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Three weeks NC


My heads been all over the place this week. I've also been extremely busy. I think I've got my head sorted. I'm not sure when I'm going to get a proper day/evening to myself. I've been going to the gym a lot, which is my version of alone time at the moment. It's not shifting the weight though.

I will eventually post properly.

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These are some of my favourites that I stole from my sister as I forgot my camera.


The first (from my last post) is some yummy bread rolls coated in sugar, then we went up a really steep hill to a mirror maze which is why we all look really sort in the photos, the fourth photo is also taken from the hill. I was worth it to get a great view of Prague! The third is a picture of a stain glass window from the cathedral in Prague castle. It was really beautiful both the cathedral and the castle. The fifth and sixth are of the astrological clock tower and the view from the top.


We had a really great time over there alcohol is really quite cheap and there's loads to see and do in the day time.

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We're having a Halloween party tonight. I've never really been to one before, so this is really exciting since we're hosting it as well. We've put some decorations up and I've bought a witch costume. One of my housemates is being really grumpy and is acting like a party pooper. I get that he doesn't like parties but wow, lately he's been grumpy about everything, especially things to do with women. I'm thinking women trouble because of that but he hasn't said anything. I've started to avoid him, he's the one I usually spend a lot of time with.

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I ate too much cake and I feel sick.


So I'm a bit of a paranoid person so a while ago I bought a pregnancy text because me and T weren't being too careful. I took it this morning, I pretty much knew I wasn't pregnant but I always get paranoid at certain times of the month. Yeah as I knew it would be it was negative but at least now I can go and get drunk without worrying that I'm damaging a fetus.

I can also stop worrying I'm going to need to contact him, because there's no other reason too.

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Our Halloween party was a blast. We had some drinks at home then went out to town. We got very drunk. One of my housemates pulled about five guys. I ended up kissing my one of my housemates, lucky it's not too awkward between us. I do feel awkward when one of my other housemates keeps flirting with me in front of him. Only three of us from the house went out to town and we've all managed to keep our mouth shut. I wonder how long that will last...

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It was fun, the hangover not so much. 😋


Today is day one of me actually getting my butt in gear and losing some weight. There no more unhealthy food left and nor will there be for at least one stone. Lots of grains, rice and sweet potatoes for me!

I should probably limit my alcohol intake more as well, I don't mind so much if I go out because then I at least burn some of it walking and dancing.

I made some very weird soup last night for my lunch for the week, I was too scared to taste it, so it's gonna ba a surprise.

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So I didn't end up having the soup as a lunch got cancelled and we always get first pick of the food. I didn't go to mad, just a few sandwiches. I had a healthy dinner and went the gym so not too bad.

I'm at my highest weight in years possibly ever.

Already ate some biscuits this morning my breakfast wasn't too filling, trying not to obsess but I really want to lose this weight by Christmas if I can.

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Ok, so I had cake and ice cream yesterday as well. I was hungry before bed but managed to ignore it and turn down chocolate.

I think I need to work on shrinking my appetite a bit.

In other news half way through the month and most of my money is gone. I'm going to try a budgeting app. I the moment I have no idea what I'm spending and what it's going on.


In really good exciting news, I'm starting my new job on Monday!

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Today is 30 days NC. I think your supposed to assess how you feel afterwards, so here it goes...


I feel much less guilty after thinking it through I believe it was good for the both of us to give it another try as we both now know it with never work and there is no what if.

I still feel sad to have lost him as a friend but I've also lost other friends growing up and I know I will make more and survive without him.

I don't think about him often, though still every day. There is also hardly any emotion attached to that thinking.

I'm glad I didn't stick it out, but I worries me that I considered it despite the fact I didn't think I could be happy. I don't want to get into a relationship like that again.

Over all I feel more distant, stronger and happy to be single.

I'm also quite enjoying myself at the moment. New(ish) job and the festive season coming up. I feel I'm now free to go do whatever I want, I just need to decide what that is!


P.S I'm also going to unblock him on my phone so his number is completely deleted from my phone. I'm 95% sure he won't contact me and 99% sure I can handle it if he does.


Off to the gym now!

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Thanks Silver.


I went on a walk with my housemate D today. I forgot how much of a downer he is. I came home feeling fairly sad. I need to limit my time with him I think.

My Nan has hurt her back and can't get out of bed. I couldn't go see her because of it.

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