my driving.


Edit: I really need to start proof reading.

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I'm feeling a bit better about the whole thing this week, funnily enough it was a dream that helped me. I've want to move out since I was eighteen mainly because of my Mum. She keeps trying to control things and questioning everything and telling me that things aren't going to work out. Then she wonders why I snap at her and walk away, also I hate hearing her views on things it makes me so mad sometimes.


I went down some copper mines last week, we had to slide down really steep walls and all sorts, it was really run but I didn't get home until after 12:30 so I was very tired the next day, which was the day before my exam. Luckily I went bed early an woke up a bit later so I caught up and passed. I get my certificate in the next month and I don't have study anymore,well until I get a new job and start studying for the next one.


I packed up most of my stuff at the weekend, I've sold a few things as well. My room is a tip it's annoying but at least I'll just pack up the essentials then it will be unpacking only.


I'm going go-karting on Thursday and it's my Nan's birthday in Wednesday, I'm going to get her an Amazon voucher for some books on her kindle.

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We went out for my Nan's birthday today. She's still worried I'm not going to visit her when I move though I keep telling her I will. She said she had a good day though.


I was on my own at work this afternoon, I struggled at first but eventually I got it together. I think this job is good for me I'm learning new things and I feel wanted instead of being a spare part that people have to try and find work for.

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