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Something to keep me motivated


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So I went to night and as always enjoyed myself. the guy I like wasn't there but in some ways that was good because I was less self conscious.


Busy weeks make me happy.


I'm starting to realise lately just how much I hate my job, even some of the people are starting to annoy me. I need to start looking harder for a job but there's no point until September and I'm moving just before then. I might apply for local jobs for a few months and then branch out further as my renting contract ends.


I'm constantly hungry at the moment. Gahh, how am I going to loose weight, I already exercise quite a bit.

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I have a headache from heat.

I'm going to the gym anyway though.

My colleagues put the cricket on in my office so I moved out and I'm really uncomfortable, glad they're off tomorrow. Plus tomorrow is my last day before I'm off for a week! I have't had a week off since Christmas. Work really got me through my break up, the structure really helped.

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So I went to the gym and got myself on a starter program, think I'll do it twice a week and swim twice a week. The personal trainers breath stunk other than that though he was helpful.


Tried to making sushi but I forgot to buy nori. I also saw an awful looking pink limbo.


My hay fever is so bad at the moment I can barely breathe and I've taken an extra tablet.

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That fitness trainer seriously over estimated my fitness level. My backs a bit sore and my left arm too.


I had to do these leg pull ups damn that was torture, I couldn't finish them. I also had to stop halfway on the cross trainer think I should have broken up the cardio a bit. I had to turn down the speed on the treadmill as well because of chest pains. This is going to be fun.


No more work for nine days!

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I went to comic con today (Cool, aren't I I was surprised that my friend turned up on time. She's going abroad to stay with this guy who may or may not like her, I am worried about her she's been making some odd decisions. But the flights have all been booked and everything so I can hardly convince her to not go now. She said she may start looking for a job soon, pfft.


Comic con was good apart from the fact we had to do a lot of waiting, I'm talking 2 plus hours to get in. Me being me ending up buying quite a bit of food but I can send most it off, so that's ok.


I'm so tired not my feet hurt and my thighs and stomach muscles hurt from the gym yesterday. If I get up in time I may go for a swim tomorrow.

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Still sore I went swimming in the morning and biking in the evening. I had to bike slowly because my knees hurt even my unfit friend was faster than me!


I was packing for Edinburgh and looking through my old clothes reminded me of my ex, I hate signs that I'm not fully over him. I feel I should be by now.


I'm going to be so tired this week but hopefully it will be really fun!

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So I'm back from my trip, it was good and I mostly enjoyed it. My friend can't half moan though, mainly about being broke but she also got moaning about relationships, and of course I ended up joining in. I even dreamed about him last night. I'm glad to be back, going the zoo tomorrow. We mostly walked around chatting and we ate loads! I think I had 4 meals a day.


I feel to properly get over my ex I need a new relationship. I've always had trust issues, in some things I never fully trusted him. Funnily enough he betrayed me in the one way I trusted him fully.


Can't wait to get into my own bed.

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Hmm so I text him back who is this, I thought I recognised the end of his number but I haven't seen it since April so I may be wrong. I kept checking for a reply and my phone ran out of charge. I really don't want to charge it up, I honestly thought I should have recovered more by now. If it is him and he replies, what shall I do?

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So it was him and we've been exchanging texts, nothing serious just catching up with things really. I've been taking my time with replying and I think it's occasionally annoying him. I'm not doing it to annoy him I just don't feel that into it, plus I'm expecting him at any minute to start telling me I'm wrong about something or try to manipulate me. I can't tell if that's what he's really like or just how I picture him now.


Back at work tomorrow and my interview!


My arms hurt from my workout yesterday too, gonna go swimming in a bit.

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So he's been answering my texts quite quickly this morning but considering most of them have been him mocking my car I cba anymore and am just going for that swim I keep putting off. Kind of nice as he's texting me I'm thinking I did the right thing in dumping him.

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So I went the cinema (he works there) I didn't see him thank god I nearly canceled when he first text me but I decided not to let him affect my decisions.


Hmm he just offered to service my car if it needs it.

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I'm finding myself answering his texts slower and slower, I think I've started something that I didn't want to but it would be rude to just stop.


My interview went quite well though I discovered I spoke to him when I was drunk, luckily there an outgoing bunch so it shouldn't affect anything. One woman who I will be working with, if I get it, put up a picture of Fifty Shades of Grey as her hobby in a staff meeting.

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So I didn't bother texting my ex back, I was to busy texting people that I'd got a new job. and I've just come home and found another text apologising about making fun of me for putting the handbrake on all the time. This actually made me angry because he knows I want an apology for how he treated me but he gives me one for this instead! It's not even something I cared that he did he couldn't drive so I took it as ignorance why would I need an apology for that!

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Had a bit of a moment today. I Asked the batman what the new pear gold J2O tasted like, I quickly realised my mistake and said don't say pear before realising that made me sound even more stupid. He said "well I was going to say pear I don't know how else to describe pear." I actually meant what did the gold bit stand for and after looking at the bottle, after I'd sat down, I found out it stood for guava, I was tempted to tell him but decided I'd made a big enough fool of myself already.

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Hello (I think not sure if anyone reads this),


I made an error at work today and split a big file into thousands of little files on my desktop and pretty much froze my computer. I had to go to IT to fix it, and spent an hour without my computer with no work to do. I'd foolishly done all my paper work and I cleaned my desk before I went on holiday, spent most of it on ENA...


I went out to night after karate even though I was really tired and spent most of the night talking to the guy I like.

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I went out to dinner with my family to celebrate my secondment, I now have a start date September 16th.


I went swimming today, I kept getting a pain belw my ribs after I did back stroke though.


Meeting with the ex tomorrow. I lied to my Mum about it. She was asking if I was meeting a guy or girl, I said girl and when she looked disappointed I told her I could still be what she thought, not sure if she thinks I'm bisexual or just trying to annoy her, but then again neither do I.


I wish this water would get out of my ear and my back would stop hurting.

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