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Something to keep me motivated


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I've been holding onto a lot of unnecessary anger lately and it's bringing me down. I also can't control my thoughts which lead me to this angry place. I really want to stop them but I don't know how.


I tried hard today to cheer myself up I went to the gym and baked a cake. It worked quite well but it's worn off now. Least tomorrow I'll be at work hopefully it'll be busy. You wouldn't think that most people would describe me as a really happy person.

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My boobs are so sore. I wish my period would come, it's so uncomfortable when I run.


I haven't been sleeping properly. It's making me miserable.


I'm thinking of doing this for my Nan. link removed[postal_code]=&distance[search_distance]=10000&distance[search_units]=mile&event-type[98]=98


I'd do the 5k, I think it would be good motivation for my running and I'd be doing it for my Nan.

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My boobs are so sore. I wish my period would come, it's so uncomfortable when I run.


I haven't been sleeping properly. It's making me miserable.


I'm thinking of doing this for my Nan. link removed[postal_code]=&distance[search_distance]=10000&distance[search_units]=mile&event-type[98]=98


I'd do the 5k, I think it would be good motivation for my running and I'd be doing it for my Nan.


Doing fundraising runs are great! Last year my husband did the half marathon for the Soldier On project. He's going to do it again this year and my son and I are going to do the 5K together.

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Yeah I hope I can do it. I increased my running to 6 minutes be fore walking (I'm still on the interval running). I'm going to have to push myself harder. The gym was manic but at least I did what I wanted there.


I made chilli con carne tonight. I was nice except the rice thinned it out to much I might have it with sweet potato wedges next time. I made enough for 3 days so I won't have to cook for a while. I learnt a new tip today, don't go for a shower after cooking with green chillies my face was on fire and I even got some in my eyes. My fingers are still occasionally burning.


My colleague was talking about meditation again. I would really like to get into it, but I feel for me it would be easier in a group setting. I'll have to see if there are any groups about.


I'm feeling a bit better now, still angry thoughts floating about but I'm trying to find reason behind them. I also think hormones may be having an affect guess I'll find out in a few days.... This is going to take some getting used to.

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Well my foot feels worse ended up having to do loads of walking and standing at work plus I got the train which involved walking. Good news is I've got some new running shoes that should support my foot.


I also left my keys at work on my way home so my parents had to post them through the door. Thank God they live next door to my work.

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I think my foot is healed. I went swimming yesterday to stretch it without putting any weight on it and it seemed fine not sure if I should do a run today or not.


It's my sisters birthday today to I need to wrap her presents. It's also my friends birthday, I went around to hers last night to play monopoly I didn't get back until 1:30. So much for an early night I can't sleep in that much so I ended up losing even more sleep. :splat:

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I decided to work out how much I weigh in pounds, I only know it in stone. Apparently it's 147-150lbs, it varies daily. After reading on here about how every one wants to be 130lbs or below it kind if got me down. I know I'm 10lbs over my bmi, I'm just under 5"3 (160cm). But I looked in the mirror yesterday when I was getting dressed In my underwear and you know what, I looked great, so much so it gave me confidence all day and I took another look today. Don't get me wrong I'd still like to lose a bit but I've toned up so much since going the gym. I think I'm not losing because I'm gaining muscle which is heavier. I went out on a walk today and I noticed I didn't get as tired as usual. It's given me a massive confidence boost and I can't wait to go running!

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The pain has now moved to the ball of my foot. I tried to run on it today but only managed nine minutes before it started hurting. I immediately stopped, did some weights, then went on the cross-trainer as it's less pressure on your feet. I managed 15 minutes before the pain kicked it. Wiggling it now it feels a bit more sore/stiff then when I went for a walk at lunch, so I probably over worked it. I'm not sure if I'll do any exercise tomorrow. I want to go for a run by the canal at the weekend since it'll actually be light, I'll make sure to take it easy. I've tried resting my foot but that doesn't seem to help either so I'm hoping light exercise will help or at least not hinder it.


I sent out my justgiving page at work today and got £20, I'm expecting to get more from a few people I know and hopefully I'll be able to send it out to my social group, I'm going to ask permission first though. Another reason I need to exercise.


I'm shattered I had to come in early for work and people keep making noise when I go to bed so it takes me ages to get to sleep. Only one more day to go and apart from visiting the bank, my Nan and getting some ice cream, I have no plans. I'm hoping the food market is in town so I can get my monthly burrito. I'm also treating my self to lunch at work.


As I didn't exercise as much last week I put on three pounds scary really I wonder what would happen if I stopped. I may not balloon that fast because you'd assume my appetite would decrease. Though I find exercise suppresses my appetite somewhat a walk at lunch helps my not feel as ravenous. So maybe I would because it would be boredom eating. Speaking of such I have nearly finished my chocolate. Everyone keeps telling me about they're diet but all I'm doing is making my way though my chocolate.... meh, there's always February.


I need to clean again, things get messy so quickly. I tidied up a bit today. I get fed up of having to wash up so often and putting things away, the boring life of an adult I guess.

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Just finished watching Never Let Me Go, not a film to cheer you up. I read the book over Christmas so I guess I new that. It wasn't that bad but it change a lot of little things that annoyed me a bit they also made a lot of scenes shorter but I guess they did have a budget. I'm gonna read my book to cheer me up a bit then retire for the night.


