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Something to keep me motivated


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I made risotto using some of the new things I bought it was yummy.


I bought myself a bento box and a bobble too.


I'm going to see my Nan tomorrow hopefully she'll be out before New Year.


I need to clean my room a find a place for all my new stuff. Though I know a way to clear a bit of space given I was give a lot of chocolate.

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Haha Silver, not sure if that's a compliment or not!


I made butternut squash risotto, I'll have to try pumpkin.


I've got the week off this week so I'm relaxing and trying to remember to drink enough, my throats starting to get a little sore. I hope your doing well Silver.

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My Nan seems quiet happy about getting out on Monday, though I think she's a bit worried on how my Uncle's going to behave. It will be nice to visit her in her own home again.


I went shopping and couldn't find the icing sugar, I'm going to have to nip into town and buy some. I want to make butterfly cakes for my family. Which reminds me I don't have a cake box..hmm can I justify buying one? Though I just emptied out a box, if I wash it, I guess that would do. I'm not low on money but I've spent a lot this week and January is a long month.


I'm not sure whether to go swimming or yoga tomorrow, maybe both but that would probably be excessive. Yoga leaves me feeling so calm and relaxed, could I be bothered to bake afterwards?


My period has started again. I hope this doesn't happen to often, hopefully it will be light and only last a couple of days. I wondered if it might because my breasts get really sore before hand, makes up for them being a little unpredictable.


Anyway I should be getting ready to go out, it's only a 15 minute walk away and it will be good for me to get out instead of watching American Horror Story and embroidering for a even more hours.

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I forgot to mention before, I've been doing three minute interval running at the gym. So I ran for my three minutes rested one and then started running again, I wondered if I would be able to run for four minutes... Wel I ended up running for eight! I would have ran for long but I was starting to get chest pains, I don't my hearts used to being pushed that hard. After my one minute rest I then ran another two minutes just to get to 15, they were actually harder than the eight. It's really motivated me to try harder.


It ended up being 49 year olds and me, haha. That kind of thing happens a lot actually, sometimes it's better than hanging out with people my own age.


I got a bit freaked out walking home though. Maybe I should watch American Horror story before going out.

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I took my sister to the zoo today. We had a good time, towards the end we started to act like kids running around and jumping over each other. I hope I'm still like that when I'm older. It rained for the first half but it wasn't that bad. Besides I live in Britain be weird if it wasn't raining.

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So it's 2014.


I spent it with my family, some people were going out to clubs but I didn't really fancy it besides it was all couples going and I didn't really fancy being a 3rd or 5th wheel. I had fun with my family though we watched a film ate some cheese and biscuits and wished each other a good 2014.


So for the New Years Resolutions:


1. Try harder at the gym, I want to be able to run for 20 minutes comfortably. (The one I'll be telling people if they ask)


2. I want a new job in the sector I'm studying.


3. I want to gain more confidence, not with the way I look I'm mostly fine about that (just the occasion fat/bad skin day), but the way I'm nervous about my personality, my morals and likes. I never compromise them but I do hide them to avoid conflict.


4. I want to stay happy and maybe find a partner but not be upset if I don't. I'm going to try and get out more and not just lie in my bed stitching and watching TV. Though of course everyone needs down time.


5. I want to be more relaxed about my hobbies and realise it's fine to take a break from them now and again they're supposed to be fun not an obligation.


Yeah so mainly things I'd like to improve more than achieve even if I can just improve each slightly I'll be happy.


This year I've also got JAPAN to look forward to.

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I think I'm getting the hang of this tapatalk, hopefully I've disabled the signature.

I had a bento box for my lunch today. I enjoyed the carrots and chicken but I undercooked and over salted the rice. Ahh well there's always tomorrow. Maybe I should have bought that rice cooker. Though I've got no where to store it.


Work is nice and quiet and its a four o'clock finish. Book group tonight.

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Accidently had a lie in this morning. I woke up five minutes before I was supposed to be at work. Oops. Feel better for it though.




I really wish my ex hadn't contacted me it keeps popping into my head, it's a lot easier to get rid of than it used to be. Its so annoying because I was getting to the stage where I'd only have one or two tiny passing thought's about him and it's gone back to me worrying about the consequences of ignoring his message, even though I didn't want to talk to him. Sigh, guess I'll just have to keep myself really occupied until it goes away. I'm going to Liverpool tomorrow, just to the museums. I've done more than enough shopping lately, though I wouldn't mind some more baking tins.

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I just randomly googled my name and I came up straight away on linkedin then apparently there are a few of us on pinterest, and if you take my user name from that you can find a few more sites with me on. It's hard to be anonymous. At least facebook didn't come up.

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