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Something to keep me motivated


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I think it was a combination of stress and excitement, I'm started the training for my new job yesterday. I was talking to the woman I'll be working with about how a few people want me to carry on doing work for them in my new job she said I'm unlikely to have time. Luckily the training wasn't hard at all, it was mainly incase the girl I'm covering went off early. I've just got half a day of training today so I can finish off all the little jobs before I go away tomorrow.


I really need to finish packing I didn't do any yesterday because we went out to celebrate my sisters birthday. My family are going out to lunch with her so my nan gets to go we were going to go out to dinner tonight but I couldn't go, hence why we went out last night. I need to go karate I've missed quite a few lessons and I'm grading soon. My sister went out for cocktails on my birthday so I didn't really feel guilty about missing it, if it had of happened.


I've been feeling bloated lately I think it's paranoia that I'm going to start my period on holiday.

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I'm almost packed.


I only did an hour of training today they decided it would be better if I learnt on the job I know the basics in case she goes on maternity early which fingers crossed she won't.


There's a guy at the club I've joined that I'm starting to like and I saw he'd added me on Facebook. That made me stupidly happy.


My backs really sore I'm hoping a week of lying around will fix it if not I'm going the doctors.


It saddened me to find twerking had made it into the dictionary, it also saddens me that I found out what it means.


I'm so excited to be going away!

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I've also gone from a 36D to a 34DD, so I hope I can get away with my bikinis. Isn't it typical that my cheap bras are ok but my expensive ones are the ones that blatantly don't fit. So I guess I'm going bra shopping next payday I might just buy more cheap ones though since I've got nobody to wear them for, besides they're more comfortable.

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I'm going to Gran Canaria, sun, sand, sea and bread rolls!


Yeah I did, I need to get some bigger needles for it though and some more wool. I might wait until after my exam and treat myself to it. My sisters got me playing on pokemon for now so I won't get bored.

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Feel a bit better now. I soaked my hair and exfoliated. I'm cleaning my room now.


My scalp was really itchy on holiday I don't know why I checked it for sun burn but the only place that would have happened is my parting since my hair is quite thick and it was fine. I've put some tea tree oil on it since that normally soothes it. I can't use anti dandruff shampoo since I'm allergic.


I guess I should get to tidying my room and rehydrating!

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I went out tonight with a friend, we went to the pub and to see Kickass 2 it wasn't as good as the first one but still good. We didn't invite my other friend didn't even discuss it guess she feels the same way as I do.


I saw my ex at the cinema he's not normally there when I go I just went in a different queue it didn't really affect my apart from me looking out for him and getting a bit louder. It's like I don't want him to see me but how dare he not notice me, if you know what I mean.


I had an odd dream last night my friend, who's been out of contact with us for over a year, I spotted her sunbathing in front of me I went up to her and said so you've been here the whole f-ing time and tell us. She started chasing me around the place as I hid because I was to angry to see her. I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw her again we were all really close and she just disappeared without a word.


Well off to the gym, sigh....

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Glad you had a nice holiday. A couple of months ago, I developed an itchy and flakey scalp and my doc said it was likely a reaction to amonia-based hair-coloring. He told me to moisturise the scalp and the best thing I found was Eczema cream which helped a lot with the itchiness. It looked hideous of course, but I used it when I wasn't at work.


I have found a hairdresser reasonably locally who uses gentle, organic products and I've stopped having my hair colored with chemical colorants. It's made world of difference to my hair.

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I did get it done by someone else this month, the tea tree oil seems to have done the trick though. I'm not sure how long I'll stay blonde for normally I go back to brown in the winter and stop dying it, so it gets a bit healthier.


I'm not sure if there are any places like that around me at the moment and I'm not sure if I could afford them I might have a look though, thanks.

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Oh wow! So today I booked a three week holiday to Japan and found a place to live.


When I started saving I said my goals were a house, a car and a trip to Japan. I saved up £11,000 in June I've saved a £700 more since and spend £700 on a laptop, £4000 on a car and £1000 on my trip to Japan that will be upped by another £2000 spending money.


After that I'll have only £4000 left I know I've gained more than I've lost in terms of freedom and experiences but all that money gone. Makes me a bit sad after all the hard work I put into saving it. At least I can try and save it again take me longer but I'm in no rush into buy a house. If life goes to plan, which it rarely does, I will buy on with the man I will marry or at least start a family with.


You can tell I'm a dreamer.

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I'm sure you will have a great time in Japan too.


I found my hairdresser through googling (I think I googled Hairdressers Organic Products) and she is no more expensive than most hairdressers. The place I was going to before her was super-cheap and they managed that through using really cheap products. My hair is now the shortest it has been for many, many years and I am not blonde anymore - though she says it's possible after around a year if I want. It's not just about wrecking your hair though - a lot of those products contain carcinogens which can be absorbed through the skin on your head. What is especially dangerous though is a lot of salon semi-permanent straightening products which contain formaldehyde. I had that done once, distinctly recall that smell but was given no warning. Sad fact is that hairdressers themselves face high risks of various cancers due to the chemicals they come into contact with. I have had bladder cancer which has been linked to hair products and there has been a high rate of it noted amongst hairdressers. In my case, the cancer is more likely due to smoking. I have been cancer-free since February.

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Oh wow, I never realised it was so bad for you. I've never considered semi-permanent straighting before luckily. I normally only dye my hair in the summer. I just checked on google and there doesn't seem to be anything near me but I need my hair cut soon so I may ask them they might know someplace.


I'm really glad your cancer free now and I hope it never comes back.

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You can buy the products online CC and they aren't expensive. There are quite a lot of different brands. She said that I can have my color dyed any shade I like. I'm not going blonde again for a while at least because my hair has been damaged, but I will likely go redhead soon. The one I am going to try is just a washout color but she has semi-permanents as well. I straighten my hair with a straightener once or twice a week, and I have one of her products which I use beforehand which protects the hair from the heat of the straightener. The salons here are not well-known just yet, but they seem to be growing and that would partly be due to an increase in people developing allergic reactions to a lot of the chemicals used in hair products. If you already have some allergies (as I do), it is something worth being mindful to.

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I hope you have a great time in Japan! One of my girlfriends here is Japanese. Her husband is Canadian. He met her while he was teaching English in Japan. He was in Japan teaching English for about 10 years. And in that time he learned speak Japanese. They got married while he was in Japan but then they broke up and divorced. He was upset and returned to Canada. Even after he returned home they were still talking and decided that she would emigrate here and they would remarry. So she immigrated here three years ago and they remarried.

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Aww that's quiet romantic. May be I'll meet some one in Japan. Be one hell of a long distance relationship though.


My first day back wasn't bad at all I feel rather refreshed I can't wait to start my new job next week.


Communication problems are really starting to show in one of the jobs I'm working, typically my boss is off so I can't sort out what's happening with it once I move he refuses to deal with so now I'm forced to go one step higher. I hate going over people's heads but what else can I do, I know everything will get dumped on me and I'll get blamed if I don't. Other than that though good day.


It's freezing and I'm curled up in bed waiting for dinner might as well make the most if it before I move out. looking forward to karate.


I might cancel my crunchy roll paying membership and switch back to free. I'm barely watching it now I'm catching up with one piece and playing pokemon. Damn I'm cool.

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Hmm so I went on my computer to try and fix and it was working... Well the Internet wasn't but at least it's an improvement I quickly changed the background incase it decided to revert back to freezing and turned it off hopefully it will work tomorrow.


Goodnight everyone!

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