Hope you're all doing well.

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I went to the bank and sorted out my accounts. The woman was really helpful and nice which is always good. I'm going to go back in April to see about investing in an ISA at the moment I want easy access to my money. I've been thinking about starting the next part of my course when I get back from Japan I think it will help with getting a new job. Well also applying for new jobs would probably help too. I felt quite please when the woman told me I obviously knew about finance. Maybe I can't fix my car but I know how to budget for someone else doing it.


I went to get my buritto after but I found the market wasn't there. I bought some stuff to make one myself it won't be as nice but oh well.

I bought myself a nice dress and some DVD's as well. There was a flash hail storm when I came out the supermarket, luckily I was under cover but it made the roads really slippery. I opted not to walk back down the canal and went by the main road instead, turned out to be a good choice as they were less covered in ice because of the way the wind blew. I got home and thought I'd go the gym when the traffic died down. I ended up taking a two hour nap instead! I was very groggy when I woke up but I needed to otherwise I won't sleep tonight.


I just re-potted my plant and finished my Christmas chocolate! I'm going to tidy up and maybe do some online gaming tonight. I'm getting the playstation off my sister tomorrow so no way I'm getting bored the next few weeks. 8)

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Well I bet you do look good CC. I have lost a little too but I don't know that it is flattering to my face? I think when a lot of women get older, losing weight can make us look older. I know it does with my mother, and IA think with me too.


I have found that when My sweet tooth starts getting out of hand, I can manage it easily by eating Birchen muesli with a little plain light Greek style yoghurt. Years ago. I used to make sugarless oat and bran muffins which make you feel very full and you can't eat. I know that sago fills up the stomach but I don't know if it is high In calories.


Hope your pain is nothing serious. It doesn't sound right to me.

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Thanks Silver. I have good days and bad with my weight like most people. On the whole though I like my figure and the exercise I've been doing has certainly toned me up a bit.


It doesn't feel right to me either which is why I'm calling the doctor first thing tomorrow hopefully I can get it sorted ASAP.


I went to see my Nan today (I couldn't phone ahead as her phones been dodgy) only to find she'd fallen and been taken to hospital. My uncle decided nobody else needed to know. His exact words to my Mum is that she wasn't interested in my Nan. My parents are furious. My Dad thinks she needs to go in a home. I suspect one of the reasons she isn't in one at the moment is because my Uncle would lose the house and his carers allowance, why it has to be all about him I really don't know.


It's my Mum's birthday Wednesday, I just bought her gift, I was that focused on what cake to make her I forgot about her present!


Currently doing my nails as I haven't painted them in ages.

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I've made an appointment for 4:30 with nurse hopefully she can advise me on my foot, I also get to leave work early.


I also realised I spent £150 at the weekend I can afford it but I would rather save more. All the little things add up quickly. I think I might sell some of my clothes again, some things I hardly ever wear, though some are really pretty. Hmmm

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It's been a hard two weeks, busy and stressful. I think most of the stress is my own fault as well when one thing starts to stress me instead of focus on solving that I start thinking of all the other things I could be doing.


I had steak for my dinner tonight it was really yummy, if a tad expensive. I decided to treat myself as I had to stay late a work, means I get to go early tomorrow though. I ended up nearly crying in the shower though because it would warm up and I was freezing, that's normally a sign that I'm over tired so I'm going to try and make an effort to go to bed earlier tonight and at least if I fail I'm not doing anything Friday night.


My sisters coming round on Saturday we're going out to celebrate Chinese New Year on Sunday. A near by city is celebrating it all weekend with the main event on Sunday so I get to go round a pretty garden in Saturday. Hopefully I'll remember to bring my camera and I can take some pretty pictures.


I've been speaking to my ex the past week, it's helped me let go a lot of my anger and I feel calmer for it. I've also let go of my anger towards certain other people as a consequence.... though they still p*ss me off occasionally.


My Nan might be out of hospital on Monday as I might not be able to visit her before she gets out I gave my Mum a card to give to her, I was hand made by a colleague of mine and half the money goes to charity so I don't mind paying the bit extra especially when they're so pretty.


My Mum enjoyed her birthday I think. She went out for a meal with the family and one with my Dad. I think she liked the cake I made, I went round at lunch to have some. Not my type of cake but then it wasn't for me. I made everyone sing happy birthday to her and blow out her candles before she went to dinner because I wasn't going to be there when she got back. I dropped them off at their favourite restaurant before going home so they got a whiff of my very strong air freshener. 8)


I've got so much I want to do I need some more me time though. I went to club night last night and met some really nice people one even gave me a lift home. The pub was quite hard to find so I'm glad the next one is just up the canal from me.


I think I've gotten everything off my chest for now. Night all!

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Just started making my dinner when the power went out! It was pitch black and I ended up using a wooden spoon to find my way back to my room, with the irrational thought that someone had cut the power and was trying to kill me. I then lit a candle and shouted to my housemate because I was scared. I ate a trifle to tide me over but half an hour later the lights still hadn't come back on so we went the pub and I basically drank on an empty stomach. I got home at 11:30 and boy did I wolf down my dinner! I'm still feeling the affects of the alcohol but I'm feeling a lot better, it was actually a kinda fun night, glad I don't have work tomorrow.

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