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Something to keep me motivated


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It's in the north of Wales. I had a great time. T was really great he was teasing me loads and I was laughing the whole weekend. There was even moments of sweetness from him. He's been trying harder the last few weeks and I feel so much better about us. We went on the pier, on a toboggan ride and for a walk on the beach. The hotel was really nice. I can honestly say I felt the happiest there than I have in a while. I'm really happy our holiday went well because that was the most time we've spent together in a while. We went on a short holiday the last time we were together but it didn't go great we both got really moody with each other. It's great it went well this time particularly because we were both quiet tired. It's going to be our 6 month in a couple of weeks, the second time.

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Having a bf is really not good for your health. I've gained nearly a stone since we started going out. It's not all that though I guess, I've also had a few injuries. I went to karate yesterday and found I was really out of shape. I went the gym as well today even though I normally consider it my rest day. I had a healthy dinner, though I had a bit of chocolate afterwards.


My colleague made a few jokes about me being pregnant (I had a cold and lost my appetite now I'm healthy it's back with a vengeance), the thing is T and I haven't been as careful as late and it's made me paranoid. I'm not sue on for a few weeks but I'm thinking I'm going to have to get back on the pill. I don't really want to because I hate how it affects me but I guess I don't really have a choice.


I've been getting a lot of calls from recruitment agencies lately which I guess is good. Job searching isn't fun but I guess it's better than being stuck in my current job for ever.


Sorry, my posts are never happy. I'll end with T changed his shift so he could spend the evening with me, he is sweet sometimes.

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I watched the Great British Bake Off last night. It was so good. I'm really poor but I'm gonna go out and buy the ingredients for a lemon drizzle cake. I asked T a while ago if he had any cake requests. I bake every couple of weeks so I have the basic ingredients and I'm slowly building up on cooking utensils I bought a cooling rack and a pipe bag last night for £3.50. I have to whisk everything buy hand but at I can keep a close eye on it and it's good for the arms. I mainly make sponge cake but I'm thinking of trying to branch out a bit. I would love to bake bread but I've only been successful once and our ovens a bit dodgy.

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I broke the tap before I went to work today. I woke my housemate up because I couldn't fix it, then left for work. I'm just that good a person. Luckily he was working from home and I really couldn't have helped anyway. The landlord has fixed it now.


My paranoia has been growing to I've ended up buying a pregnancy test, I have used it yet. I'm not due on for a week...


I've sent my ring in for resizing I feel so odd without it. I tried to get my watch fixed as well as the hands came off but I forgot the insurance policy.


and last but not least, I sat in my dinner.

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T and I have been back together for six months tody.

I got my run back T went and picked it up for me. It feels much better, I'm not worried about losing it now.

T was very grumpy yesterday I'm hoping he's better today, if guys have a time of the month then it's definitely his. He wasn't bad with me though it was his Mum who peed him off, he phoned me after a nap and was just happy joking with me.

I'm going up to Edinburgh next week, I'm really excited because I'm finally going to see the Fringe! Plus six days off work isn't bad.

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So T and I have discussed moving in. One the one hand it hasn't really sunk in on the other hand I'm over thinking it a lot.... In typical T fashion he's looking at places without really discussing it with me. He was showing me this place that's adds a third on to my journey to work (over doubles it if I manage to get a job in the area I want), is away from all my friends and is in the middle of nowhere because it was where he wants to live despite the fact I told him I would hate to live some where like that. Maybe I would like it when I'm older but right now I like to be able to walk places easily. Pus I get get scared in the house alone a fear which is made worse the less people/neighbours there are around. I like my life as it is, I know I can't have it completely the way want but surely I shouldn't have to tear up my life so much? I dunno, we might not even be able to afford it, rent around here is very over priced.

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I have an interview tomorrow. The job pays significantly less, in fact it's so low I might be entitled to help. It would be a shorter journey to work though and hopefully in a year or two I could be earning more as I'm over qualified for the job I just lack experience.

I can't wait for my six days off I'm really tired. Just one more day to go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I haven't posted for a while.

T and I are on a break. I just have no idea what to do. My job sucks at the moment as well. It's pretty clear that my boss doesn't trust me. I just want to get out of there.

I know it sounds a bit sad but I can see why people run away in the movies, I wish I could do that. But lifes not that cheap and it's not easy to find a job in the UK.

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Yeah, my life sucks at the moment. I'm the only one who can change it though.


My interview went well, apparently. They said they'd get back to me on Wednesday, but they didn't of course. I have another interview Tuesday morning. It's for an apprenticeship. I figured I might as well try.

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I saw T last night.

He said he was ready to get back together but he didn't want to complicate things between us, when I asked how it would complicate things he just kept saying I don't know. I ask if it was because if it was because if we're in a relationship then we may have a future together he said no and wouldn't really discuss it further. I told him I wasn't ready to get back together yet. We've barely spoke or seen each other lately. I didn't mention all the reasons why, he completely shut down after that. Well we had a few decent moments but he started getting really grumpy and just a tad needy.

He's started smoking, he said he only had on 8 hours before seeing me and he'd brushed his teeth since but I could still smell it on him and taste it when I kissed him. It wasn't pleasant and he seemed to be upset when I wasn't as into kissing him.

I'm starting to consider not getting back with him. I need to sort out my feeling because I'm not sure what I want.

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Also I had an interview yesterday, it went well. In fact I've been invited for a second one, its only me and one other person. I need to do a presentation, I've never had to do one for an interview before. I guess they want to see how I act under pressure. It's at 8:00AM on Friday. Its a good job I'm va morning person! It would be a slightly shorter drive than to my current place and in the opposite direction, which would be interesting for karate which is in my parents town.

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Thanks Silver.


At the moment the biggest thing stopping me getting back with T is that his life is a bit of a mess and I'm not sure us being together is a good thing for either of us.

He's in debt but spending lots of money on things he doesn't need.

He's not eating apparently he's so stressed his stomach has shrunk, he's lost quite a bit of weight.

He's started smoking, I don't smoke and most of the early deaths in my family have due to smoking.

He's working 50 plus hours a week on an opposite schedule to me.

Its not all bad.

He's still job searching for a job in his wanted career.

He's also on probation for supervisor job which comes with a decent pay rise.

If we hadn't have had the fight and broken up then I would give him more time but because we did I'm wondering if it's worth getting back together.

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