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Something to keep me motivated


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I need to stop relying on people not to let me down.


On the plus side are kitchen light is working! As fun as it is making dinner in the dark, it's a hell of a lot easier to wash up.


It's weird not doing so much exercise, I've waking to work which is something I guess. I just hope it isn't damaging my foot. I want to incorporate more salad into my diet but every time I buy some leaves they go off. I think it's the spinach. I'm going to have to find out which leaves last.


A really cheap supermarket opened up right by me, I didn't like it a first because I didn't recognise the brands but I'm starting to warm up to it now. I keep telling myself that I'm saving money.

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One month on. I'm making sure I do it often otherwise I'll stop all together.


People keep giving me advise on how to get a guy and assuming I'm lonely but the truth is I don't really want a relationship at the moment I hate getting attention from guys that beyond friendly. I just want make some friends and get my life more settled. Besides I'm 22 it's. It's not like I'm running out of time to have kids. I wish people would stop going on.


I can't wait until I can run on Sunday. I'm going to look up some warm ups to make double sure I'm not doing anything wrong.


Nothing really planned for the weekend but to be honest I could do with resting I'm feeling drained.

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It was driving to book club today in the rain. I was stopped at the lights and when they went green I went forward as you do, until some idiot decided he'd go through his obviously now red light, luckily the way the junction is set out he was quite far away from me but I panicked and slammed on my breaks. I felt them go weird, I'm not sure if they locked or if something's happened to my tire, my car seemed to struggle when I recovered enough to go again. I think I panicked the person on my left because they suddenly stopped too, I forgot to look behind be. I hate people sometimes.


In better news I had a good time a book group, I left a bit early because I'm tired and I wanted a bit more time to myself.

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Eep... I'm getting my next tattoo tomorrow.


I'm getting a lift to the cinema tonight as I'm a bit scared to drive, I want my Dad to check my tires first.


I bought a packet of crisps at work today and two more fell out! I ask my colleague if I should fess up so they could put them back and she said she'd have a packet, haha. I then gave a packet to another colleague in front of my manager and he got really (mock) offended and kept going on about it. I thought he didn't like crisps as he doesn't like cakes but apparently I gave away his favourite flavour of crisps, oops. He kept bringing it up and saying he's been crying and I've ruined his day, then to top it off the colleague I gave the crisps too left one on my managers desk as a joke. I should have just kept them to myself.

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Today I've eaten a bacon butty and a sausage butty about 3:00pm a galaxy chocolate bar at 5:00pm and I've just bought a margarita pizza in case I get hungry it's 8:30pm. I'm allowed an off day right? I really can't be ar*ed today.

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Nothings taking a decent photo at the minute so I'll try and get my camera out in a bit.


There's two things that have been bothering me lately, firstly the assumption that I have had loads of dates and secondly apparently loads of people my age have bought houses, married and have or are trying for a child. Neither of them apply to me!


People keep saying I'm pretty so I must have had loads of dating experience and although I know I'm not ugly I don't consider myself that pretty either. But if these people are saying I am do I have a personality defect or something? I know I said I'm happy single a few posts back and I stand by that, but it does worry that people assume something that so isn't true. The second I heard yesterday so I think it just panicked me a bit, I also know loads of people that are no are no were near that and are older than me. I think it just hurts because it's something I want and it's so far away, even if (as I keep reminding myself) I have plenty of time, it doesn't always feel like it. It definitely makes me want to push harder for my career.


I met up with my ex T yesterday (he mentioned the second thing) it wasn't bad, he's quite good to talk too and it was nice talking to someone who knows me for a change. It didn't seem as weird as last time, the last six months of NC helped get rid of the most of the anger we had towards each other. After he messaged me and told me he'd missed me but he understood that it wasn't going to happen and he wanted me as a friend. I'm going to take it slowly for both of our sakes. We don't know if we can be friends yet. I rejected his facebook friend request, I want to see if we can be friends before I totally let him into my life. I feel good about seeing him though. I have missed him too, he's a good laugh and he's safe, if that makes sense.


I haven't slept much this weekend hopefully next weekend will be better. Though I'm supposed to be going out Friday (Valentines) night on a anti-valentines night. They said it was because they hate it, when I asked if it was cause they were single they said yeah, haha. Since I'm in the same boat they couldn't be angry at that comment.


I went to my parents today after visiting my Nan (who's had another fall, in the hospital this time). I hadn't seen them all week and I think they'd missed me. My Dad pumped up my tires for me. The front two were quite low, I feel better now they've been checked.


It's starting to get lighter and I'm loving it!

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Luckily I found some pads but I didn't half feel self conscious in my WHITE gii. I must have looked quite vain checking out my arse in the mirror. I have shoved a weeks worth of tampons in my bag, I could probably mop up the floods down south with the amount I've bought. Isn't it great being female, I almost wish I was back on birth control.

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Thank you. It means with an open mind, though it can also mean candid or frank.




I can hardly believe I've been single a year today. I feel like I'm in a much better place. I have to admit I've felt down occasionally for still being single on Valentines day but hey there's always next year.


I has the day off today to I went for a run, unfortunately it seems to have hurt my foot. I went and got my hair done by my favourite hairdresser. I tried to go to a cheaper place and I hated the cut she gave me, so I waited and grew it out a bit. It looks so much better he told me to let it grow for three months then go back.


I also got my shoes fixed, picked up a parcel and bought some new jeggings. It's pouring down outside which probably hasn't helped my mood. I can't wait to go out tonight, just got to decide what to wear!

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