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Something to keep me motivated


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My last night in Japan tonight. I brought a toy red dog called Rover with me that I've had since I was seven. Yesterday when I came home I found he was missing. I went down to reception but they said they couldn't look until morning., I think the cleaners took him as he was possibly tangled in the sheets. I went down again and said they'd look for me, I've not long come home and they said they didn't find him but they'd look again tomorrow, but I'm leaving at 10 so it's unlikely they'll find him by then. They cleaned our room again (they normally only do it every couple of days) so I think they tried to look for him in the room. But believe me I looked. I know he's only a toy but he's really special to me, it ended up being the first time I cried since my break up. I might ask them if they could send him to me in England, I would pay the postage. It's hard to communicate because they don't speak much English.

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I had a great time thanks Silver. They found Rover unfortunately I had to catch a plane so they're shipping him over. I went to bed at 12 and now I'm wide awake at 5. Considering my Friday extended by 8 hours thats probably not good.

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Thanks Silver, I nearly lost my camera on the plane as well. I was so tired!


I spent the weekend with T, it was really good. I asked to have a proper talk with him because I was still worried about a few things. He was really open and I liked his answers so I feel much better now. He wants a future with me. He said the apart conformed that for him. I had a really good weekend with him. I didn't sleep to badly either.


Being back though has made me think about applying for jobs, I'm a bit scared but I guess if I want my chosen career I'm going to have to look. I also want to start studying again. Hopefully since I live away from my family it will be easier to concentrate. BUt before I do that. I need new car insurance. Bye bye money.

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I went up down to see my Nan and Auntie yesterday. Three hour drive there, two back. We got stuck in loads of traffic on the motorway. I showed my Nan my photos from my holiday and she said she was proud of me and thinks I've done well considering I didn't go to university. It was nice to hear.


I've started reading the induction to my course, I hope it goes well. I'm going to have to get back into the swing of things to study.


I'm going to make Easter brownies for T, I figured it would be more personal than an egg.


I'm a bit scared since we've said I love you, I think maybe he is too. I wanted things to go really slowly. We've been spending about 3-4 days a week together so I guess that isn't that slow. I'll have my course to do now so I can prioritise that a bit more. I'm also scared that now he can hurt me where as before it would have been easier to deal with, I guess I'll have to trust him.


Anyways I should get my butt outta bed. Happy Easter everyone!

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My study materials arrive today. I've looked through the induction online and I'm quiet excited. I told T I wasn't seeing him so I could start studying. I spent most of yesterday with him so he can't really complain.


We bickered a lot on Sunday, I think we were feelin vulnerable. I'm also not letting him get away with as much as he used too.

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My materials arrived! After half an hour of studying I felt tired so I stopped. I made a start at least. I need to start going to bed earlier when T comes around he like to go to bed between 2-4 but I can't stay asleep after 8. I can when I'm alone but only until 9. So ex both end up really tired. I don't mind losing an hour or two because that's easy to catch up on but four just knackers me. We had a nap on Sunday but it still wasn't enough. Another reason why I didn't want to see him, plus since it's still early I think it's better to have some time to ourselves even if we chat occasionally during it.


I feel a power struggle between us at the moment as he try's to get his own way like he used to, this time I'm fighting back and he's not used to it I'm sure we'll find a balance though. One we're both happy with.

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We had a bit of a disagreement last night. He thought he was being sweet by adding our relationship on Facebook but I'm not sure I want it on there after last time. He stopped talking to me and I had to go to bed, he messaged me at 4:00am to say he understood my point of view and should have spoken to me first. Of course now is the time I have to cancel on him because my bestfriend is only free when I was supposed to see him. I don't get to see her often because she's 4 hours away and doesn't get to come down often. Timing sucks sometimes. Oh yeah I'm also on my period, why did I want them back again?

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Yeah it seems pretty good at the moment. I keep waiting for something to go wrong.


I have to wash my hair everyday, it really annoys me especially now I'm growing it long because it costs a lot of money and time. Plus apparently it's unhealthy. I read the best way to do it is just stop washing it as often and power through. Last time I tried it took about 6 months to get less greasy. I'm going to try and wash it even less often so hopefully it won't take as long. I feel gross though. I also need to buy some gentle shampoo that doesn't contain sulphates. I hope it's not too expensive.


Oh and T was fine with me cancelling.

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So I tried the apple cider vinegar. I'm not sure my hair feels softer. It feels thicker which given that ny hairs already quite thick isn't really what I wanted. I'm going to keep trying it for a few more weeks see if it helps. I don't kind if it dry's my hair a bit if it means it's less greasy. I really need to dye my hair it looks terrible. I need to find an affordable place to do it though. I'm not changing the guy who cuts ny hair though. I tried that and they did a horrible job. I'm not sure about growing it long either but T doesn't want me to cut it short.

It's really busy at work today!

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Yeah, not good they sent me a report in broken English the gist seems to be they found him then forgot where they put him and lost him again.


T and I are job searching together today. It's quite nice actually, I've snuck some chores in too. He keeps coming over for a kiss, it's really sweet. I kind of like it when I'm on and we can't have sex, we're certainly more productive. I'm searching for exclusively accountancy jobs the pay seems to be the same as of slightly higher then what I'm on now. It's odd to me that I'm not entry level any more that I actually have three and a half years work experience behind me. T isn't as focused in his search he just wants to get out his current job as they don't treat him well and they're reducing his hours. That's the one thing I worry about in getting a new job if the people are nice or not, where I work the people are extremely nice.

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So the good news... My hairs getting less greasy.


And the bad news... I think I go chronologically.


I've heard rumours lately about my secondment; firstly that there may not be work for me in my original job and secondly that my secondment might be longer than I thought. I asked HR and they said they didn't know anything and to ask my manager... Who knew nothing. He is sorting it out for me though.


Secondly, I don't know if I mentioned it but my nan came out of hospital on Easter Sunday. She kind of got shoved out with only a days notice and no care package in place which apparently was due to my Uncle. She fell today and is now in A&E. This is the third time she's come home and fell. I think she needs to go into a home before she does some serious damage, though she may have done so already.


Lastly, T came over. He's hurt his knee. I made him some dinner gave him a back rub then. Poored all my insecurities about our relationship all over him. Which made him feel insecure. Aren't I a great girlfriend?


I'm tired gonna read my book and try and get some sleep.

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So I've been telling people about T and I getting back together. They keep questioning my decision, I understand why but it's making me question my decision and doubts are creeping in. I feel like I'm pulling away from T because of it which isn't fair because he hasn't done anything wrong. I think I've told most people now so at least it's over and done with.


T knows I keep a journal on here, I have a paper one as well that he's always known about and he's always said he doesn't have any interest in reading it. The other night he asked if he could read this one, I think it's because I told him I get all my worries out here and sort my head out before I ask him anything. I said no, he seemed ok with it.

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It's hard to get back into a study routine once your out of it. I need to study tonight. I'm so tired though I keep losing an hour of sleep a night hopefully this three day weekend will help. I was supposed to have Sunday to myself but apparently I doubt know what that means because now I'm visiting my Nan and my parents. Ahh well I got this evening to myself and I'm hoping to have my Tuesday. I'm really trying to get my sowing done because I want to make a scrapbook of my holiday to Japan, no idea where to start with that though.

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I forgot how easy it is to get distracted when studying I managed an hour, which is a start. I'm going to treat myself to some sowing now get an early night and crack on tomorrow after a decent nights sleep!

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