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So now to write the post I've been putting off all day...


I went to the pub to meet up with the girls as we were having an anti-valentines night. They were all a little older than me which was nice as they knew how to handle their alcohol and have a good time. Well one had a bit too much but they loaded her into a taxi, who took her home. It was really fun we drank danced and had fun. I got quite buzzed. My ex text me while I was at a night club and asked if I wanted to hang out as he'd just finished work. I thought great, I don't need a taxi (I hate taxi's, I've heard to many bad stories). So he picked me up and we went off to a casino. We ended up having a bit of a heart to heart where he admitted 80% of the break up was his fault and the 20% that was mine was because I didn't communicate, which was because of how he was acting. I came really out of the blue for him. It eased a lot of tension between us which is possibly why things escalated.


When he first picked me up I was pretty buzzed and when I'm drunk I flirt (I'm sure you're starting to guess where this is heading). Well, we ended up at mine and we had sex...one and a half times (leg cramp issues)... so yeah we decided to be sex buddies. I'm actually ok with that, I'm not interested in being in a relationship with him and nobody's interested in me, so I kinda get the best of both worlds. I laid it out for him when he mentioned it, that if any feelings develop we stop (I have ENA to thank for that one). I know this might go wrong I'm not totally naive, but to be perfectly honest I miss sex and this is certainly preferable to picking up strange men. The only thing I'm really worried about is people judging me, though of course I don't have to tell anyone. Apart from guys of course as your my unbiased support system.

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My boss just came in sat at my colleagues desk and started typing furiously on her keyboard (her computer was off). Talked to casually whilst doing this, when I mentioned it was annoying me he said he was glad. I'm realising a typical man is grumpy 50% of the time and the other 50% is spent being annoying.


Kinda got some revenge though. He asked me to book a room and lunch for his meeting and I joked I'd order an extra lunch for me, turns out I actually did, haha.

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I'm still procrastinating about my other post but I had to write this before I tell someone I know because it's definitely TMI so feel free to skip.

I have just popped a huge spot located in amongst my pubes and worst of all I did it at work. It just really hurt to sit on it and I tried before work but obviously didn't get all of it. I'm sorry to anyone who just read that but I feel so much better.

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I'm covering reception at the moment so I thought I'd use the time to write a post. Though I've just had a glut of calls just after I wrote that, haha.


I'm now dating T. It's gone pretty quick but we have discussed things and we're going to take it slow. Though we don't really have any choice as I'm going on holiday and I'm fairly busy in the weeks leading up to it.

I know he's in a bit of a honeymoon phase at the moment so if we last the next few months I'll be seeing how acts when he comes out of it. The good thing is this time I'm being far more open with him and I have a lot more friend/ things to do so I'm not reliant on him to do something different or go out. I think that will help a lot for me.

Most importantly I've made it very clear that I one day want to get married and have kids.

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My parents are going to talk to my Nan about going into a home. She's not getting the care she needs. She's very down and it's not hep eddy the fact neither of her kids want to look after her. I could understand it more if they were busy but both of them are unemployed.


My run is on Sunday I think I can run the whole 5k now. I've raised over £200 which is great.


Things are going well with T, it's kinda weird not thinking of him as my ex on here. We're not seeing to much of each other as I'm really busy.


My stomachs gone quite hard, though there's a good layer of fat over it. my holiday to Japan is in less than three weeks too, I'm so excited.

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Funny you should mention my health Silver because I woke up with a cold this morning. I skipped karate so I finally get my night to relax and go to bed early.


I made pancakes with my housemate for Shrove Tuesday he bought the ingredients I didn't have and I made them. he said I could steal some more of the milk so I've made myself a hot chocolate.


I was feeling really grouchy this morning and nearly started an argument with T, luckily I realised what I was doing and apologised and concentrated on work instead. I definitely thanking ENA for that skill.

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My Nan's gone into a care home to escape my uncle. I'm happy she's being looked after but I'm sad she feels so bad and she has to escape from him. Apparently my uncles really angry because it's costing £400 a week and he thinks it's costing him as he sees my Nan's money as his own. Plus he's been pretending over the last few years that my Nan needed more care than she did so he could claim more money and now he's worried they'll find out and he'll go to prison again. Of course it's all my Nan's fault this is happening to him.


When the carers asked if she wanted to go into respite care and she said yes. He started talking about her funeral and said he would never speak to my Mum again. I just don't see what he's trying to do, he's such a horrible man.

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It's funny you call her my Nanna, I have a Nanna but the Nan I'm talking about is my Nanny. My Nanna is quite healthy if a little morbid and if my Dad treated her like my Uncle treats my Nanny, he'd have been cut out of the will and told not to bother seeing her again. My Nanna's very independent and does not want to end up like my Nanny at all. She's also very stubborn and does not like being taken advantage of or disrespected. She's also not that family orientated so I don't see her that often but my Dad does and I speak to her occasionally, only ever a couple of minutes because she's busy wanting to do something else. I worry more for my Dad than my Nanna because he'd have a very hard time if she ever needed care because she'd probably rather die! I know some of that sounds a bit sad but I know that's the way my Nanna would want it so I don't feel that bad.

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I visited my Nan today and she looks much happier. I have been really down worrying about her but she seems much better. My Uncle's still being a penis but that's not really a surprise. I went to see her with my Mum and my sister. She was watching the tv with a load of other people and she looked so cute. She was telling the lady next to her who had come to visit.


T's coming over to stay the night we haven't seen each other all week so we wanted to spend a bit of extra time together plus it will be nice for him to stay instead of driving home at stupid o'clock in the morning.


Someone left £10 in the self-checkout machine. I put it in my purse, then felt really guilty so I handed it in. They put it in there till so I'm guessing the supermarket will probably keep it.


My sister had a good first week at my work apparently she doesn't want to go back to school. 8) It's been quiet fun having her around. She occasionally comes down asking for work when she runs out. She also hangs out with me at lunch when she's not getting a free meal out. Work had a charity quiz night which we both attended. She didn't participate much but I think she enjoyed it. I'm glad she's enjoying it and hopefully getting something out of it. My work experience was useless I worked in a school. Basically they ran out of places and stuck me in whatever they had left. They nearly stuck me at a stables miles away from anything but my Dad wouldn't have it as they'd have had to drive me there for 8AM every weekday. I though my work would be quite good for my sister as she'd get to experience an office atmosphere and most jobs include admin work.


Anyway I want to catch up on some TV goodnight!

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I think look after horses.


I had a really good day with T today, we went to the park and saw some castle ruins. Then he went home and I did done shopping. I'm really tired but need to make dinner (Thai green curry) and do my washing. :sulkiness: My runs tomorrow!

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